
A lady with a lovely face

Masseter Botox: The Secret to a Slimmer, More Defined Jawline

Having an overly square or masculine jawline can be a real confidence-killer. Fortunately, masseter Botox can enhance your profile and boost your self-esteem. But how much is masseter Botox and how does it work? Can it really transform your face from average to striking? Keep reading to learn the answers to these questions and more.

What Is Masseter Botox?

someone getting botox in the jaw

Botox is a solution containing botulinum toxin type A. This toxin acts as a paralytic and relaxes any muscle into which it’s injected. Take a minute to examine your jawline in the mirror. Clench your teeth together and notice how it looks like your face bulges out just a bit from your cheekbone to your lower jaw on either side. What you’re seeing is your masseter muscle contracting as you clench your jaw.

The masseter muscles are crucial to everyday function. They work hard to open and close your jaw when you talk, yawn, and chew food or gum. They also contribute to the overall shape of the jaw. Despite their relatively small size, the masseters are some of the body’s most powerful muscles.

Unfortunately, the masseters are prone to becoming overworked and bulky. Over time, too much tension in these important muscles can cause a variety of aesthetic and functional issues such as a boxy jawline, headaches, jaw pain, and disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). To help combat these problems, some people choose to receive Botox injections directly into their masseter muscles.

How Does Masseter Botox Work?

someone with a lean jawline

You now understand what masseter Botox is. But, what does masseter Botox do? This non-surgical cosmetic procedure blocks the nerve signals telling the masseter muscles to contract. This creates a stunning, jaw-slimming effect that many people desire. The effects of jaw Botox are temporary and usually last anywhere between three and six months.

During a masseter Botox appointment, a provider analyzes the masseter muscle to determine where to place the injections. Then, they may apply a numbing cream to the treatment area before injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin type A into the targeted areas through a narrow needle. You’ll go home the same day because this is an outpatient procedure with little to no downtime.

Benefits of Masseter Botox

Most people know they can get Botox injected into facial features like the lips, cheeks, and forehead. But many are completely unaware of Botox jawline slimming treatments. When injected into the masseter muscle, Botox can contour the jawline, making it appear less bulky and overpowering. Amazingly, Botox injections can also have the opposite effect and make an overly soft, shapeless jawline look more defined. Plus, strategically placed Botox injections can relieve many common ailments from overly tense masseter muscles. Here are some of the most exciting benefits Botox injections can offer:

  • More balanced facial features

  • More defined and sculpted jawline

  • Reduced bulkiness in the jaw and cheek areas

  • Non-surgical treatment

  • Natural-looking results

  • Minimal to no downtime

  • Jawline slimming effect

  • Relief from temporomandibular joint dysfunction and pain

Whether your jawline looks overly defined or overly rounded and weak, masseter Botox injections can help. Your injector will take time to ask you how you want your jawline to look and how to help you achieve the desired appearance.

How Much Is Masseter Botox?

As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of masseter Botox depends on various factors. Some of these include the provider’s location and experience, the underlying issue being addressed, and the number of Botox units injected. The cost for a single masseter Botox treatment can range from $400 to $900 or more. Schedule a consultation and receive a price estimate from your provider of choice so you know what to expect.

How Many Units for Masseter Botox?

Many patients wonder how many units of Botox for masseter TMJ they need to get optimal results. The answer to this question varies from one person to the next. Most providers offer anywhere between 15 and 50 units per side. Based on your underlying concerns, you may need more or fewer units than someone else. Many experts suggest receiving up to 15 units of Botox per side for your first appointment. This cautious approach allows your provider to see how your body responds to the injections.

Whether it’s your first appointment or your 20th, here are a few things your provider will consider when determining how many units of Botox to give you:

  • Treatment goals

  • Masseter muscle strength and tension levels

  • Individual anatomy

  • Desired outcome

It’s crucial to choose an injector who takes a personalized approach to treatment and gives you the appropriate number of unit injections for your situation. If your injector gives you too much Botox, it can cause your masseter muscles to sag due to over-relaxation. It could also cause your cheek to develop a dent.

How Long Does Masseter Botox Take to Work?

someone looking in the mirror

If you’re getting masseter Botox before a wedding, family pictures, or another big event in your life, you may wonder, “When does masseter Botox kick in?” Botox is fast-acting, and most people notice a change in their appearance soon after treatment. You may notice your face looking more angled, slimmer, and shapely within three days of receiving your injections. If you’re getting masseter Botox for TMJ issues, you should experience less pronounced pain within a few days, as well.

How Long Does Masseter Botox Last?

For most people, masseter Botox lasts up to six months. People’s bodies metabolize Botox at different rates, which is why the neurotoxin wears off more quickly for some than others. You’ll be able to tell when it’s time to get retreated. You may start to feel pain and tension returning to your jaw. Or you might notice that your jawline is beginning to look bulky and square-shaped again. When you see these indications, simply reach out to your injector and schedule a re-treatment appointment.

How Often to Get Masseter Botox

someone talking to someone before getting botox

As mentioned, people metabolize Botox injections at different rates. Some people need retreatment every four months to maintain their results. Others may be able to wait up to six months between retreatments. Schedule regular consultations with your injector to determine the ideal retreatment frequency for your aesthetic goals.

What Not to Do After Masseter Botox

Even though masseter Botox is a minimally invasive procedure, there are still certain things you should not do after your treatment if you want to enjoy optimal results. Here are some things you’ll want to avoid for at least 12 hours after your injections:

  • Don’t lay flat while sleeping. Instead, sleep with your head slightly elevated. You can do this by using multiple pillows, sleeping in a recliner, or placing blocks under the feet of your bed at night.

  • Don’t engage in vigorous activity for the first day. Intense exercises can increase blood flow to the treatment area and could potentially exacerbate inflammation and bruising.

  • Don’t put any kind of pressure on the jaw muscles for at least the first 12 hours after treatment. If you like to use a jade roller at night or massage tense facial muscles, take a short break from doing these things and let your masseters heal. Unnecessary pressure can lead to unwanted migration of your Botox injections.

  • Don’t take blood-thinning medications for 24 hours (at a minimum) before and after your appointment. Blood thinners can increase your bruising and bleeding risk. If you’re taking prescription blood thinners, talk to your doctor before stopping them.

  • Don’t get in a sauna, hot bath, or hot tub for at least 24 hours after Botox. Raising your body temperature can increase blood flow to the treated area and cause excessive relaxation of the muscles. This combination can increase the possibility of your Botox migrating to an unwanted area. Heat exposure could also potentially cause increased bruising or swelling around the treatment site.

  • Don’t drink alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours after your appointment. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, which can worsen your post-injection symptoms. It’s also a vasodilator, meaning it increases blood flow. Drinking alcohol too soon after your injections could increase bruising, swelling, and Botox migration risk.

  • Avoid smoking for at least a few days after getting Botox injections. Smoking regularly can have a negative impact on your Botox results. It won’t instantly reverse your outcome, but it can shorten the effects of your injections. People who smoke regularly may need to get maintenance Botox injections more frequently than those who don’t smoke.

These simple precautions can help you get the best possible treatment outcome from your masseter Botox injections. If you accidentally do any of these things and notice problems like lumpiness or unexplainable pain in the treatment areas, consult with your provider right away. Learn more useful Botox aftercare tips from our injection experts.

What You Should Do for Best Results After Masseter Botox

Now that you know what not to do after masseter Botox injections, here are a few things you should do for the best treatment results:

  • Apply cold compresses to the injection sites to minimize bruising and swelling. Unless your provider instructs you otherwise, aim for 10 minutes on followed by 10 minutes off. Make sure you’re gentle and don’t use too much pressure when applying cold compresses.

  • Place extra pillows under your head or consider sleeping in a recliner for the first few nights. Keeping your face elevated above your heart will help reduce swelling.

  • Don’t sleep on your face for at least a few days after your masseter Botox injections. Instead, sleep on your back to relieve pressure from your masseter area.

  • Use clean fingers to carefully apply antiseptic ointment to the needle injection sites. This will help prevent post-treatment infection.

  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers approved by your provider to relieve any excessive discomfort.

Botox works best in hydrated tissues. Therefore, you should prioritize staying well-hydrated in the days, weeks, and months before and after your masseter injections.

Suggested Post-Masseter Botox Skincare Routine

It’s important not to dive right into your usual skincare routine after getting masseter Botox injections. Instead, you want to protect the injection sites by slowly easing back into gentle skincare in the days following your appointment. Here’s a suggested post-masseter Botox skincare schedule:

  • Days 1-4: Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer to keep your skin clean and hydrated. Pat the skin dry after cleansing instead of rubbing it.

  • Days 5-7: If your skin is recovering as expected, you can gradually ease back into your normal skincare routine during these days.

  • 1-2 weeks: Care for your skin as usual, but don’t exfoliate, scrub, or massage the treatment sites yet.

  • 2+ weeks: By now, you should be able to resume your full skincare routine with your provider’s approval.

If you have any questions about how quickly to resume skincare after masseter Botox, don’t hesitate to talk to your provider.

How to Get Masseter Botox Covered by Insurance

woman speaking to their provider

Most insurance policies won’t cover elective aesthetic procedures. However, insurance providers are more likely to cover treatments deemed medically necessary. Therefore, if you want masseter Botox covered by insurance, you may need to have your provider claim that it’s for a medical purpose. For example, if you have frequent jaw pain, your insurance policy may cover masseter Botox injections for a certain number of treatments per year.

Review your insurance plan policy details and contact your provider as needed to learn what requirements you must meet to have your treatment costs covered. You should also discuss your concerns with your Botox injector team and determine if they consider your treatments medically necessary.

In some cases, insurance companies require prior authorization before approving medical Botox. Do what’s required to maximize your likelihood of getting masseter Botox covered by your insurance policy.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Masseter Botox?

You’re probably a good candidate for masseter Botox if you grind your teeth at night, frequently feel pain or tension in and around the jaw, or dislike how boxy or weak your jawline looks. Masseter Botox can change your jawline from square to slimmer and more V-shaped.

You may not be a good candidate for jaw Botox if you have neuromuscular disorders or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Sculpt Your Dream Jawline With Masseter Botox

Masseter Botox offers a variety of impressive medical and aesthetic benefits, including jawline slimming and easing discomfort from tension in the temporomandibular joint. If you’ve been thinking about improving your comfort and appearance with masseter Botox injections, Calista Skin & Laser Center would love to hear from you! Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule an obligation-free masseter Botox consultation and learn how easy it is to sculpt your dream jawline.

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