
Microneedling Vs. Laser Skin Treatment (DFW)

You must have been living under a rock, if you have not heard of micro-needling skin treatment yet. It is a tried and tested affordable and safe way of naturally revitalizing your skin without damaging the outer layer of your skin. Micro-needling is effective and much less risky procedure than laser skin resurfacing. Microneedling or skin needling is minimally invasive procedure to rejuvenate the outer surface of your skin using tiny needles to cause superficial puncture wounds in your skin. These controlled skin injury of micro-holes spaced apart prompts a healing process to correct any visible skin inconsistencies. The body responds by growing collagen and elastic to heal the area treated with micro-needling.


Micro-needling can successfully treat:


  • Fine Lines
  • Fine Wrinkles on upper lip and even around the eyes
  • Acne Scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Body Scars
  • Skin slackness
  • Under Eye Bags
  • Dull Skin
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Hair Loss
  • Uneven Skin Tone


The new collagen and elastin does not just heal the damaged area but it also smoothens out any scars, gets rid of fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. The depth of the puncture wounds can be controlled with the roller being used during the micro-needling treatment. Additionally it can be combined with radio frequency treatment of even your facial. Any product that is applied to the skin during micro-needling is more effective because it is able to penetrate beyond the outer surface of the skin into deeper layers.

Difference Between Microneedling And Laser Treatments

Microneedling and laser skin treatments both serve the same purpose of skin resurfacing but both are very different procedures, with common goals of treating signs of aging, minimizing acne scarring, and improving the general skin tone and texture. The two treatments create controlled wounds on the skin to stimulate a natural response from the body but they vary in their side effects, costs and downtime. Both procedures lead to the increased production of collagen to leave behind firm skin without any scarring and fine lines.


During a fractional laser treatment the laser burns the epidermis to create controlled wounds on the top layer of the skin that vary in size. Laser therapy is more invasive and therefore the skin’s natural reaction is heightened causing more pronounced redness and swelling in the treatment area. With a laser resurfacing treatment, anyone with darker skin are at a higher risk of skin discoloration because the laser heat energy can damage the melanocytes making it release too much or too little pigment causing uneven skin discoloration. Microneedling is gentle on the surface of the skin when creating uniform controlled wounds to activate the body’s natural skin renewal process. Unlike in laser treatment, micro-needling does not do any harm to the melanocytes and it leaves the epidermis intact without damage, which leads to faster healing, much less down time, and fewer potential side effects.


Microneedling is also considerably more successful in breaking up existing scar tissue to replace it with new, healthy skin cells. Therefore, micro-needling may be the treatment of choice for acne and minimizing scarring.


Microneedling also tightens and lifts any skin laxity while reducing acne scars, fine lines, photo-aging, stretch marks, and body scars. The benefits of choosing microneedling, is that it is faster, less invasive procedure with much less discomfort than laser treatments, where some patients may find the heat of laser intolerable and somewhat painful. Laser treatment also causes visible redness and swelling which takes at least four days to go down, so the downtime following a laser skin resurfacing treatment is more than with micro-needling. Micro-needling generally has no side-effects but when micro-needling is coupled with radiofrequency at your skin clinic, you may expect some redness and puffiness but it will disappear within a day.


Are you curious to see what the Calista Skin and Laser Clinic can do for your skin? Request a consultation with one of our licensed estheticians online or by calling 817-488-3838.

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