
Skin Treatment – Prep You Skin For Winter

Now may be the ideal time to focus on your skin and take the right steps to get it in shape for the holidays. Summer months are usually harsh for your skin, with all the time spent outdoors in the sun and the seasonal change from summer to fall can take its toll on your skin. By November the temperature drops and the dry fall air worsens the summer damage on your skin, so correcting any damage to your skin by changing your skin care regime to prepare your skin for winter is essential. Look and feel your best by following these simple steps, as you transition to winter, for refreshed and healthy glowing skin.

Skin Analysis

With the changing seasons, your skin too may show some changes. Many people with oily skin type find their skin turning normal, while those who had normal skin earlier may find the chill in the air draining the moisture from their skin to turn it dry. Analyze your skin through fall to see if you need to change your skin care products according to your skin type. You can try consulting an aesthetician, if you are unsure of your skin type.

Change Your Body Cleanser

In the summer, shower gels are very popular treat, but with the appearance of cold weather, it may dry out your skin. Change from a shower gel to a soap-free, moisture-rich cream bath wash for your body. Those with dry skin should pick sulfate-free body washes for cleansing.


The cool crispness around this time is from drier air, which drains the moisture from the surface of your skin. With the temperature dipping, you pile on more layers of clothes and the fabric absorbs natural moisture from your skin. Those with dry or combination skin can change from using a summer lotion to an emollient cream, to keep your facial skin from getting rough and parched. Even people with oily complexions may need a richer moisturizer. For extra hydration and to repair skin damage from the summer sun, use serums through fall. Use body lotion or body butter for dry skin and hydrating oil-free lotion for oily skin to moisturize daily, right after you shower to seal in the moisture.


Autumn usually gets very busy, with back to school routines, cleaning and preparing your home for winter months on top of work. The stress can show up on your skin. Exfoliation is a must for radiant skin in the fall. In addition to an exfoliating facial, you must go for a full body scrub to remove all signs of wear and tear from summer. Choose exfoliating products that can retain moisture and is gentle on dry skin, preferably oil-based sugar scrubs to gently remove dead skin cells from the surface. You may even consider a peel for a deeper exfoliation to help revive sunburnt skin.

Fix it with Sun block

Whether it is a clear day or a breezy, cool one, your skin always needs protection from the harmful ultraviolet rays. You may not be tanning by the pool in fall but sunscreen still remains a daily essential. Choose a sunscreen with titanium oxide for everyday wear through the day in fall or you can use a moisturizer with SPF15 at least.

Remember Your Feet

You may have said goodbye to sandal weather and your feet may be tucked inside your boots but you still have to take care of them and exfoliate them regularly, so they look beautiful for next summer. Use a foot scrub through fall and winter to keep your feet and heels looking good.  You can also rub a light oil to moisturize your feet before bedtime.

Invest in a Hand Cream

Your hands can show signs of cold weather as they are in and out of the water regularly. You may notice dry hands and cuticles, so keep a hand cream ready to moisturize them frequently. You may even try a cuticle oil to quickly take care of any cracked skin in the winter.


IPL fotofacial, micro-needling or microdermabrasion treatment may be just the perfect way to lighten sun spots, redness, broken capillaries and rejuvenate your overall skin texture to its natural glow for fall. We at Calista Skin & Laser Center are happy to help you get prepared for the coming winter holidays.

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