
Wave Goodbye To Saggy Arms And Legs

Are you looking forward to the upcoming winter because you cannot wait to hide the sagging skin on your arms and legs under your cozy sweaters? Has aging or recent weight gain or loss caused your skin to have a ‘loose’ and saggy feeling?


As we get older our body slows down the production of collagen and elastin, the two proteins that give our skin its firm texture and suppleness. This loss results in skin that has a sagging appearance. Applying topical lotions and hydration creams can temporarily improve the texture of the epidermis, but to achieve lasting results laser skin tightening is the answer.


Painless and affordable, lasers use a unique wavelength to target the dermis, or the under layers of the skin, to heat the area and encourage the production of collagen and reduce fat in the targeted area. The heat applied also tightens the existing collagen under the skin to give a smoother surface and reduce the appearance of sagging.


There are two main types of lasers used to provide laser skin tightening: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative treatment applies controlled heat and light to the outer epidermis to remove the layers as well as transfer heat deep into the underlying dermis.


Non-ablative laser skin tightening also penetrates deep into the dermis but does so without damaging the outer layer of skin. This method is often preferred as it requires less recovery time.

Why Consider Laser Skin Tightening on the Arms and Legs?

The upper arms and legs tend to be where women, in particular, carry additional weight. When weight is lost, a droopy, loose appearance can look prematurely aged. For improved tone and to fight the signs of aging, laser skin tightening has many benefits including:

  • Affordable, lasting skin tightening
  • Effective for non-surgical fat reduction Reverses the signs of aging
  • Smooths the dermis under the skin and stimulates collagen production
  • Reverses the signs of aging
  • Effective for non-surgical fat reduction
  • The process is painless with no downtime

How does it work and how long does it take?

Laser skin tightening is achieved over time as the lasers will target fat cells under the skin to tighten and stimulate collagen production. After their initial consultation, patients will receive a skincare treatment plan that outlines the number of treatments needed. Most clients begin to see results after their first few treatments.

How much does laser skin tightening cost?

The cost of laser skin tightening is incredibly affordable and noninvasive when compared to surgical alternatives! The exact cost depends on the size of the treatment area as well as the number of treatments required.

Sagging skin on your arms and legs doesn’t have to be something you have to deal with or cover up with bulky sweaters. Laser skin tightening is an affordable way to gain confidence with toned, smooth skin that looks young and supple. Contact Calista Laser in Dallas / Fort Worth or call 817-488-3838 to get started!

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