
skin treatment

Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment Guide

Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment Guide

Your Guide to Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Due to recent medical advancements, there is now a treatment that can get rid of almost anything. From severe sun damage to noticeable scars, many of your body tissues can be removed with the right lasers.


Here is a short guide to laser skin resurfacing treatments.

Anti-Redness Treatments

Often referred to as vascular lasers, anti-redness lasers are generally used to treat the red areas of the body.


The lasers can treat the following types of conditions, red moles, rosacea, and spider veins. They can also treat stretch marks and superficial bruises.


These types of lasers can get rid of blood vessels, which are often the components that are causing those conditions.


A treatment that involves anti-redness lasers will be a little painful, but there won’t be much downtime. The good news is that there is little risk involved in this treatment.

Pigment-Pulverizing Treatments

Pigment-pulverizing lasers are great treatments for nearly all skin tones.
These types of lasers are often equipped with picosecond and Q-switched lasers.


With this unique combination, pigment-pulverizing lasers can usually remove severe age spots, tattoos, and sun damage.


The good thing about pigment-pulverizing lasers is that they are painless. During this treatment, it usually just feels like rubber bands are snapping against the body.


Often, a patient will receive lidocaine and numbing cream.


Pigment-pulverizing lasers typically only result in a few days of downtime.

Non-Ablative Resurfacing Treatments

There are several non-ablative lasers, one of which is known as baby fractional lasers. Such lasers are designed to achieve only subtle improvements.


Picosecond lasers, on the other hand, can get rid of bigger issues like noticeable wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.


The Fraxel Dual is a non-ablative treatment that is perfect for improving severe UV damage on the body. As a stronger fractional treatment, the Fraxel Dual can remove UV damage on the hands, feet, face, and chest.


Many non-ablative fractional lasers require ibuprofen and topical numbing beforehand.


After receiving a non-ablative treatment, you can expect to experience about a week of recovery.

Ablative Treatments

Contrary to non-ablative lasers, ablative resurfacing lasers typically produce extremely dramatic results even after one treatment.


The two primary types of ablative lasers are Sciton Profractional and Fraxel Repair. These lasers produce dramatic results by renewing the skin’s collagen with much stimulation.


These excellent lasers have been shown to treat a wide variety of conditions including significant sun damage, noticeable scars, severe wrinkles, and much more.


Before receiving this extremely effective treatment, you’ll probably be given numbing cream to encourage a smooth procedure.


In order to ensure a great recovery, it’s recommended that you take at least a week off work and other everyday activities. Most patients will experience some discomfort from the surgery, which may include swelling, reddening, and crusting.

Try the CO2RE Fractional CO2 Today!

As you can see, there are many different treatments on the market that can correct your face or body issues.


If you’re searching for a great ablative treatment, consider the CO2RE laser treatment. A revolutionary ablative laser, this treatment has been shown to remove extreme sun damage like acne scars, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines.


Since the treatment can remove many layers of damaged skin, you’ll experience a more youthful-looking appearance by the time this treatment is over.


Make sure to give our office a call today if you are interested in the CO2RE Fractional CO2.

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Understanding The Laser Tattoo Removal Process

Understanding The Laser Tattoo Removal Process

In the past, getting a tattoo was permanent, but today, thanks to new laser tattoo removal technology, tattoos are removable. If you would like to know how it works, read on.

Understanding The Basics Of A Tattoo

The inks currently used for tattoos are generally made of heavy metal compounds that often contain metals like copper, lead, manganese, and some of the red inks contain mercury as well. What makes the ink last permanently, is the metals it contains. However, some people have had an allergic reaction to a few of these inks as they caused eczema and even scarring.


As soon as the needle punctures the skin and transmits the ink deep inside your body, it triggers an alarm and your immune system goes right to work to fight off what it recognizes as foreign intruders by dispatching swarms of white blood cells to attack them. The white cells escort the small ink elements to the liver, to be processed and excreted. However, large portions of the ink particles are much bigger than the white blood cells making it impossible to carry off. Therefore, some of the new tattoos tend to fade over time but won’t naturally disappear.

Interested In Having Your Tattoo Removed?


Check Out Our Pricing and Schedule Your First Appointment Today

Will My Tattoo Eventually Fade Away?

While they are much too large for the white blood cells to grasp and completely remove from the skin, even over time, the white cells don’t give up that easy and will continue to devour the ink particles little by little. In fact, one tattoo removal expert who is also a plastic surgeon compared these actions to a person taking bites of an elephant. This is the reason why tattoos are permanent and the only way to erase them is by using lasers to break the ink particles up into pieces. These lasers used to remove tattoos are called Q-switch or ultra-short pulse lasers. They are extremely fast, very hot, and operate at a frequency that is very narrow. A PicoLaser works on a scale of a trillionth of a second or in picoseconds. The speed and heat used are crucial to break the ink particles apart.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

First, the laser removal tool will heat the ink particle up so that it will expand due to thermal energy. However, the only way to keep half of the ink particle cool is to zap it extremely fast. The opposing forces of hot and cold will then rip the particle apart. This process also used for laser hair removal, is called photothermolysis. After the lasers have done their job, the ink particles will be in bite-sized chunks and the white blood cells can continue carrying them off to the liver.


This process may sound like an easy task, but the truth is, it can take a few rounds of treatments to complete and may leave slight scarring. Darker pigments are much easier to eliminate than the lighter ones contained in reflective inks, which are not as responsive to lasers and the process is more painful than it is by getting a tattoo. Because the ink particles are heated to thousands of degrees by the laser so rapidly and directly specifically to the ink, the tissue doesn’t get burned, but the energy will collapse into a Shockwave that vibrates and lifts the upper skin layer causing it to appear frosted or white. This effect only lasts for a few seconds but is very painful.

Interested In Learning More About Laser Tattoo Removal?

Calista Laser offers DFW Tattoo Removal. Our professional team puts customer safety and comfort first. Our philosophy is to offer the best laser technology resulting in the most effective tattoo removal at the lowest prices in Texas. Learn more about Laser Tattoo Removal Services.

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Get Glowing Skin For Spring

Get Glowing Skin For Spring

Is there anything you can do besides follow your usual skin care routine to breathe some life into your dull-looking skin after winter?  Calista Skin and Laser Center has got you covered with our skin care tips and treatment options so that you get radiant looking skin in time for the best time of the year.

Beauty Tip #1- Exfoliate For A Glow

Dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin over winter, which can leave your skin looking lackluster. The magic trick to revive your skin and get rid of large pores is exfoliation. Exfoliate often to leave your skin looking smoother and feeling softer. Use a face scrub to help effectively exfoliate the surface of your skin and remove this buildup so that your face glows.  It also helps reduce the depth of the pore indents into the skin.


What is the best way to exfoliate? There are physical exfoliators that contain granules which you can massage over your face with wet fingers to physically rub off the dead skin cells and remove them. Then there are chemical exfoliators with glycolic acid in them to chemically break down the bond between cells and get rid of dead skin cells more   gently.

Beauty Tip #2: Hydrate Your Skin With A Moisturizer

Cold weather can hamper oil production and the chilly winds can rough up the skin. You must stick to your moisturizing routine to get dewy skin. To boost the hydration of your skin, you should follow cleansing your skin morning and night with a moisturizer. Reach for a moisturizing formula that can be serums or creams to hydrate your skin without being too heavy. It should not just sit on the surface without getting any deeper. In winter, you can apply layers of moisturizers to seal in the moisture in your skin. Start with a serum which tends to be thinner than moisturizers, before applying a cream.

Beauty Tip #3- Show Some Love To Your Lips

Don’t forget to exfoliate your lips. Do away with rough, cracked lips by exfoliating your lips. Improve the look of your lips and also make them feel buttery soft and smooth. This will improve the look and application of your lipstick. Hydrate and moisturize your lips with your favorite lip balm or conditioner after exfoliating.

Beauty Tip #4- Address Blemishes And Acne

There are different kinds of blemishes you may need to address from whiteheads, blackheads, pustules to cystic acne. They all require different treatments from Photo Facial IPL. eMatrix, MicrodermabrasionMicro-Needling to CO2RE Fractional CO2 ablation. We can make sure that acne blemishes will be a distant memory by summer.


Acne blemishes won’t disappear overnight, so it is good to be proactive in order to prevent acne in the first place. Make sure you use a medicated cleanser, especially formulated with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide every day in the morning and before you go to sleep at night to help remove dirt, impurities, dead skin cells, and excess oil from the surface of your skin. Then moisturize your skin with a light serum. Sticking to a daily skin care routine will keep those pesky acne at bay.

Beauty Tip #5- Vitamin C Serum To Tackle Under-Eye Dark Circles

If you have annoying dark circles, massage some vitamin-c serum gently into the skin around your eyes with your finger for 3-5 minutes, before you head to bed. Check to see the active ingredients in your serum. Your serum may contain lightening agents like azelaic acid, kojic acid or hydroquinone. You can also prevent under eye puffiness by sleeping with your head slightly elevated in order to lower fluid retention. Regular use of your vitamin C serum can help lighten your under-eye dark circles.


Contact Calista Skin & Laser Center for a skin consultation and try one of our skin treatments. Get a natural glow that will leave you feeling and looking gorgeous.

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Get Radiant Skin With Laser Skin Resurfacing

Get Radiant Skin With Laser Skin Resurfacing

When winter arrives, your skin becomes dull and dry. Age, over-exposure to the sun, and pollutants all combine to rob women of their natural skin radiance and suppleness. Even the best beauty products, keeping your body hydrated or following a healthy diet doesn’t seem to make a difference. It may be time to properly assess how your skin has changed and seek professional skin treatments from your local skincare center. If your face is showing fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, scars or discolorations, you don’t have to reach out for expensive antioxidant serum, lotion, cream and masks on the shelf that just don’t seem to do much for your skin. For real results, you need to give sublative resurfacing a try. Rediscover the beauty of your natural and healthy skin that is hidden under the damaged outer layer of your skin with a skin resurfacing treatment.


Sublative resurfacing helps break down the unwanted or dead skin cells to remove the damaged layer. And all of this, without the use of any knife or needle.  You can uncover the supple and radiant skin underneath with eMatrix Laser Resurfacing treatment.

Skin Changes In Women

Most women are well aware of ‘bad skin days.’ Hormones are known to have a lasting effect on hair, skin, and nails. The glow in our skin comes from the hormone estrogen, which increases collagen production in the skin to keep things firm and smooth. But when estrogen declines with age and approach of menopause, you lose the natural radiance. Your skin needs a little help to smooth out, get firmer, and glow on. Women in their twenties have acne scars from face breakouts due to active oil production. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking and drinking too much and always wear sunscreen to keep your youthful skin for longer. Women in their thirties are faced with fine creases, enlarged pores, dark circles under the eyes and skin dullness due to slowdown of collagen production.  And in the forties and fifties women have drier, lax skin with occasional breakouts from hormonal imbalance due to low lipid and estrogen levels.  But the war isn’t lost because it is never too late to take care of your skin. Besides following a healthy lifestyle, you can get topical treatments by visiting your nearest skin clinic to reclaim your glowing skin this winter.

EMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation In The Dallas-Fort Worth Area

The FDA approved cosmetic technology known as ‘Sublative Rejuvenation’ works from the inside out to encourage collagen production on all skin tones. Sublative Rejuvenation with eMatrix delivers energy beams below the skin using bi-polar radio frequency, for controlled non-ablative fractional treatment of wrinkles, skin creases, fine lines, scars and enlarged pores. Targeted areas of matrix spots get treated with pulses of radio frequency energy, without overheating the top layer of the skin, to induce a skin injury.  This works on the fibroblasts for maximized signal collagen regeneration. With sublative skin rejuvenation treatment, you can get improved skin tone, and it can even remodel the texture of your skin as the surrounding tissue hastens the healing process naturally. It can treat sagging skin, and activate new collagen without relying on temporary substance fillers or aggressive treatments like chemical peels.

Will Sublative Rejuvenation Work For Me?

Sublative rejuvenation is suitable for all skin types. It causes minimal damage to the surface layer of the skin. For best results, you will need about three to five subsequent treatments. And the results will last over three to six months following the last treatment. Sublative rejuvenation may not be recommended for patients with pacemakers, internal defibrillators, or metal implants in the area to be treated. Pregnant women should avoid this treatment.

Risks From Sublative Resurfacing/EMatrix

The procedure causes minimal discomfort but it may feel uncomfortable to some. Topical anesthetic will be used on the skin prior to the treatment to ease any discomfort.


Your skin may show some side effects post-procedure, such as redness and swelling but that only lasts for hours to a couple of days.


There may be tiny crusts that form and are present for between five to fourteen days before disappearing, but they can be easily camouflaged with makeup.


In extremely rare cases, there may be scarring or infection.


Theoretically there may be darkening or lightening of the skin from eMatrix, but realistically speaking this is highly uncommon.


There are other skin treatments available to deal with wrinkles and scars including chemical peels, microdermabrasion, Derma fillers, BOTOX, Fraxel, CO2 fractional resurfacing (CO2RE) and topical therapies. Schedule an appointment with Calista Skin and Laser Center for a series of eMatrix Sublative RF Fractional Resurfacing treatments at reasonable prices. Walk away with wrinkle reduction and glowing skin this winter!

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Featuring The Worlds Most Trusted And Best-Selling Dermal Filler Collection

Featuring The Worlds Most Trusted and

Best-Selling Dermal Filler Collection

Beauty standards have changed significantly over the decades and gone are the drastic plastic surgery procedures where the tightly pulled back, windswept look was often the result.

Today, it’s all about beauty maintenance and the amazing technological advances in non-invasive cosmetic treatments that slow the aging process. It’s a gentler approach with almost instant, natural-looking facial rejuvenation, and injectables are the way to look younger and attractive without the world taking notice.

Ready to Get Started with Juvederm Treatments?


Check Out Our Specials and Book Your Next Appointment

The Global Leader Of Aesthetic Treatments

Dermal filler remains the most popular non-surgical procedure next to Botox, the injectable wrinkle smoother. The numbers from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons tell the story. In the United States alone, the use of fillers skyrocketed from 1.8 million treatments in 2010 to 2.6 million in 2016.


Leading the charge is Juvederm and its umbrella of treatments. The brand maintains its number one title of the world’s best selling dermal filler collection.

Lift It, Smooth It, Plump It The Juvederm Way

Juvederm’s crystal-clear gels perform in a variety of ways when injected into the face and/or neck. The magical results can be found in the treatment’s unique formula of hyaluronic acid (HA).


The human body naturally produces HA for lubricating movable parts like the joints and muscles. It acts like a moisture magnet and keeps the skin tissue young and supple, but as we age, our bodies start making less and less hyaluronic acid. Wrinkles form, the skin gets drier and sags. and the supportive collagen foundation loses strength.


Juvederm’s incredible filler can restore the fullness of the facial contours that are lost with general aging and/or sun damage. The brand features a variety of fillers that each perform a unique task, including volumizing the cheeks, smoothing the parentheses lines, smoothing vertical lip lines or plumping the lips.

Safe, Quick And With Long-Lasting Results

When it comes to maintenance, injectables offer the client major advantages. There is no anesthesia or cutting involved. Within about 15 minutes, the procedure is over, and one can walk out the door with a dramatic transformation thanks to Juvederm’s almost immediate or instant results.


Also, there is no downtime or hiding out with bandages and a healing process. The client can return to their normal day of activity.


Results may last one year to two years, with optimal treatment and depending on the formula used.


There is no permanent commitment to Juvederm’s treatment sessions. If a client no longer wants injections, their face will slowly return to its natural condition prior to the injections.


There’s a Juvederm dermal filler for every adult woman and man. The brand features a collection of dermal fillers designed to cosmetically treat the cheeks, lines and wrinkles and the lips.


Here at Calista Skin and Laser Clinic, we are master injectors and can create the maintenance results a client dreams of for a healthy, ageless appearance.


We are also excellent communicators about today’s advanced aesthetic treatments. Call 817-488-3838 now to schedule a consultation.

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Laser Skin Resurfacing: Top 8 Things You Need To Know

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Top 8 Things You Need To Know

If you are looking for clearer skin, there are certain things that you will need to know before you begin a laser treatment. Having a more beautiful skin can be accessed with some knowledge and the right provider. Skin resurfacing is a common solution for many people. Here are the top eight things you need to know.

1. CO2RE Fractional CO2 Requires Little Downtime.

Fall is called “laser season,” since treated skin is more sensitive to the sun. Winter, with its shorter days, allows spending more time indoors, which promotes healing.

2. Topical Anesthetic Is Used.

It will depend on the depth and area of treatment as well as your tolerance for pain. Intravenous sedation can also keep a patient more comfortable.

3. Resurfacing “Turns Back The Clock.”

It is a great solution for wrinkles and fine lines. The laser resurfacing reveals the more youthful skin underneath.

4. Why It Is Called Fractional CO2 Ablation.

Ablative lasers are used; they generate beams of coherent light. This light is absorbed by the body’s tissue as energy, promoting temperature elevation which results in the evaporation of tissue, called ablation. CO2RE Fractional CO2 laser is considered the ‘Gold Standard’ for ablation.

5. It Makes Use Of The Body’s Natural Healing System.

You should be upfront regarding what medications you are taking while giving your medical history, as it could affect the treatment. The natural processes of the body replace and remove the treated skin and heal it.

6. Uneven Pigmentation, Photo Damage, Precancerous Spots, and A Host Of Imperfections Can Benefit.

The ablative laser effectively treats a diverse range of skin conditions by removing all or part of the skin. Scars can also be treated with ablative lasers.

7. The Peeling Lasts From 7 To 10 Days.

Your face will be red while the peeling is happening. If you work at home, that is a great solution. Some choose to have it done in the fall season, as mentioned previously.

8. Laser Treatment Is Ideal For Patients, Age 30 Years and Older.

These people may have skin damage due to sun exposure, fine lines, rough texture or acne scars. Results are usually seen after one treatment; however, deeper lines and imperfections may require a series of treatments, such as three skin resurfacing treatments over a twelve month period.


Think about your goals as far as the problems you wish to address with laser skin resurfacing. Then give us a call to set up your appointment for a consultation and laser treatment.

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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Rising Among Millennial Men

Erectile Dysfunction Rising Among Millennial Men

Penile sexual dysfunction is common in mature men, but doctors are now seeing an increase of penile dysfunction in young, sexually-active men. Below are the most common reasons why, along with a non-invasive treatment solution

An Increase In The Consumption In Porn

Millennial men have found that streaming porn is more accessible. In most cases, it’s also free for them to watch. Watching it on mobile devices with earbuds provides immediate privacy, too. Studies have shown that much porn consumption leads to lack of interest in real-life sex, because real engagement usually doesn’t measure up to fantasy. What’s more, stimulating one’s self into a constant state of ejaculation drains a man’s personal resources and energy.

Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices

Speaking of over-consumption, younger men tend to indulge in the over-consumption of alcohol, unhealthy foods, and in some cases, illicit drugs. Particularly in the case of drug and alcohol abuse, blood vessels in the penis constrict. Once blood vessels constrict, then it’s hard for enough blood to flow into the penis shaft to create an erection.


In the case of eating unhealthy foods, beverages and snacks, blood vessels can become clogged with fatty tissue. Whether the blood vessels are blocked with fat, or whether they become constricted, the same results occur: Blood won’t be able to properly flow into the penis shaft, causing younger men to either experience inadequate erections, or they’ll fail to experience an erection at all.

Millennial ED Often Comes Down To Anxiety

Men of all ages will experience erectile dysfunction issues if they’re abusing substances or eating unhealthy foods on a constant basis. But there’s a form of erectile dysfunction that seems to be unique to younger men of the Millennial generation. In fact, doctors have given this phenomenon an unofficial term: Millennial ED.


It’s believed that this type of dysfunction comes about due to high levels of anxiety that the typical Millennial has become known for experiencing. For example, Millennials are known for experiencing high levels of stress due to their inability to land decent-paying jobs after graduating college. Along with this. student loan debt among Millennials is crippling this generation, more than any other.


Existential crisis causes stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline to build up in the blood. Not only do stress hormones constrict the penis shaft’s blood vessels, but sexual arousal dies when the body experience fight or flight responses that are spurred by high and enduring levels of stress.

Learn How GAINSWave Treatment Can Treat Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

GAINSWave is an innovative, non-invasive method of treating men who are otherwise healthy, and yet are dealing with premature penis dysfunction. With repeated treatments, the goal is to promote the healthy flow of blood through the penis shaft’s vessels. Specifically, high frequency, low-intensity sound waves remove penile vessel plaque, heals damaged vessels, and stimulates the growth of fresh penile tissue.


In time, the patient should notice an improvement in their ability to achieve and hold an erection. The treatment has also proven effective in treating the lack of sexual arousal. What’s more, GAINSWave can also assist men who are hoping to reduce irregular penis curvature, medically known as Peyronie’s Disease.


For more information or to set up a consultation, contact Calista Skin and Laser.

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Shrink Your Double Chin Fat With Kybella

Shrink Your Double Chin Fat With Kybella

You cannot stop aging and the effects of aging on your face, such as fine lines, sun spots, wrinkles and sagging. The skin sags around the chin with age, filling with fat and creating a “double chin.” The appearance of multiple chins is medically known as convexity, associated with accumulation of bothersome submental fat. This curse of middle age, the ugly double chin can be banished with injections of Kybella. For years the only alternative to get rid of the double chin was going under the knife of a plastic surgeon for a chin tuck, but no longer! Help is at hand with simple injections of Kybella ATX 101 by Kythera. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment to help contour and reduce the appearance of submental fullness.


KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. announced the US availability of Kybella injection on June 19th 2015, to treat double chins. The magic formula was developed by researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre in Dallas and patients can get the treatment in a cosmetologist or dermatologist office on an outpatient basis.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella is a prescription medicine containing ATX 101 which is a cytotoxic drug synthetic-similar to deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid helps the body to absorb fat naturally. Kybella is injected into the fat layer of skin to destroy the cell membrane of the fat cells and improve the appearance of fat below the chin commonly referred to as the “double chin.” The fat is permanently destroyed and absorbed into the body, which results in visible improvement in the under-chin area. Patients can receive multiple injections in the submental area and up to six treatments may be administered, with a gap of one month in between treatments.

Kybella is remarkably safe, as proved by clinical trials, according to FDA. Apart from FDA clinical trials, KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals also conducted 20 clinical trials on 2600 patients worldwide, with more than 90% of patients happy with the results post injection. There may be some side effects such as pain, swelling and bruising with KYBELLA treatments but they are transient and resolve within 7-10 days of swelling. Kybella is safe as long as it is administered by a trained professional, following drug dosage instructions and proper injection procedure.  The best results from a treatment are noticed at 6-8 weeks post injection.

If you have a double chin or want to reduce fat from under chin, you are a prime candidate for Kybella treatment. It is ideal for a man or woman of any skin type or ethnicity. Each chin treatment session with KYBELLA lasts typically 15 to 20 minutes, and is easy to have done at anytime of the day. You must be over 18 years old, with moderate to severe submental fatty tissue, in overall good health. You should understand how Kybella procedure works and have reasonable expectations from it. Kybella is not for patients who are pregnant, or those with an active infection or bleeding disorder.

Calista Skin and Laser Clinic offers a free consultation for KYBELLA™ treatment for anyone concerned with their “double chin.” A consultation with an examination of the under chin fat will help evaluate if you can undergo KYBELLA procedure and how many injections you will need. Most patients generally need 2-4 treatments with a month apart between each but larger “double chins” need more treatments, with up to 6 treatments of KYBELLA allowed.

Find out if Kybella can help enhance your facial appearance and improve your self confidence.

To get started on your own facial rejuvenation with Kybella, call 817-488-3838 to schedule a consultation to determine if Kybella is right for you and all of your questions will be answered.

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