
skin treatment

Wave Goodbye To Saggy Arms And Legs

Wave Goodbye To Saggy Arms And Legs

Are you looking forward to the upcoming winter because you cannot wait to hide the sagging skin on your arms and legs under your cozy sweaters? Has aging or recent weight gain or loss caused your skin to have a ā€˜looseā€™ and saggy feeling?


As we get older our body slows down the production of collagen and elastin, the two proteins that give our skin its firm texture and suppleness. This loss results in skin that has a sagging appearance. Applying topical lotions and hydration creams can temporarily improve the texture of the epidermis, but to achieve lasting results laser skin tightening is the answer.


Painless and affordable, lasers use a unique wavelength to target the dermis, or the under layers of the skin, to heat the area and encourage the production of collagen and reduce fat in the targeted area. The heat applied also tightens the existing collagen under the skin to give a smoother surface and reduce the appearance of sagging.


There are two main types of lasers used to provideĀ laser skin tightening: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative treatment applies controlled heat and light to the outer epidermis to remove the layers as well as transfer heat deep into the underlying dermis.


Non-ablative laser skin tightening also penetrates deep into the dermis but does so without damaging the outer layer of skin. This method is often preferred as it requires less recovery time.

Why Consider Laser Skin Tightening on the Arms and Legs?

The upper arms and legs tend to be where women, in particular, carry additional weight. When weight is lost, a droopy, loose appearance can look prematurely aged. For improved tone and to fight the signs of aging, laser skin tightening has many benefits including:

  • Affordable, lasting skin tightening
  • Effective for non-surgical fat reduction Reverses the signs of aging
  • Smooths the dermis under the skin and stimulates collagen production
  • Reverses the signs of aging
  • Effective for non-surgical fat reduction
  • The process is painless with no downtime

How does it work and how long does it take?

Laser skin tightening is achieved over time as the lasers will target fat cells under the skin to tighten and stimulate collagen production. After their initial consultation, patients will receive a skincare treatment plan that outlines the number of treatments needed. Most clients begin to see results after their first few treatments.

How much does laser skin tightening cost?

The cost of laser skin tightening is incredibly affordable and noninvasive when compared to surgical alternatives! The exact cost depends on the size of the treatment area as well as the number of treatments required.

Sagging skin on your arms and legs doesnā€™t have to be something you have to deal with or cover up with bulky sweaters. Laser skin tightening is an affordable way to gain confidence with toned, smooth skin that looks young and supple.Ā Contact Calista LaserĀ in Dallas / Fort Worth or call 817-488-3838 to get started!

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Liposuction Vs. Coolsculpting ā€“ Everything You Need To Know

Liposuction Vs. Coolsculpting
Everything You Need To Know

Itā€™s no secret that everyone wants to look their best, especially here in theĀ DFW. However, even with a low-fat diet and regular exercise, some people may have a little difficulty reaching their aesthetic goals.Ā Itā€™s okay, staying in great shapes is not as easy as they make it look on television.

One of the most common reasons people turn to plastic surgery is because of excess body fat.
There are two types of procedures that reduce fat; Liposuction and Coolsculpting. But which one is better?

Read on to learn the similarities and differences between Liposuction andĀ Coolsculpting.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves stitching, cutting and anesthetizing. A surgical team may use a local anesthetic such as lidocaine, or they will use a general anesthetic. Oftentimes, it can be done as an outpatient procedure and usually only requires one session.

What is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting, orĀ cryolipolysis, is a non-invasive medical procedure that removes extra fat cells from underneath your skin. This procedure can eliminate up to 25 percent of fat cells in any given part of the body. Coolsculpting is always done as an outpatient procedure with each session taking about an hour. You may need to have a few more sessions that are spaced out at least a couple weeks.

How are the procedures different?

With a Coolsculpting procedure, a plastic surgeon orĀ board-certified medical professionalĀ trained in Coolsculpting will use a device that cools down fatty areas to a freezing temperature. After the initial treatment, the body will naturally eliminate the dead, frozen cells through the liver. There is no recovery period after each session. Patients usually see results within a few weeks after one session and after a few months, will a patient see the final results.

On the other hand, Liposuction is a more invasive procedure, but itā€™s also supposed to be easier than its cell chilling counterpart. A plastic surgeon will make a small incision in the designated fatty area.Ā TumescentĀ fluid may be used as well. TheĀ cannulaĀ is inserted to remove the fat. The recovery period for liposuction is only a few days, however, it may take two to four weeks before the patient can resume strenuous activity. In addition, it can take up to several months to see final results.

How are these procedures the same?

Liposuction and Coolsculpting both have the same goal; to reduce the amount of fat in a personā€™s body. Both procedures will not improve the appearance of any loose skin.

What are the side effects of both procedures?

Just like with any sort of procedure, whether itā€™s surgical or non-surgical, there are side effects.


Here are the possible following side effects of Liposuction:


  • Swelling
  • Risk of skin infection
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Internal puncture wounds
  • Temporary or permanent numbness
  • Abnormalities in the shape of the skin such as lumps
  • Heart or kidney problems caused by the changes in body fluids
  • Fat embolism ā€“ an emergency that releases a clot of fat into the lungs, bloodstream or brain


Below are the following possible side effects of Coolsculpting:


  • Aching
  • Pain
  • Stinging
  • Temporary bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • A pulling sensation on the procedure site
  • Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia ā€“ A rare condition that can cause fat cells to expand rather than be eliminated.


Itā€™s worth noting that a few of these side effects for both procedures are very rare, however, itā€™s important to have medical clearance prior to having any either one performed.

Am I a suitable candidate for liposuction?

Both men and women can improve their physical appearance with liposuction. However, a patient with cardiac risk factors, blood clotting disorder and pregnant women need to avoid liposuction.

Suitable Candidates for Coolsculpting

Coolsculpting is generally safe for most people. However, itā€™s not recommended for people with blood disorders.

Coolsculpting can cause many complications for people who have the following disorders:

  • Cryoglobulinemia ā€“ The presence of abnormal proteins within the blood.
  • Cold Agglutinin Disease ā€“ A very rare type of autoimmune disease where the bodyā€™s immune system destroys its own red blood cells.
  • Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria ā€“ An extremely rare subtype of anemia that is caused by the presence of cold-reacting antibodies in the blood after being exposed to cold temperatures.

Ultimately, only you and your plastic surgeon can determine which treatment is best for you. Are you able to take time off work for the recovery period? Do you prefer to undergo a minimally invasive procedure? These are just two of questions you should be asking yourself prior to deciding. Above all else, you need to ensure along with a medical professional that you are a suitable candidate.

Calista Laser professionals are licensed and experienced. Not only do we have the medical credentials and training that deliver real results, but our staff is hand-picked for personal qualities that provide the nurturing environment that fosters your Wellness.

For a conversation about Coolsculpting in Dallas, TX give us a call at 817-488-3838 or if youā€™d like us to reach out to you contact usĀ and we will give you a call.

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skin treatment

Things You May Not Know About Vascular Veins

Things You May Not Know About Vascular Veins

Vascular veins affect over 3 million Americans each year, but what are they?


Vascular veins are commonly confused with spider veins however they are not the same. The main difference is in their color and the prevalence in the body. Spider veins have are typically more flat, red or purple in color, and are usually smaller. Varicose veins, on the other hand, are blue in color, are bigger, and show more of a bulge on your legs.


Although the cause of varicose veins is unknown, here are four factors that most commonly lead to these eye-catching veins:


  • Age
  • Genes
  • Obesity
  • Life


The older you are the more likely you are to develop the condition. People with genes that are predisposed to the veins are at higher risks, as well as those who may be obese or live a lifestyle where movement and exercise are prohibited.


There are hundreds of DIY treatments to get rid of or reduce the appearance of them, but what is a proven treatment that can eliminate most of the visibility of undesirable veins? Laser vein treatment.

What Is Laser Vein Treatment And How Does It Work?

Laser vein treatment is a procedure by which the laser is applied to the red blood cells, which heats the blood from the inside out and then collapses. This leads to a mini clot inside the blood vessel which is supposed to be able to treat the ailment.


The normal healing time for the treated area would be between 4 and 6 weeks.

  • The day of the treatment does not use any type of skin moisturizers, creams or lotions on the area.
  • Wear loosely fitting clothes for ease of movement before and after the procedure.
  • Limit exposure to the sun and stay away from tanning of any kind (salons or spray) two weeks prior.


The procedure itself takes about 15 minutes to complete, ins minimally invasive, and the recovery time is generally under a week. The only downside to the procedure is that all of the veins may not disappear after just one treatment. Sometimes it may require a patient to receive up to 3 or 4 treatments before the veins are fully gone and not able to be seen.


Varicose veins affect millions of people and there are a few things that can cause the condition. Daily routines, exercise, and eating habits can help to improve your chances to fight against varicose veins.


Laser options are a painless procedure that can help people take the next step if previous methods of relief do not work.

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12 Things Everyone Wants To Know About Erectile Dysfunction

12 Things Everyone Wants To Know About Erectile Dysfunction

First, letā€™s just take a second to go over some statistics. Did you know as many as 30 MILLION men in the U.S. deal with erectile dysfunction, also called ED or impotence? Meaning, youā€™re not alone in your struggle. It should also be noted that worrying about ED may exacerbate performance issues. However, treating ED may be easier than you think, but letā€™s answer some frequently asked questions about it first.

1. Why Do Men Get ED?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man struggles to get or keep an erection during sexual interactions.

When it comes to older men, the issue typically stems from inadequate blood flow to the penis, which can be caused by conditions such as atherosclerosis or diabetes.

Younger men typical experience ED due to psychological issues like depression, anxiety or stress.

Other causes of ED could be related to hormonal imbalances like low testosterone.

2. Can Coffee Cause ED?

It has been suggested that coffee/caffeine can help treat ED due to the polyphenols (micronutrients that are super high in antioxidants) and anti-inflammatory properties found in it.


There has also been speculation as to whether a simple cup (or two or three) of coffee can boost testosterone and stimulate the flow of blood to the penis.


However, as more and more studies have been done, this has basically been debunked. Conversely, at the very least, it does appear that coffee consumption should not worsen ED, so go ahead and enjoy that morning cup of Joe (as long as itā€™s not harmful to any other preexisting conditions)!

3. Can Allergies Cause ED?

Ā Interestingly, allergy suffers have reported that their allergies affect their sex lives, but how do they impact ED?


Some allergy symptoms, like runny nose, water eyes or fatigue, can cause a person to avoid sexual activities because they are not ā€œin the mood.ā€


Yet, more so than that, medical researchers have began studying whether the inflammation associated with allergies can literally impede blood flow and contribute to ED.


Furthermore, allergy medications like Benadryl, Dramamine, and Phenergan can play a role in ED.


Histamine is a chemical receptor in the body that can help promote erections, but also causes the allergic reaction response in the body. Taking an antihistamine can block this reaction and improve your allergy symptoms, but it can also block the ability to get an erection.

4. Can Being Sick Cause ED?

There are many different ailments that can affect ED.


In general, a cold or the flu can lead to fatigue and symptoms that make you feel a little less than sexy, which can play a role in the psychological cause of ED.


Other ailments that can cause ED are diabetes, obesity and sleep apnea.

5. Can Cholesterol Medications Cause ED?

While there are a variety of blood pressure lowering medications that can contribute to ED, statins (their cholesterol-lowering brethren) actually do not cause ED. Statins have been reputed to potentially improve erectile function.

6. Can energy drinks cause ED?

This goes back to the coffee conversation. There have been a few studies that showed caffeine consumers were less likely to suffer with ED, but these were small studies so more thorough research is necessary.


However, at the very least, the caffeine in coffee and energy drinks does not appear to affect ED.

7. Can Heart Issues Affect ED?

You may be surprised to learn that ED might be an early warning sign of heart disease. Conversely, finding an effective treatment for your heart disease could improve your erectile function.


The reason heart issues can cause ED is because of inadequate blood flow to the heart and thus, impaired blood flow to the penis.


However, before you panic, you should be aware that ED isnā€™t always an indicator of heart problems, but they do share similar risk factors.

8. Can Blood Pressure Lowering Medications Cause ED?

Yes and no. The answer to this depends upon what medication youā€™re taking to treat your high blood pressure.


Typically, diuretics (also known as ā€œwaterā€ pills) are more likely to contribute to ED than beta-blockers.


However, thereā€™s a small variety of medications that usually donā€™t cause ED such as Alpha-blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs and calcium channel blockers.

9. Can Lack Of Protein Cause ED?

Typically, low testosterone is rarely an independent cause of ED, but rather a contributing factor.

Protein is a necessary component to help men produce testosterone. Furthermore, a lack of protein in your diet can increase globulin, which is a protein that binds to testosterone making it unusable by the body.


So, yes, lack of protein could potentially cause ED.

10. Can Masturbating Cause ED?

Fortunately, it is a myth that masturbating and/or masturbating ā€œtoo muchā€ can cause ED.

While you may have a little trouble achieving an erection soon after masturbating this is due to something called a refractory period and not ED. Think of the refractory period as your recovery time.

11. Can Bicycling Cause ED?

Shockingly, yes, very long bike rides on a very narrow back seat that puts pressure on the perineum can play a role in ED as it limits blood flow to the penis.


However, there are a few ways you can minimize your risk.


  • Ditch the narrow bike seat with a long nose for a padded, wider, more rectangular seat.
  • Shorten your bike ride, if possible. At the very least, add breaks to long rides where you can get off and walk around.
  • Switch to a recumbent bike instead. Riding in a reclined position helps take pressure off the perineum.

12. How To Fix ED?

Before you turn to some of the more extreme treatments for ED, there are a couple of things you could do.



First, improve your health. If you drink or smoke, quit. Eat a healthy diet, making sure your protein consumption is adequate, and exercise regular.


GAINSWaveā„¢ Therapy is free of drugs and isnā€™t a surgery. It is non-invasive and has little to no side effects. The treatment can be done in office in only 20-30 minutes. Plus, thereā€™s no downtime necessary and provides long lasting results. The reason GAINSWaveā„¢ has over a 75% success rate is because it directly addresses the root cause of ED, which is poor blood flow.


Calista Skin & Laser Centerā€™s state-of-the-art, non-surgical technology provides you with a revolutionary approach to correcting ED. Weā€™re an expert in the industry and invite you to book an appointment orĀ contact usĀ for any other questions by calling 817-488-3838.


We understand dealing with ED can be challenging and upsetting, but you should know youā€™re not alone. ED affects as many as 30 million men in the U.S. There are drug free and non-invasive treatment options available that could be perfect for men with preexisting conditions.

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