
Weight Loss

How Long Do Semaglutide Side Effects Last? A Guide to Help You Navigate Post-Injection Woes

How Long Do Semaglutide Side Effects Last? A Guide to Help You Navigate Post-Injection Woes

If you’ve been paying any attention to the news or celebrity gossip lately, you’ve most likely heard of semaglutide. This remarkable weight loss drug has taken Hollywood (and the rest of the world) by storm.

While Semaglutide is a safe, effective weight management tool with countless success stories, it’s important to realize that no medication comes without its associated risk of side effects. Before committing to taking any medication, it’s important to understand what symptoms the drug may cause fully. Here’s what to know about the most common semaglutide side effects, how long they typically last, and how to reduce your symptoms.

Why Everyone Is Using Semaglutide for Weight Loss?

a woman using Semaglutide

Semaglutide was first FDA-approved for use as a type 2 diabetes medication. It falls into the category of GLP-1 agonists, which means it mimics the actions of the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1. This is a hormone the body releases after eating. It helps slow the digestion rate, stimulate insulin secretion, and inhibit glucagon release. These functions help GLP-1 agonist medications reduce high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) in people with type 2 diabetes.

If semaglutide is so effective for treating type 2 diabetes, you may be wondering why people are using it for weight loss. The answer is quite simple: the exact mechanisms semaglutide employs to treat type 2 diabetes also help the body get rid of excess weight. The drug functions as a remarkably effective weight loss tool by reducing blood sugar levels, slowing gastric emptying, and increasing satiety.

The Biggest Semaglutide Side Effects & How to Avoid Them

You probably have a few questions if you’re thinking about losing weight with semaglutide injections. You may wonder, “What are semaglutide side effects like?” or “When do semaglutide side effects start?” The answers to these questions may vary slightly per individual.

Some people experience few to no side effects while taking semaglutide, while others get so sick they have to stop taking the medication altogether. The difference in how people respond to this popular weight-loss drug may be partly due to genetics and medical history. However, some people get sick because they try to increase their weekly dosage too quickly. Or, they may order semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy online and start with a much too high dosage.

Only semaglutide injections must be ordered from a skilled and trusted provider. Otherwise, patients may not know what dosage to take and end up over-medicating themselves. This could lead to severe side effects. Experienced providers know how to mitigate their patients’ risk of semaglutide side effects. They do this by starting with a low dose and slowly increasing the injection amount until they reach the most effective, maximum dosage.

Even if you receive semaglutide injections from a skilled provider, there’s still a possibility you might experience some temporary unwanted side effects. They will most likely occur when you begin taking the medication or your provider increases your weekly dosage. Here are some of the most commonly reported symptoms associated with semaglutide injections and how to reduce them.


Nausea is the most common side effect associated with semaglutide. It’s not clear why the medication has this effect on the gut, but it may be related to the way semaglutide slows digestion. Fortunately, most people report a reduction in their nausea within a few weeks of taking the drug.

You can mitigate nausea by avoiding greasy, ultra-processed, and high-sugar foods and drinks. You should also listen to your body and stop eating when you feel full. If you continue eating past the point of fullness, you could end up feeling nauseous and bloated. Remember, your digestive tract slows down while you’re on semaglutide. Therefore, you must eat slowly and observe your body’s satiety cues.


a woman drinking water

Bloating is another one of the most common semaglutide side effects. As with nausea, this symptom is likely due to slow gastric emptying. You may reduce bloating by staying hydrated, avoiding carbonated beverages, and avoiding beans, lentils, and other foods that can cause excess gas.


image of vegetables

Regular bowel movements are essential when taking semaglutide. Many patients experience constipation because the drug slows down their digestive processes. Drink plenty of water each day to help move foods through your body. Include high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables to help you maintain a regular bathroom schedule.


a woman saying NO to fast food or unhealthy foods

In some cases, patients with semaglutide side effects experience loose bowels instead of constipation. Persistent diarrhea can lead to electrolyte imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and embarrassment. If one of your semaglutide side effects includes diarrhea, you can do a few things.

Cut back or eliminate high-fat foods like cheese, ice cream, and milk from your diet. They can contribute to semaglutide-related diarrhea. You should also avoid highly greasy foods like fried chicken, French fries, and pizza for the same reason. Check with your healthcare provider if you ever get dizzy or weak while experiencing frequent diarrhea. You should also talk to your semaglutide provider to see if they can cut your dose back a bit until your symptoms subside.

How Long Do Semaglutide Side Effects Last?

Your experience while taking semaglutide may be different from someone else’s. However, most people only experience unwanted semaglutide side effects for the first few weeks of treatment. After that, side effects typically subside or go away completely. Some people may also experience a temporary resurgence of symptoms each time their dosage increases.

Unfortunately, some semaglutide patients may never experience a reduction in symptoms. If this happens to you, your provider will most likely recommend that you stop taking the drug.

Other Ways to Prevent & Handle Semaglutide Side Effects

In addition to utilizing the tips above, there are other ways to prevent and handle side effects from semaglutide injections. Try the following suggestions to minimize unwanted symptoms and get the best treatment outcome.

Eat Healthy

a woman eating healthy

Establishing long-term healthy eating habits is key to keeping weight off during and after semaglutide. Fill your plate with nutrient-rich foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. Avoid nutrient-poor options like fast food, highly processed grocery store foods, and sugary treats. Eating a nutritious diet may lower your risk of experiencing semaglutide side effects.


A pack of individuals running

Physical activity is essential for optimal health. It may also help move food through your digestive tract so you feel less bloated and uncomfortable. Make sure you incorporate cardiovascular exercises, weight training, and stretching into your weekly routine. Exercise will help you maximize weight loss and improve your overall fitness.

Take Medication On-Time as Prescribed

To reduce your risk of side effects, always take semaglutide as prescribed. Don’t ever try to increase your dose too rapidly. Take your medication once per week and try to do it on the same day and at the same time each week.

Ensure you inject the medication in the correct area of the body as your provider prescribes. This will likely be in the stomach, upper arm, or thigh. Commit to completing the entire treatment plan timeline, usually 20+ weeks. Doing all of these things can help reduce any semaglutide side effects you experience while ensuring the best treatment outcome.

Lose Weight With Semaglutide Injections

Are you ready to experience semaglutide’s life-changing benefits? Now that you know what to expect and how to mitigate side effects, it’s time to schedule your semaglutide treatment. Contact Calista Skin & Laser Center at 817-488-3838 to reserve your appointment.

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Coolsculpting Recovery & Aftercare: What To Expect & How To Maximize Fat Reduction

Coolsculpting Recovery & Aftercare: What To Expect & How To Maximize Fat Reduction

Coolsculpting takes the lead as one of the top fat reduction treatments available today, and rightfully so! Thanks to its effective fat-freezing technology, this body sculpting procedure permanently reduces the number of fat cells in an area of the body. The popular method involves controlled cooling technology through a process called cryolipolysis. This process freezes subcutaneous fat cells to death. Once fat cells are frozen, this body-sculpting treatment triggers cell death. After treatment, your body naturally gathers and disposes of these dead fat cells via the lymphatic system.

Coolsculpting is a safe, FDA-cleared treatment that is entirely non-surgical. Treatment results are natural-looking and long-lasting. Plus, the fat-freezing procedure requires virtually no downtime. What’s not to love?

The Coolsculpting recovery experience is also a breeze because there is virtually no recovery. However, there are many steps you can follow to get the most out of your Coolsculpting treatments and maximize fat reduction.

Are you considering Coolsculpting to banish stubborn fat bulges and sculpt a leaner body? If so, keep reading to learn more about what you can expect during Coolsculpting recovery and aftercare and how you can enhance your body contouring results to enjoy the sculpted body of your dreams!

How Long Does it Take for CoolSculpting to Work

Coolsculpting provides long-lasting, noticeable results as soon as one month after your first treatment session. However, it takes anywhere from 12 to 16 weeks for the body’s lymphatic system to completely process and remove the frozen fat cells. Therefore, improvements are often seen during this period. Once fat cells are eliminated from your body, they do not come back. Keep in mind that fat reduction is different than weight loss. Fat reduction refers to cosmetic treatments that target and remove a portion of fat cells from the body.

CoolSculpting Side Effects

Overall, Coolsculpting is a pain-free treatment, and serious side effects are rare. The fat-freezing treatment may cause mild side effects like temporary discomfort, redness, or swelling. These minor side effects are short-lived and go away on their own:

  • Mild Redness

  • Bruising

  • Tenderness

  • Swelling

CoolSculpting Aftercare Tips to Maximize Fat Reduction

For people searching to lose weight fast, it’s important to remember that fat reduction treatments like Coolsculpting can help but do not replace a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, read on for several aftercare tips you can follow to speed up your results and maximize your fat reduction. 

Practice Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage is an effective method you can practice to assist in your Coolsculpting recovery process. After your Coolsculpting session, your frozen fat cells will break down. Lymphatic drainage can further help remove these dead fat cells from your body. Lymphatic drainage is a massage technique that massages the treated area. This gentle massage stimulates the flow of lymph fluid in your body. Lymph fluid flushes out excess fluid and reduces puffiness and swelling in the treated areas. By engaging in lymphatic drainage, you boost the natural detoxification process of your lymphatic system and help remove these waste products more quickly.

Based on a study published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, daily massage to the treated area following a cryolipolysis-based treatment may increase fat reduction.* By manually massaging one side of their treated area for two minutes a day, individuals in the study experienced greater fat loss than the side of the body they did not massage. Specifically, researchers found that the patient’s massaged side achieved a 68% greater fat layer reduction compared to the non-massaged side after two months.

Hydrate Yourself After Fat Freezing

a woman drinking water

Another way you can enhance your Coolsculpting results is by keeping your body hydrated. Drinking plenty of water keeps your body functioning correctly. However, it is also key to your cryolipolysis recovery process. Staying hydrated supports your body’s natural processes in flushing out the frozen fat cells. In general, your body will eliminate the dead fat cells over the course of six months. Drinking enough water helps your body get rid of the dead fat cells faster. Additionally, sipping on water regularly helps reduce potential side effects like swelling or discomfort. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to help flush out the fat cells from your body.

Maintain an Active Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is important during your Coolsculpting recovery period. While exercise cannot spot-reduce unwanted fat, it can help accelerate your fat freezing results. We all know the importance of regular physical activity and how beneficial it is for overall health and wellness. Exercise after CoolSculpting has countless benefits, from speeding up your metabolism to enhancing blood flow. Regular physical activity also improves your heart health and mental health.

Activities like brisk walking, running, hiking, or cycling boost blood circulation. This promotes faster fat elimination from the treated area. Post-treatment, your muscle tone will be more visible. Therefore, engaging in exercise like strength training will strengthen your muscles even more and continue to improve muscle tone and definition.

Eat a Balanced, Nutritious Diet

image of healthy food

Your eating habits will be a key component to the success of your fat reduction treatment. Following a healthy, nutrient-dense diet can speed up the effectiveness of your Coolsculpting results. Making healthy food choices will help you maintain a lean and healthy figure. Eating meals rich in lean proteins, greens, fruits, and whole grains supports healthy weight management and overall well-being.

Protein is important for building and repairing muscles, which helps you achieve a leaner physique. Eating lean meats, chicken, and fish is a great way to get enough protein and feel fuller longer. These types of proteins are also low in calories, which further helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Additionally, eating a colorful array of fruits and veggies helps you to get more nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, when you snack on fruits and veggies, you are less likely to make bad diet choices. Incorporating whole grains into your diet is another way to enhance your Coolsculpting results. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa are all high-fiber whole grains that help you feel fuller. Some even help regulate your blood sugar, further aiding in fat loss.

Additionally, you should try to limit or entirely refrain from eating sugary foods such as candy, soda, sweets, and processed foods. These kinds of foods are high in calories, fat, and sugar. Sugar is very addictive and can lead to overeating. They are also very low in nutrients. As a result, eating highly saturated fatty foods can lead to unhealthy eating habits and get in the way of maintaining a slimmer figure.

Practicing Portion Control

In addition to healthy eating, portion control is another key step to follow in the aftercare and success of your body contouring treatment. Practicing portion control is essential to weight management. It is important because it monitors how many calories you are consuming. This allows you to eat what your body needs instead of overindulging on high-calorie foods. 

You can use a smaller plate to practice portion control. You can also avoid extra carbs to monitor your calories. Measuring your food portions is also beneficial. If you like to snack, make sure you are choosing nutrient-dense foods that help you feel fuller longer. If you feel hungry after a meal, try to wait a little bit before going in for seconds. It can take up to 20 minutes for your body to feel full.  

Wear a Compression Garment

Compression garments are a great way to minimize discomfort and inflammation after a Coolsculpting session. These body-hugging garments fit snugly around the treated area. They apply gentle pressure and promote proper healing by improving circulation and reducing swelling. This is particularly important as your body adjusts to the changes achieved from your Coolsculpting procedure.

When you wear a compression garment, you help reinforce your body’s improved shape and contour. This type of form-fitting garment helps your skin conform to the underlying tissues. It also helps prevent any irregularities and supports the target area. As a result, a compression garment speeds up the effectiveness of your Coolsculpting session and enhances your results.

Experience Amazing CoolSculpting Results Colleyville, Texas

Coolsculpting is a trusted, clinically proven method for eliminating stubborn fat bulges and enjoying flawless, natural-looking results. Learn more about how this body sculpting treatment helps slim and define your figure by contacting Calista Skin & Laser Center. We are proud to be a leading provider of CoolSculpting in our area. Colleyville, Texas, residents who struggle with diet and exercise-resistant fat look to our state-of-the-art facility to achieve their dream physique.

To find out if you are a candidate for fat-freezing body sculpting, call (817) 488-3838 to book a complimentary Coolsculpting consultation or reach out to us online to learn more. We can’t wait to share more about this advanced cooling technology and help you achieve a total body transformation.

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Lip Fillers

Natural Lip Fillers: 8 Tips to Avoid Looking Fake After Fillers

A woman undergoing lip fillers, a service offered at Calista Skin and Laser Center in Colleyville, TX.

Natural Lip Fillers: 8 Tips to Avoid Looking Fake After Fillers

Lip filler has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its ability to enhance the appearance of lips and provide a youthful, plump look. Many individuals opt for this cosmetic procedure to enhance their natural features, boost their self-confidence, or keep up with the current beauty trends. The demand for lip filler continues to rise as more people recognize its effectiveness in achieving fuller lips while maintaining a natural look.

However, following aftercare instructions diligently ensures a natural and long-lasting outcome. Without proper care, lip filler can result in an artificial or “fake” appearance, which is not the desired outcome for most individuals.

Wondering how to avoid fake and unnatural lip filler results? Read on for 8 tips you can follow to ensure your lip filler settles into a natural and attractive shape and enhances your overall beauty.

A woman with plump lips.

Choose a Skilled and Experienced Injector

Choose an injector who is highly skilled and experienced in doing lip augmentations when seeking natural-looking lip fillers. Expert injectors possess the necessary expertise to delicately enhance your lips, resulting in a more natural appearance. Seek out an expert who aims to improve facial symmetry while administering fillers, preventing an artificial appearance.

A skilled injector understands the importance of balance and proportion when it comes to lip filler. They have an eye for detail and know various lip shapes and facial structures. This allows them to assess your unique features and determine the appropriate filler placement to create a harmonious and natural look.

Furthermore, an experienced injector possesses advanced techniques and precise injection methods, ensuring that the filler distributes evenly and smoothly throughout your lips. They are familiar with different types of fillers and can choose the most suitable one for you based on your desired outcome and individual needs.

Additionally, an injector who has years of experience takes into consideration your preferences and desires for your lips. They communicate effectively with you, listening to your input and understanding your aesthetic goals. This collaborative approach ensures that your lip filler treatment aligns with your expectations, resulting in a natural appearance that enhances your overall beauty.

A woman receiving lip fillers.

Opt For a Gradual Approach

Another way to make lip filler look natural is by starting with smaller filler and gradually building up over time for a more natural look. Starting with smaller amounts of lip filler benefits those seeking a natural look as it allows for customization and precision. It ensures that the end result enhances the lips in a naturally beautiful way while preserving the person’s unique features and individual beauty.

The use of smaller amounts allows for a gradual enhancement of the lips, which appears more subtle and less obvious compared to a sudden drastic change. This approach makes the lips adapt to the filler more naturally, resulting in a balanced, harmonious look. Beginning with smaller amounts also allows observing how the filler affects the lips and ensures that the desired outcome is achieved. This method allows for modifications and adjustments to be made easily if needed, guaranteeing that the final result is pleasing and in line with the individual’s preferences.

Using smaller amounts of filler helps avoid the risk of overfilling the lips, which leads to an unnatural appearance. Gradually building the volume over time makes the overall effect more natural-looking and complements the person’s facial features instead of overpowering them.

Related Reading: Juvéderm Lip Filler: Which Is Best And How Long Do They Last?

Allow Filler to Settle

Another way to ensure that your lips don’t look fake or abnormal is by being gentle with your lips in the days and weeks after your treatment. In general, expect your lip filler to settle in about two weeks. During this time, activities such as kissing and sucking from a straw impact the look of your filler. Therefore, be mindful in the week following your treatment and avoid these activities as best as possible.

Additionally, try and practice gentle oral hygiene so you do not disrupt the filler as it settles into place. When brushing or flossing your teeth, be tender around your lips and do not apply unnecessary pressure. Aggressive brushing or rough handling may cause the filler to displace and look unnatural.

Stay Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated is a great way to keep your lips looking plump and natural. Drinking water daily keeps your lips hydrated and prolongs the effects of natural-looking lip fillers. You should try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Lip filler is made from a substance called hyaluronic acid. This substance draws in water, which increases the chances of your lips becoming more easily chapped. Therefore, water is a huge part of your lip filler aftercare. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain good hydration and keep your lips looking healthy and natural.

A woman who is drinking water for hydration.

Follow Proper Filler Aftercare Instructions

You increase your chances of achieving natural-looking results by following your injector’s aftercare instructions. Your injector may suggest specific products or instructions to prevent your results from looking fake and abnormal.

After your procedure, gently apply ice packs to your lips to reduce swelling and minimize the chances of bruising or unnatural results.

A common aftercare precaution is avoiding high-impact sports or workouts for 48 hours post-treatment. Additionally, refrain from activities that involve pressure or aggressive movements on your lips immediately after getting filler. This includes intense exercise, playing certain instruments involving your mouth, or even rigorous kissing. This instruction allows the filler to settle evenly and reduces the risk of displacement.

Avoiding prolonged sun exposure or intense heat is another crucial step to ensure your lips heal properly. You can shield your lips by applying SPF or using a lip balm with SPF when outdoors. Wearing a hat when or staying in the shade helps protect your lips from the sun as well. Following these steps will ensure youthful-looking lips.

Limit Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Smoking tobacco products and consuming alcohol also impact the natural look of your lip filler. It is best to avoid smoking and drinking to decrease your chances of your lip filler results looking artificial.

The motion of puffing on a cigarette or a vape applies excess pressure that should be avoided. Smoking also delays the healing process and alters lip shape long-term.

Avoid drinking alcohol after getting lip fillers, as it dehydrates your lips. Consuming alcohol causes your lips to become swollen and bruised easily. This is because the alcohol causes your blood vessels to expand. Therefore, you greatly minimize the potential for unnatural-looking swelling and bruising by avoiding alcohol consumption for the first 24 to 48 hours post-treatment.

Keep Your Lips Moisturized

In addition to staying hydrated, moisturize your lips to avoid looking fake after lip filler. This is crucial in the first few days following your treatment. Dehydration negatively impacts your lip filler results and diminishes the natural volume created. Dry, chapped lips are more susceptible to unnatural-looking ailments such as cold sores and infection. Avoid lip dryness using a hydrating lip balm or emollient moisturizer to keep your lips hydrated. Opt for products with nourishing ingredients like jojoba oil, coconut oil, or hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid attracts water, which is why it is so widespread in skincare products. It efficiently plumps and hydrates your skin and lips. Therefore, look for a lip balm with hyaluronic acid to make sure your lips are well-hydrated before and after your lip filler procedure.

A woman putting chapstick on her lips.

Avoid Touching Your Lips

Another way to ensure that the results of your lip filler look as natural as possible is to avoid touching your lips after getting lip filler. Touching, massaging, or pressing your lips together prevents the filler from settling properly and affects the look of the filler.

Additionally, try not to apply lipstick or makeup to your lips with a heavy hand. You should also avoid forcefully scrubbing your lips after treatment or getting facials with heavy pressure. Following these tips will ensure that your lip filler will settle naturally into place.
In the week following your lip filler treatment, refrain from kissing, massaging, or touching your lips. These activities increase your risk of infection and impact how your lip filler settles into your lips. Therefore, avoid these activities as best you can to allow your lips to heal and prevent bacteria from entering the injection sites.

Experience Natural Lip Fillers in Colleyville, Texas

If you want to maintain the balance and harmony of your facial features with natural lip fillers that don’t look fake or disproportionate, Calista Skin & Laser Center is a renowned location to explore natural lip fillers. We are one of the most sought-after providers of natural lip enhancements in Colleyville, Texas.

Reach out to us at 817-488-3838 to secure your complimentary lip augmentation consultation, or visit us online. Speak with one of our knowledgeable injectors and discover how our facility will help you achieve flawless, natural-looking lips that fulfill your desired outcome and enhance your individual beauty.

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Exercise After CoolSculpting: Can I Work Out After My Treatment?

Exercise After CoolSculpting: Can I Work Out After My Treatment?

CoolSculpting is a popular, non-invasive alternative to liposuction. It’s a gentle body contouring treatment that freezes and kills excess fat cells using an FDA-cleared device. Once the cells freeze, the body then works to metabolize them. The result is a smoother, slimmer silhouette that can boost your confidence and turn heads. CoolSculpting may be right for you if you want the physique-enhancing benefits of liposuction without the associated scarring or downtime.

If you’re close to your goal weight but can’t seem to rid yourself of stubborn fat pockets, CoolSculpting can help. But can you exercise after CoolSculpting, and is it necessary to do so? The answer is a definitive “Yes!”

CoolSculpting is excellent for getting rid of fat cells and smoothing the appearance of cellulite. But it’s not a miracle worker. After treatment, you’ll need to adopt a consistent exercise routine to tighten up your appearance and develop shapely muscles. Here’s a brief overview of how CoolSculpting works and how regular exercise after CoolSculpting can benefit you.

How CoolSculpting Works

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body contouring treatment for belly fat, thighs, double chins, and more. It uses a method of cell freezing called cryolipolysis. Since fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than other body cells, the CoolSculpting device can freeze the fat cells without damaging surrounding cells.

Freezing the fat cells kills them and stimulates the body to eliminate them. It does this by metabolizing (or eating) the dead cells and using them for energy. This isn’t an overnight process and can take several months. For this reason, you may not see the final results of your treatment for up to four months afterward. But you should be able to see some noticeable changes to your body in as little as four weeks.

What to Expect During Your CoolSculpting Treatment

During your appointment, your provider gently places an applicator on the treatment area. Then, you’ll feel a cooling sensation as the device begins to freeze the subcutaneous fat cells. You may feel some mild pinching, tugging, stinging, and cramping during treatment. These sensations should never be severe or unbearable. They should begin to subside throughout your treatment as the targeted area becomes numb from the cold.

Treating a single area may take as little as 35 minutes. However, if multiple areas are treated at once, you should expect your treatment time to be longer. Once your treatment is complete, your provider may gently massage the targeted site. This may help enhance the fat reduction results by breaking up the frozen fat cells. Your provider will also give you post-treatment instructions. Follow these instructions to heal quickly and get the best possible treatment outcome.

Working Out After CoolSculpting

It’s pretty common to be told not to work out after various medical and aesthetic treatments. For this reason, it’s natural to wonder, “Can I exercise after Cool Sculpting?” The good news is that CoolSculpting is not invasive like some other fat-reduction procedures. Therefore, working out after CoolSculpting is not only allowed — it’s highly recommended!

But can you work out after CoolSculpting if you feel sore and swollen? The answer to this question is a little tricky. For some people, exercising immediately after CoolSculpting can slow down the body’s healing processes. Other people may find that gentle exercises can actually make swelling and soreness go away faster. The key is listening to your body and doing what feels right. You can also ask your provider, “Can I work out after CoolSculpting, or should I wait a few days?” They should be able to give you good advice based on your body’s response to the treatment.

The Benefits of Exercising After CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a remarkable procedure that delivers exceptional body-sculpting results on its own. But to maximize your results, you should plan to exercise after your treatment. Continued exercise is necessary for maintaining the body shape that you want. More importantly, it’s essential for maintaining your physical and mental health.

CoolSculpting providers usually aren’t surprised when patients ask, “Can I exercise after fat freezing?” It’s natural to think you need to limit physical activity after body sculpting procedures. But here are some of the top reasons to dive into a regular workout routine within a few days of your treatment.

1. Exercise May Speed Your Recovery

Contrary to popular belief, exercise isn’t always harmful after aesthetic procedures. In the case of noninvasive treatments like CoolSculpting, gentle exercises may actually enhance recovery time. Walking, swimming, and similar exercises can boost blood circulation and help the lymph system remove unwanted cells. It may also reduce inflammation and allow soreness to dissipate faster.

The key to getting the best benefits from post-CoolSculpting workouts is to start slowly and work up to more intense workouts. Don’t jump immediately into an intense aerobics class, or you could stretch your healing time out even longer. Instead, engage in gentle body movements such as walking or Yoga until you feel like your body is ready for something more challenging.

2. Exercise May Boost Your Results

CoolSculpting will help slim you down but won’t give you a stronger, more muscular physique. However, exercise combined with CoolSculpting can deliver incredible body-toning results.

3. Exercise May Help You Maintain Your Results Longer

CoolSculpting leads to the permanent removal of targeted fat cells. Once your body metabolizes the cells, they can’t grow back. Therefore, this treatment can result in long-term fat reduction results. However, it is still possible for the remaining fat cells to become enlarged due to diet and inactivity. If you want long-lasting results from your CoolSculpting treatment, you need to be physically active. Working out after CoolSculpting is essential for maintaining your slimmer physique.

The Best Types of Exercises for Boosting Your CoolSculpting Results

CoolSculpting and exercise go hand in hand, but is there a certain type of exercise you should do to get optimal results? Well, it turns out there are several types of exercise that can help you create the body of your dreams. Every good workout routine should ideally include each of the following exercise varieties:

Strength Training

Strength training involves using weight machines, free weights, or resistance bands to sculpt specific groups of muscles. If you want to be “strong skinny,” you should aim to do some form of strength training at least three times per week.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercises include brisk walking, cycling, running, and other activities that increase the heart rate. These types of exercise are great for burning excess calories and helping you maintain a solid figure. They can also improve your cardiovascular health and enhance your CoolSculpting treatment results.

Core Exercises

Your core muscles include your abdominal and back muscles. These muscle groups help to give your torso support and stability. They also play an important role in maintaining posture and flexibility. CoolSculpting treatments often target the core because this is where many people experience excess fat accumulation.

To enhance the results of your CoolSculpting treatment, perform regular core exercises. These may include crunches, planks, superman lifts, and other movements that challenge and strengthen the midsection. Don’t forget to focus on your core’s front and back sides. For every group of abdominal exercises you perform, try to achieve an equal number of back exercises.

Things to Do After CoolSculpting

In addition to exercising, here are a few other things you should consider doing after your treatment to enhance your CoolSculpting results:

  • Carefully follow your provider’s post-procedural instructions

  • Stay well hydrated

  • Eat a healthy, calorie-controlled diet

  • Wear loose clothing to and after your appointment to increase your comfort levels

  • Take pain medication after your treatment as needed (most people are just fine without it)

Your provider may recommend a series of CoolSculpting treatments for the best results. Many people receive multiple treatments. Your provider will recommend the correct number of treatments based on your aesthetic goals and expectations.

Things to Avoid After CoolSculpting

Just as there are certain things you should do after CoolSculpting to enhance your recovery and results, there are also things you should avoid. Here are a few things your provider may instruct you not to do after your appointment:

  • Avoid exfoliating the treated area for 24 hours after treatment

  • Don’t drink alcohol for at least a week after your appointment

  • Wait 24 hours before massaging the treatment area

  • Wait a few days before engaging in rigorous physical activity

CoolSculpting vs. Lipo

People choose CoolSculpting over liposuction because there is no downtime after CoolSculpting. Therefore, they can immediately return to their normal daily activities after treatment. Other benefits of CoolSculpting over liposuction include less pain, little to no risk of complications, and no scarring.

Schedule Your CoolSculpting Body Contouring Procedure

If you’ve ever wondered, “Can you work out after CoolSculpting?” the answer is hopefully very clear by now. A good workout regimen can enhance your CoolSculpting results and help them last longer. Ready to finally slim down your physique and boost your self-confidence? Schedule CoolSculpting treatment with Calista Skin & Laser Center today and say goodbye to unwanted fat cells for good! We’re located in Colleyville, TX, and we also serve the Dallas and Fort Worth areas.

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The Pros and Cons of Botox: Is It Worth It?

a woman getting facial injections

The Pros and Cons of Botox: Is It Worth It?

So, you’re thinking about getting Botox but aren’t sure it’s the proper treatment for you. You may feel panicked at seeing your ever-deepening facial wrinkles but fear cosmetic injections. Botox can help minimize the appearance of your wrinkles, but is it worth the potential drawbacks?

It’s wise to use caution when considering any new aesthetic treatment. But don’t let the fact that Botox is derived from a toxin scare you away. After all, Penicillin comes from mold. And yet, it’s a potentially life-saving drug that can combat various bacterial infections. Sometimes, otherwise harmful materials can be quite helpful when utilized appropriately. Keep in mind that Botox also has a long history of safe use. That’s one of the main reasons it’s the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatment in the United States.

But just like any other aesthetic treatment, Botox isn’t right for everyone. Whether you have ultra-sensitive skin or don’t like how the injections make your face feel, it’s okay if you decide not to receive neurotoxin injections. On the other hand, if you have unreasonable fears about the procedure, you could be missing out on its incredible anti-aging benefits. To help you make a well-informed decision, here are some of the most notable Botox pros and cons.

Botox Pros

image of someone getting Botox smiling

Botox has a long list of impressive benefits, which is why it is a popular cosmetic treatment. But it also doesn’t come without some potentially undesirable side effects. If you’re wondering, “Is Botox worth it?” here are some of the top Botox benefits to help you decide.

Minimizes the Appearance of Existing Wrinkles

It’s no secret that Botox minimizes the appearance of existing wrinkles. That’s why most people decide to get the injections. Though it may look like it, neurotoxin injections don’t actually fill in wrinkles. Instead, they paralyze the muscles responsible for creating the wrinkles. Every time you make facial expressions, your muscles move the overlying skin. Eventually, recurring muscle contractions can cause the skin to develop wrinkles and crevices.

Unfortunately, wrinkles and fine lines become more pronounced when you use the muscles in question. Botox stops this undesirable wrinkle progression by blocking the nerve signals that tell the muscles to contract. Don’t worry, you shouldn’t look like an unfeeling robot after Botox injections. If you can’t make facial expressions, your injector will probably give you too many units. When properly injected, this neuromodulator shouldn’t hamper your ability to express yourself as usual. However, you likely won’t be able to scrunch the treated muscles up very tight. That’s okay, though, because scrunching up your facial muscles is what causes wrinkles to develop in the first place.

May Help Prevent Future Wrinkles From Forming

Botox doesn’t just reduce the appearance of wrinkles you already have. It may also prevent or slow the development of future wrinkles. Preventive Botox is an increasingly popular practice among young adults. It requires fewer treatments and less product than you’d need to smooth existing wrinkles.

Many people begin preventive neurotoxin injections in their 20s, but there’s no “right” age to start. Just schedule your treatments before fine lines appear. Otherwise, you’ll simply be treating existing wrinkles instead of preventing them.

Non-Surgical Treatment

image of someone looking afraid of a scalpel

So many people are so desperate to look younger that they undergo surgery to improve their appearance. This might be the best option for some people, including those with severe signs of aging. But for those with mild to moderate wrinkles and other aging symptoms, it’s generally better to seek the least invasive treatment possible.

One of the top Botox pros is that it’s a non-surgical treatment. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about suffering through a long and painful recovery time after your injections. You also don’t need to worry about dealing with unwanted scarring. The Botox aftercare and recovery is also extremely easy and convenient, especially for busy people.

Results Are Temporary

Botox results typically only last a few months. This might seem like a drawback initially, but it’s comforting for many people. If you’re nervous that you won’t like your appearance, it’s nice to know the injections will wear off in a few months. If you receive plastic surgery, on the other hand, the results are permanent. That can be devastating if you don’t like the way you look after treatment.

Treatments Are Quick

Botox appointment times vary based on how many areas you’re treating, the size of each treatment area, and your provider’s experience level. However, most appointments take less than 20 minutes to complete. You don’t need to worry about taking time off work to get this treatment. Many people choose to do it during their lunch break for convenience purposes.

Provides Quick Results

Before and after photos showing a woman with furrowed brow wrinkles before and a smooth, youthful forehead after Botox treatment in Texas.
Before and after photos of a middle-aged woman with furrowed brow wrinkles before and smooth, wrinkleless skin after Botox treatment in Colleyville.
Before and after photos of a younger man with forehead wrinkles before and a smooth forehead after Botox treatment.
Before and after photos of an older man with forehead wrinkles before and no wrinkles after Botox treatment in Colleyville.

You probably won’t notice much improvement after your Botox injections. In fact, your treated skin may develop little bumps that resemble mosquito bites immediately after your appointment. These bumps should go away within a half hour. The positive effects of Botox usually appear within 1-3 days after treatment. When compared to some other non-surgical cosmetic treatments, this is not a very long waiting period.

More Affordable Than Surgical Treatments

Plastic surgery is notoriously expensive, with the average facelift costing around $8,000. Botox, on the other hand, costs an average of $408 per injection area. Of course, the total price tag can rise rapidly if you inject multiple areas. But even if you were to inject four different parts of your face at once, you’d still pay much less than you’d fork out for surgery.

Helps With Migraines and Other Health Concerns

Botox isn’t just for wrinkle reduction and prevention. It can also help with migraines and other health concerns. If you get migraines more than 15 days per month, neurotoxin injections may help. A provider will administer injections into targeted areas of the head and neck. Many people experience a reduction in their chronic migraine frequency and severity with treatment.

Here are a few other health concerns Botox injections can treat:

  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

  • Overactive bladder

  • Teeth grinding

  • Reynaud’s disease (a condition that causes insufficient circulation in the hands)

  • Lazy eye

  • Neck spasms and other muscle spasms

It’s essential only to trust a skilled provider with your Botox injections. Most of the complications caused by neurotoxin treatments are due to inexperienced providers.

Safe to Use

image of someone wearing a glove with a botox needle

Botox has a long history of effective and safe use. Millions of people receive injections of this neurotoxin every year. While some may have allergic reactions, most people handle the injections very well. If you’re nervous about how you’ll respond to Botox, begin by having a skilled provider inject just one small area. You can treat a larger area at your next appointment if you don’t have any negative reactions.

Botox Cons

image of someone administering Botox

At first glance, Botox may seem like a miracle treatment. It is truly impressive, but it doesn’t come without its drawbacks. Here are some Botox cons you should consider before receiving this treatment.

Can Impact Facial Expressions

Have you ever seen celebrities who seem to have painted-on faces and emotionless stares? They were probably over-injected with Botox. This neurotoxin should allow you to maintain your natural facial expressions when administered correctly. But when you receive too much, you’ll soon discover that your muscles refuse to move naturally. This can be an embarrassing but avoidable situation.

When it comes to neurotoxin injections, less is almost always better. You can always add more later as needed. And forget about attending a neighborhood Botox party with an unknown injector. That’s far too risky and could result in undesirable or even dangerous results. Instead, always go to a licensed and trustworthy injector.

Can Cause Unwanted Side Effects in Special Cases

Botox is generally safe, but it may cause various unwanted side effects. The risk of side effects rises drastically when an inexperienced or unqualified person makes the injections. Here are some of the mild to severe side effects that may occur after injections:

  • Localized redness, swelling, bruising, and pain

  • Headache

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Eye redness or irritation

  • Neck pain

  • Indigestion

  • Drooping eyelids (ptosis)

Allergic reactions and other serious complications are rare. If they do occur, seek medical attention immediately.

To Maintain Your Results, You’ll Need to Keep Getting Botox

Since Botox injection results aren’t permanent, you’ll need to keep getting injections to maintain your results. Most people schedule maintenance Botox injections every six months or so. This may seem like a huge inconvenience. However, since the treatments are quick and relatively affordable, many people don’t mind repeating them two to three times per year.

Learn More About the Pros and Cons of Botox

So, is Botox worth it? Based on the long list of pros and the relatively few cons in this guide, most people would say “Yes.” But, the decision about whether or not to fight wrinkles with this tried-and-proven method is ultimately up to you. If you still have questions about this popular neuromodulator and want to learn more, we’d love to answer your questions. Contact Calista Skin and Laser Center at 817-488-3838, and we’ll help you schedule a Botox consultation in Colleyville.

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Lip Fillers

Where Is Juvéderm Injected? Learn About the Top 4 Filler areas

A beautiful face showing the Juvéderm dermal filler areas, a service offered at Calista Skin & Laser Center in Colleyville, TX

Where Is Juvéderm Injected? Learn About the Top 4 Filler Areas

If you’re in your thirties or older, you’ve probably noticed changes in your face. Diminishing levels of collagen and elastin can cause the cheeks to look gaunt and the under eyes to sag. Your cheeks may look sunken, and your jawline may look baggy due to jowls. You may also see small lines and wrinkles developing on your lips. All of these changes are perfectly normal. However, you can temporarily hold them at bay or even reverse their appearance with Juvéderm fillers.

Juvéderm is a highly desirable filler because it adds natural-looking volume to the face. It’s made by the creators who formulated Botox so you can have confidence in its efficacy. Juvéderm is FDA-approved and has a history of effective use. But where is Juvéderm injected, and can you use it to improve your appearance? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this helpful introduction to popular Juvéderm filler areas.

What Is Juvéderm?

Juvéderm is an injectable dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid (HA). This is one of the most desirable types of fillers because it is reversible. That means you can ask your provider to dissolve it if you react badly or don’t like your results. Juvéderm can add volume, promote hydration, and smooth away unwanted wrinkles when injected into desired areas. It’s also commonly used to enhance certain features or add facial and lip symmetry.

Juvéderm contains lidocaine, which is a popular anesthetic. The lidocaine content helps numb some discomfort associated with Juvéderm injections. Most providers also offer a topical numbing cream to reduce patient discomfort further. Juvéderm is quite versatile and can treat multiple areas of the face.

Filler Between the Eyebrows

Many people choose to get filler between eyebrows. That’s where the infamous “11” lines or frown lines develop. Often, deep creases form between the eyebrows due to excessive frowning or squinting. These creases indicate areas of lost volume. Juvéderm can restore volume to the creases so the area between the brows appears much smoother.  

HA fillers also help plump the skin by keeping it hydrated. HA can hold many times its weight in water. It pulls water molecules close to the skin and slows their dissipation rate. Therefore, it can quickly rehydrate and plump skin that looks dry and crepey.

HA fillers like Juvéderm are great alternatives to Botox. While Botox is very good at smoothing wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles, HA fillers work differently. They plump and fill in low-volume areas to make wrinkles effectively disappear. The effects of these fillers do wear off over time, so you’ll need to receive maintenance treatments to keep enjoying your smoother complexion.

Filler for Hollow Eyes (Under Eye Filler)

One of the most popular filler areas on the face is the under eyes. Hollow eyes can have many underlying causes. For example, your eyes may look hollow if you’re malnourished or getting insufficient sleep. Hollow eyes are also common with age. That’s why many older people’s eyes often appear to be sunken into their heads.

You can try treating age-related hollow eye problems with topical skincare products. However, you may need more than the results you want. That’s because topical products can’t typically restore lost volume due to declining elastin and collagen levels. Fortunately, Juvéderm makes an exceptional under-eye filler. You’ll have a more wakeful appearance when you receive filler for hollow eyes. Fillers can also minimize the shadows that tend to form in under-eye hollows.

Lip Fillers

Some people are lucky enough to be born with plump, symmetrical lips. Others may not be born with the perfect lips, but that doesn’t mean they can never have them! Whether you have a thin upper lip, excessively wrinkled lips, or an asymmetrical pout, Juvéderm can help! The mouth is one of the top filler areas for Juvéderm injections.

HA filler injections are safe and effective for enhancing lip volume and definition. They can also leave the lips looking and feeling more hydrated and attractive. Fillers can plump up thin lips and smooth wrinkles from the areas around the mouth. Learning everything you can about the different Juvéderm lip fillers is important to determine which formula is right for you. When you schedule a consultation with Calista Skin & Laser Center, our lip injection specialists will evaluate your lips to determine which one if best for you.

Fill Around Mouth Lines

You can use filler around mouth to add volume and a natural lift to the skin. Many people receive filler for smile lines and marionette lines. Smile lines are the wrinkles that run from the corners of your nose to your mouth. They are also referred to as nasolabial folds. Marionette lines run from the corners of your mouth to your chin. As the name suggests, they can give you a puppet-like appearance.  

If the area around your mouth betrays your age, consider receiving filler around mouth lines. After your treatment, you’ll have a smoother complexion with more youthful plumpness. When using fillers around your mouth, starting with a small amount is generally best. You can always add more filler later if you think you need it. Overdoing fillers could lead to an unnatural appearance. You should be especially cautious not to overdo mouth filler, or you might have trouble smiling naturally.

Are There Any Other Potential Treatment Areas?

The eyebrows, under eyes, lips, and mouth are the four most popular Juvéderm filler areas. However, some patients also receive HA fillers in the cheeks or any area that’s impacted by wrinkles. Fillers may also help reduce the appearance of pocked and uneven skin caused by acne scarring. You can also receive fillers along the jawline and chin to enhance and define these areas. Some people even opt to use fillers to mimic the results of a surgical nose job. No matter where you receive your injections, you’ll notice the difference immediately.

How Long Do Juvéderm Fillers Last?

Juvéderm fillers typically last anywhere between six and 18 months. This is a broad time range, but that’s because people metabolize HA fillers differently. The longevity of your results depends on a variety of factors, such as:

  • How well you take care of your skin after treatment

  • How well do you observe post-injection instructions

  • The severity of your aging symptoms

  • How fast your metabolism is

  • How well you protect your skin from sun exposure

Who Makes a Good Dermal Filler Candidate?

If you want to turn back the hands of time on your appearance, you may be a good candidate for Juvéderm fillers. The best candidates are those with mild to moderate wrinkles, realistic treatment expectations, and no known allergies to HA fillers. You should also be physically healthy and free from serious skin conditions that might respond negatively to fillers.

If you have a current skin infection, you should not receive fillers. Give your skin time to heal up before scheduling your filler appointment. People with susceptible skin may not be good candidates either. They have a higher risk of developing an adverse reaction to the fillers. Additionally, people with severe aging symptoms may not be the best candidates for HA fillers. They may not receive worthwhile results. It might be best for them to consider more extensive cosmetic treatments instead.

When you schedule a consultation, learn everything about Juvéderm lip fillers, Juvéderm aftercare, and the different filler options.

Enhance Your Best Facial Features With Juvéderm

Everyone deserves to feel confident in their own body. Calista Skin & Laser Center makes it possible to improve your face without surgery. If certain facial features cause embarrassment or make you look older than you’d like, consider Juvéderm filler injections. It’s one of the least-invasive ways to get results, like a surgical facelift. Call us at 817-488-3838, and we’ll help you set up a consultation.

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Lip Fillers

Juvéderm Lip Filler: Which is Best and How Long Do They Last?

woman receiving facial treatment

Juvéderm Lip Filler: Which is Best and How Long Do They Last?

Juvéderm lip fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment. Millions of people worldwide use Juvéderm fillers like the Juvéderm Volbella XC and the Juvéderm Ultra XC to plump up the lips, improve lip hydration, reduce lip wrinkles, and improve lip symmetry.

This article discusses the best Juvéderm lip fillers and how long they last.

What are The Best Juvéderm Fillers for the Lips?

The Juvéderm line has two popular fillers for augmenting and enhancing the lips. Those include: Juvéderm Volbella XC and Juvéderm Ultra XC.


Juvéderm Volbella XC is an injectable gel for the lips. In addition, this is also used to correct perioral lines (lines around the mouth), often called lipstick lines, vertical lip lines, or lip wrinkles in adults over the age of 21.


Juvéderm Ultra XC is another popular lip filler. It temporarily adds fullness and plumpness to thin lips. Whether you have experienced lip thinning over time or want fuller lips, the Juvéderm lip filler Ultra XC can help.

What are Juvéderm Dermal Fillers Used For?

Lip injections augment or change the lips by enhancing them in a few significant ways.

First, Juvéderm fillers restore lip shape. As we age, our lips lose volume and become smaller or thinner. Juvéderm fillers act as a temporary volumizing agent that plumps the lips and even improves lip symmetry for a more aesthetically pleasing mouth.

Next, lip fillers smooth out wrinkles on the lips. The lips can become susceptible to wrinkles as we age. When lips are injected with Juvéderm filler, it plumps up the lips and reduces the appearance of wrinkles or lines on the lips. Lip fillers on dry, wrinkled lips make them plump, hydrated, and lush.

Additionally, lip fillers increase confidence. Aging is incredible, but some side effects, like volume loss in the lips, are unpleasant. Many people use Juvéderm lip fillers to age gracefully by plumping the lips, keeping them hydrated, and improving lip symmetry.

How Long Does It Take Lip Fillers to Settle After a Lip Augmentation?

It usually takes about 2 weeks for your lip filler to settle after your injections. On average, it takes two weeks for the dermal filler to integrate well into the lip tissue. During a follow-up appointment, your provider will examine the filler and show how well it could stay within the tissue. In addition, the follow-up appointment is a great chance to speak with your provider about your satisfaction with the lip filler results.

How Long Does It Take Your Lips to Recover After Juvéderm Fillers?

Lip filler recovery varies per person. The swelling depends on how much lip filler you receive. Usually, injections requiring more than half a syringe of filler will swell the lips for a couple of days while it settles. When only receiving half a syringe of filler, there will be minimal swelling and recovery.

Lip Filler Aftercare: How to Help Your Filler Last Longer

Taking care of your lips, post-lip filler plays a large part in how long your lip filler lasts. After your filler appointment, it is important to reduce swelling. You can do this by:

  • Use a post lip-filler serum and moisturizer
  •  Avoid excessive or strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after the injections
  •  Avoid hot temperatures for at least 24 hours after the injections
  •  Avoid sodium for 24 hours after the injections. It can dehydrate the lips
  •  Drink lots of water to stay hydrated

You should also avoid or minimize many things after your fillers to help prolong their enhancements. These include:

  •  Do not use straws
  •  Do not use blood thinner
  •  Do not use alcohol
  •  Do not sleep face down on the pillow
  •  Avoid sun exposure to avoid burns or pain

How Long Does Juvéderm Lip Filler Last?*

Typically, lip fillers using Juvéderm last for 6 to 8 months. Most people can see results within the first 24 hours. The lips usually settle within 2 to 3 weeks after your treatment. Many begin seeing lip volume improvements, lasting 6 to 8 months. How long they last depend on how fast your body metabolizes the Juvéderm filler. Usually, younger people metabolize the filler faster. As always, individual experiences will vary.*

How Quickly Can You Get More Lip Injections?

Learning how to make your lip filler last longer helps. However, if you notice your filler dissolving too soon and want to get more filler, you should wait 3 to 6 months. You could get more lip filler done as soon as 3 months, but some may need to wait longer like 6 months. This timeframe gives your lips the time they need to recover and be ready for additional treatments.

Do Lip Fillers Last Longer the Second Time?

Fillers dissolve in the lips over time. How fast it dissolves depends heavily on how quickly or soon your body absorbs the filler formula. Most fillers are made of Hyaluronic Acid. Juvéderm fillers are a popular HA filler containing Hyaluronic Acid. This is a naturally occurring substance within the human body, so the body absorbs the filler formula over time. It is important to note the filler dissolves fully before scheduling your second appointment. If you have some filler left in your lips, they will likely last longer once you go to your second because the volume decreases minimally in the lip tissue.

Juvederm Lip Filler Before and After*

The Juvederm lip filler before and after images show the impressive lip enhancements possible with Juvéderm filler. As always, the results will vary per person.* However, each person in the before and after photos show impressive and dramatic improvements in their lip volume and lip shape.

Before and after photos showing an improved lip shape and reduced lip wrinkles from Lip Fillers, a service offered by Calista Skin and Laser Center in Colleyville, TX.
Before and after photos showing an increased lip size and reduced lip wrinkles from Lip Fillers, a service offered by Calista Skin and Laser Center in Colleyville, TX.
Before and after photos showing an improved lip shape and increased lip size from Lip Fillers, a service offered by Calista Skin and Laser Center in Colleyville, TX.
Before and after photos showing an improved lip shape and structure from a Lip Filler, a service offered by Calista Skin and Laser Center in Colleyville, TX.

Experience Juvéderm Lip Fillers in Dallas and Fort Worth With the Experts

While quality filler like the Juvederm lines does have a significant effect on how long your lip filler lasts, the knowledge and expertise of your lip injection provider can make all the difference. Selecting a top-rated lip filler provider like the experts at Calista Skin & Laser Center can help ensure you enjoy optimal results that last long!

If you want to experience Juvéderm lip fillers that last, contact the lip injection experts at Calista Skin & Laser Center. We are proud to be the leading provider of lip fillers in Dallas and Fort Worth areas, where we also serve the fantastic people of Colleyville, Texas. We proudly offer high-quality dermal fillers including the popular lip filler formulas in the Juvéderm line.

Call us now at (817) 488-3838 or reach out to us online to schedule your dermal filler appointment and discover what Juvéderm fillers can do for your lips.

Juvéderm Lip Fillers FAQs

Restylane is another popular dermal filler line used for lip augmentations. The biggest difference between Juvéderm filler for the lips and Restylane fillers is the ingredients in the formulas. Restylane Kysse is a filler used for lip enhancement and it contains XpresHAn Technology™, an innovative crosslinked hyaluronic acid (HA) gel created for precise, natural-looking results.

No. You don’t have to worry about dealing with a deflated look as your body absorbs the Juvederm lip fillers. The skin on your mouth and lips will return to their normal appearance without any sagging or stretching.

Reality television stars, The Kardashians, are open about their use of lip fillers. The famous sisters use Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to plump, enhance, hydrate, and augment their lips. Calista Skin & Laser Center is proud to offer the Juvederm lip fillers to our clients, the same formula Kim Kardashian uses!

The lifespan of dermal fillers is very different per person and formula. Its longevity largely depends on the product, your lifestyle, and unique metabolism. Despite those factors, it is routinely observed that Juvederm lip fillers are the longest-lasting temporary lip filler. This filler type has results visible for up to a year. Restylane comes in at a close second, with results lasting around 6 to 10 months. As always, individual experiences will vary.*

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Juvéderm Aftercare: Recovery Tips for Fillers

lovely woman with long, brown hair that is curled and attractive lips

Juvéderm Aftercare: Recovery Tips For Face & Lip Fillers

Juvéderm is a leading cosmetic facial filler treatment that adds fullness to the face and lips. It can also smooth out wrinkles and promote a more youthful appearance. Juvéderm is made with hyaluronic acid (HA), which naturally occurs in the skin and helps it retain moisture. Impressively, HA can hold up to 1,000 its weight in water. This helps plump the skin and keep it hydrated and healthy.

If you’re looking for an alternative to cosmetic surgery, Juvéderm is a great option. It can enhance the natural contours of your face and give your lips fullness and shape without incisions. To experience the best results from your injections, following your provider’s Juvéderm aftercare instructions is important. Here’s an overview of how Juvéderm works and how to care for your face and lips after your appointment.

How Is Juvéderm Administered?

Juvéderm comes in the form of a smooth gel. It’s injected with a small needle into the lips or facial tissue. Juvéderm products contain lidocaine, which is a local anesthetic. The lidocaine helps lessen injection discomfort. Let us know if you’re still worried about feeling pain during your procedure. We can apply a topical anesthetic as needed before your treatment to help numb the area.

We administer Juvéderm in different areas based on each patient’s treatment goals. For example, if you are experiencing volume loss in your cheeks due to age, we’ll focus on injecting Juvéderm deep into the cheek area. If you want to add volume or symmetry to your lips, we’ll inject Juvéderm into various locations in your lips. We utilize Juvéderm products to meet each patient’s specific needs and treatment areas.

Most dermal filler appointments take less than 30 minutes to complete. You can easily schedule an appointment during your lunch break or whenever you have a small window of available time. If you’re receiving lip filler, we’ll provide easy Juvéderm lips aftercare instructions. If you’re getting fillers anywhere else on your face, we’ll give you the appropriate aftercare instructions for the treated area. Don’t worry. Recovery is a quick and minimally painful process. The Juvéderm filler aftercare instructions are simply designed to help give you the best results from your treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Juvéderm Injections?

Facial and lip fillers are versatile and can treat various aesthetic concerns, from under-eye bags to uneven lips. You’ll enjoy improved volume and a smoother complexion no matter what area you choose to enhance with fillers. Benefits of dermal fillers include:

  •  Diminished appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  •  Smoother-looking skin
  •  Reduced appearance of acne scars
  •  Improved facial symmetry
  •  More sculpted chin and cheekbones
  •  More voluminous lips

We can also use fillers to add volume to any areas of the face that have become sunken or hollowed with age. Let us know what areas you want to improve, and we’ll provide the appropriate Juvéderm injections.

What Should I Know About Juvéderm Aftercare?

Juvéderm dermal fillers have a high success rate. In one study, more than 96% of patients who received lip filler were reportedly satisfied with their results1. They reported that their lip fullness goals were achieved. They also felt that their lips were smooth and natural-looking after treatment. Following your provider’s Juvéderm aftercare instructions may increase your likelihood of experiencing similar results.

Juvéderm is recognized as a safe procedure. Most people experience no downtime and can engage in normal daily activities after treatment. But to minimize your risk of side effects and ensure optimal results, it is wise to take some post-procedural precautions. We’ll give you specific Juvéderm aftercare lips and face guidelines. Be sure to follow these instructions closely to experience the best possible outcome.

How Can I Make My Recovery Process Easier?

Dermal filler injections require very little aftercare and typically cause mild symptoms. But there are things you can do to make your recovery even easier. Sleep with your head slightly elevated for the first couple of nights after your injections. This can help reduce swelling and discomfort in the treated areas. You may also apply ice packs periodically to treated areas. This will further discourage swelling and help numb any pain you may be feeling.

What Should I Avoid Doing After Juvéderm?

We advise that you take certain precautions after your dermal filler injections. We suggest that you:

  •  Avoid strenuous activities that could increase your blood pressure
  •  Do not massage or rub the treated area
  •  Wait at least 2-4 weeks after your Juvéderm appointment to receive facial peels or other facial treatments
  •  Avoid moving or stretching treated areas for 24 hours
  •  Avoid drinking from a stray for two weeks after receiving lip fillers
  •  Wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup

How Can I Avoid Bruising After Juvéderm?

Some people may experience mild bruising after Juvéderm face or lip injections. To decrease your likelihood of bruising, do the following:

  •  Avoid strenuous exercise that can raise your blood pressure and contribute to bruising.
  •  Avoid taking certain supplements, such as ginger, vitamin E, Advil, and garlic for at least two weeks after your injections. These supplements can increase your risk of bruising.
  •  Avoid excessive sunlight exposure in the weeks following your procedure. Too much sunlight can permanently discolor bruised tissue.
  •  Avoid very hot showers, saunas, and other hot environments. Excessive heat can dilate the blood vessels and further contribute to bruising.
  •  Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours after receiving dermal fillers. Alcohol can contribute to bruising by thinning the blood and dilating the blood vessels.
  •  Consider taking Arnica pills as part of your Juvéderm lip aftercare to help reduce bruising

If you still develop a bruise even after taking the recommended precautions, don’t worry. Any bruising should resolve itself within a few days just like any other bruise.

Discover the Benefits of Juvéderm Fillers

Juvéderm dermal filler injections are safe and effective for all skin types. Wondering if you’re a good candidate? Book a free consultation with Calista Skin & Laser Center, the leading provider of safe, effective Juvéderm fillers in Colleyville, Texas, and the surrounding Dallas/Fort Worth areas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to get on our schedule or to learn more about this leading cosmetic treatment.

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