

Coolsculpting Risks and Side Effects

Coolsculpting Risks and Side Effects

CoolSculpting is known for its high safety profile and efficacy. Many people use this treatment to reduce stubborn fat without pain or downtime. However, Coolsculpting risks and side effects are still a concern for most. Read on to learn more about this treatment and how you can safeguard yourself from any CoolSculpting risks or side effects.

CoolSculpting’s High Safety Profile

CoolSculpting’s FDA clearance proves it is safe and successful in most cases. In addition to this clearance, CoolSculpting’s safety is backed by clinical studies and scientific research. In one such study in the Journal of Dermatological Surgery, researchers gathered information on more than 500 CoolSculpting participants.

The research found that no side effects or adverse risks were observed. They also added,” “the procedure was well-tolerated, with 89% of respondents reporting a positive perception of treatment duration and 96% reporting minimal to tolerable discomfort.” 

The researchers ended the study by saying that proper patient selection played a crucial role in safe, well-tolerated Cryolipolysis treatments. 

Coolsculpting Side Effects

CoolSculpting side effects are infrequent. Some clients do, however, experience symptoms of a normal immune response following treatment. The reaction occurs due to the lymphatic system’s part in the treatment process. After a cooling session, the body naturally gathers the dead cells and disposes them through the lymphatic system.

Because of this, patients can experience redness, tenderness, swelling, and bruising at the treatment site. The symptoms are mild and go away on their own.

See CoolSculpting before and after pics >>

Avoid CoolSculpting Risks

While CoolSculpting risks are rare, they can occur. The best way to avoid CoolSculpting risks and side effects are by selecting the most reputable provider in your area. It is important to choose a professional with full accreditation from the manufacturers of CoolSculpting.

Unfortunately, with the popularity of this treatment on the rise, more knock-off machines and counterfeit treatments are commonly found. Most risks and side effects are due to this fake equipment or technician error. Always be aware of any harmful scams by researching before your provider selection. CoolSculpting is the only fat-freezing procedure cleared by the FDA to use Cryolipolysis to eliminate stubborn fat cells.

3 Things to Enhance Your Coolsculpting Results >>

Is CoolSculpting Right For Me?

Another great way to avoid CoolSculpting risks is to be the right candidate. The ideal CoolSculpting candidate is a healthy, active adult. Since CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment and is not used to treat obesity. The right patient is at a healthy BMI but still struggles with resistant fat in trouble zones. Discover if CoolSculpting is right for you by scheduling a FREE consultation with Calista Laser. Our expert technicians evaluate your body and listen to your aesthetic goals during your visit. If you are the right candidate, we design a plan to achieve risk-free results.

Safe CoolSculpting Near Dallas-Fort Worth

Avoid CoolSculpting risks and side effects by selecting the most reputable provider in your area. Calista Laser is the leading provider of safe, risk-free CoolSculpting treatments in Colleyville, Texas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your consultation and discover how body contouring can change your physique forever.

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CoolSculpting Chin and Neck Fat | Eliminate Double Chins and Turkey Necks

CoolSculpting Chin and Neck Fat

Eliminate Double Chins and Turkey Necks

CoolSculpting chin and neck fat is one of the most popular treatment options for the #1 fat-reducing treatment. This procedure is entirely non-surgical and provides a way to reduce submental fullness with little to no downtime afterward. The revolutionary fat-freezing treatment easily reduces stubborn bulges from the chin and neck. If you are tired of struggling with the appearance of your chin and neck, CoolSculpting may provide the perfect non-surgical solution. Learn more about this popular body contouring procedure and how it reduces submental fullness.


Double chins and turkey necks are not always the byproduct of lifestyle choices. Instead, the bulges that form in this area are often influenced by gender, genetics, hormones, and age. According to many polls, double chin embarrassment affects 2 out of 3 people in America. Unfortunately, before CoolSculpting was introduced in 2010, many of these individuals who sought professional help for their excess fat would have to endure liposuction. While liposuction effectively eliminates double chins and turkey necks, it is also an invasive surgery with drawbacks. Thankfully, CoolSculpting provides a simple, easy way to reduce submental fullness without all the disadvantages associated with liposuction surgery.


Unfortunately, the idea you can “spot reduce” fat cells in a particular area is a myth. Whether it is a double chin or belly fat, there is no kind or amount of manual exercise you can do to focus on reducing fat in a specific location on the body. While crunches might strengthen the abdominal muscles, they do not specifically burn away belly fat.

Worst of all, fat bulges in the submental region resist diet and exercise efforts. You can follow a healthy lifestyle and still struggle with excess fat in this area. Don’t waste time on double chin exercises that reduce fat cells. Instead, investing in CoolSculpting is a non-invasive way to correct your double chin or turkey neck.


CoolSculpting is known as the famous fat-freezing treatment. But what exactly is “fat freezing”? Cryolipolysis, the science behind the popular fat reduction machine, was first discovered by two Harvard scientists. They noticed a rare phenomenon in children who frequently ate popsicles. They observed that the children who ate them often had less cheek fat than other kids. This led to the study and discovery of the fat-freezing technology of CoolSculpting, Cryolipolysis.

This technology uses a precise temperature to “freeze” fat cells. However, it doesn’t really freeze them. Instead, the extreme cold temperatures penetrate the skin and travel deep below the skin’s surface, where it targets the subcutaneous fat cells. The cold causes the fat cell’s membrane to become hard and brittle—eventually, the membrane of the cell ruptures triggering cell death.


CoolSculpting first hit the market in 2010, introducing the world to the fat reducing technology of Cryolipolysis. Cooling sessions expose bulges of fat to a calibrated cooling that eliminates the cells.

The CoolMini is a proprietary applicator made by the makers of CoolSculpting. This new applicator specifically addresses small, isolated pockets of fat in hard-to-reach areas. This small handheld device easily fits under the chin and is perfect for reducing fat in the submental area.


The CoolSculpting chin before and after results show the impressive fat reduction possible with Cryolipolysis. As always, results will vary per person.* However, CoolSculpting provides an optimal fat reduction in problem areas like the chin and neck. Each person in the before and after images significantly reduces stubborn chin or neck fat. In addition, they achieve visibly firmer-looking skin.

Woman's chin showing the results before and after Coolsculpting, over six weeks.

CoolSculpting is a technique-sensitive treatment. This means that not every provider is the same. If you want to secure safe and optimal fat reduction results, select a reputable provider like the professionals at Calista Skin & Laser Center.


CoolSculpting marketing mainly targets women. However, while many women struggle the most with resistant submental fat, CoolSculpting chin treatments are also suitable for men. CoolSculpting treatments work wonders for men struggling with resistant fat cells in the chin and neck area. In fact, CoolSculpting is a very popular treatment for men because there is minimal downtime required. Also, CoolSculpting is a discreet way to contour the body and cosmetically improve the physique.

CoolSculpting Chin and Neck Fat FAQs

Does CoolSculpting hurt the skin of my neck or chin?

No. CoolSculpting’s machine is designed with a temperature gauge that monitors the skin, ensuring it never goes beyond the safe level. This ensures your skin remains safe, unlike those stubborn fat cells!

How many CoolSculpting cycles are needed for the chin?

The number of sessions you need to eliminate chin fat with CoolSculpting depends on your goals. Most patients see a 20-25% reduction in chin fat during their CoolSculpting treatments. Most complete two to four sessions of CoolSculpting chin cycles before they are fully happy with the aesthetic look of their submental region. As always, speak to the professionals to determine how many cooling cycles you need to achieve the perfect chin and neck.

How long does a CoolSculpting chin treatment last?

A typical chin fat freezing session lasts between 35-60 minutes.

Will I have saggy skin under my chin after CoolSculpting?

No. In fact, CoolSculpting is now FDA-cleared for tightening the skin in the submental region. This means you not only achieve a loss of fat cells in the chin and neck, but CoolSculpting also tightens and firms the skin there for dual benefits!

Is CoolSculpting better than Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable used to treat small areas of fat. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, is an entirely non-invasive treatment that involves no needles. CoolSculpting also treats larger necks and lateral areas. To really understand which treatment is best for your aesthetic goals, speak with the medical professionals at Calista Skin & Laser Center.


If you live in the Colleyville, Texas area and want a non-invasive, safe way to reduce double chins and turkey necks, contact Calista Skin & Laser Center. We are the leading provider of CoolSculpting in Colleyville, Texas, where we also service the amazing clients living in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule a complimentary consultation and discover how CoolSculpting can improve your physique and help you achieve better self-esteem.

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CoolSculpting Arms | Eliminate Upper Arm Fat With Ease

CoolSculpting Arms: Eliminate Upper Arm Fat With Ease

CoolSculpting arms is the best way to reduce pesky upper arm fat. Best of all, CoolSculpting treatments are non-surgical, virtually painless, and require little to no downtime. In 2017, the makers of CoolSculpting introduced the CoolPetite applicator. This new handheld device was created to treat small, hard-to-reach areas. In addition, this applicator opened the doors to new treatment areas for fat freezing, including the upper arm area. Read on to learn more about this treatment and how CoolSculpting arms is a great way to reduce jiggly upper arm fat.

What Causes Stubborn Upper Arm Fat?

The upper arm area is a well-known problem area. It is part of the fat deposit trifecta in women. Genetics, age, and even hormones cause the body to deposit more fat in three specific spots on a female body: the thighs, hips, and upper arms. Due to the biology of these fat deposits, the stubborn bulges in the upper arms are extremely hard to reduce with diet and exercise alone.

Women struggling with embarrassing “chicken wings” or “bingo wings” had little to no treatment options outside of invasive surgeries like liposuction. While liposuction does reduce upper arm fat, it is an invasive surgery with several drawbacks. Thanks to CoolSculpting arms, women can commit to a virtually painless and non-invasive solution for upper arm fat.


When deciding whether liposuction is better than CoolSculpting, you will need to consider your treatment goals, your budget, and your overall health. When comparing liposuction vs CoolSculpting you’ll discover that both options provide long lasting fat reduction. This is true if you can maintain your current weight. However, the process of both fat reduction procedures is very different.

When CoolSculpting arm fat, treatment is quick and convenient. Post-treatment, CoolSculpting arm results are gradual as your body processes out and eliminates the dead fat cells. However, this body sculpting treatment is non-invasive, so there are no sutures, scarring, or recovery time involved. With liposuction, some procedures may require local or general anesthesia. There is often pain and swelling immediately following the procedure. This swelling can take a few weeks to go down.

Additionally, liposuction requires a longer period of recovery time as your body begins to heal itself. You will need to recover for a few weeks before resuming everyday activities such as exercising. During liposuction recovery, you may also need to wear a compression garment to aid in healing. This can be uncomfortable or get in the way of wearing certain clothing.

Therefore, if you are afraid of needles, are allergic to anesthesia, do not wish to have scars, or simply cannot afford to take time off work, a non-invasive and discrete procedure like CoolSculpting would be your best option.

When comparing CoolSculpting and liposuction, you’ll also want to consider possible side effects. Because CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure, there are minimal risks involved. Common CoolSculpting side effects include slight bruising or tenderness in the arm area following a CoolSculpting session. Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so there are more risks associated with this type of invasive surgery. Some risks associated with liposuction include infection, fluid accumulation, numbness, and fat embolism.

In terms of budget, the cost of these fat reduction treatments is another big factor to consider. The cost of CoolSculpting can range and is based on your individualized treatment plan. Treatment goals and the number of treatments required will both influence the overall cost. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of liposuction was $3,637 in 2020. However, this is an average price range and does not include the cost of anesthesia or operating room facilities.


A specialized applicator device cools the target area and freezes the fat cells on your arm. You may experience pinching or pulling sensations during this part of treatment. Once your fat cells are frozen, they die. Your body then eliminates them over time via your lymphatic system. As a result, this fat freezing technology permanently destroys stubborn arm fat cells.

Following treatment, the arm area is massaged to break up frozen tissue and start the healing process. The massage may feel uncomfortable but is generally manageable. A series of three CoolSculpting arm treatments is recommended. Following each session, you may experience slight redness, numbness, or swelling in the upper arm area. These symptoms disappear on their own. There is no downtime following CoolSculpting arm sessions. You are free to resume your daily activities following your treatment. In general, CoolSculpting arm sessions take under 45 minutes to complete.

Additionally, CoolSculpting can also treat multiple areas of the body simultaneously in a single treatment session. “DualSculpting” is where two CoolSculpting machines are used at the same time. Dual applicators are placed on multiple targeted areas and deliver precise cooling to reduce fat cells at once, saving time. This is especially convenient when targeting arm fat, as you are able to target two different areas on each arm simultaneously. The number of applicators needed for the arm area varies from patient to patient. However, if you are a candidate, two applicators per arm may be recommended to maximize the efficacy of each CoolSculpting arm session.

CoolSculpting Arms with the CoolPetite Applicator

The CoolPetite is part of the latest addition of applicators, known as the CoolAdvantage collection. The new applicators feature significant updates to designs allowing them to treat more areas that cause problems, minimize treatment discomfort, and reduce treatment time to a convenient 35-minutes.

Jean Carruthers, one of the principal investigators for the CoolAdvantage Petite applicator further explains, “The upper arm, with its delicate structures, is one of the most challenging areas for fat reduction.” Involved in the research, Carruthers says he can personally “attest to the fact that the upper arms responded beautifully and my study patients are delighted by their results.”

CoolSculpting Arms Before and After*

The CoolSculpting arms before and after pictures show actual treatment results from real patients. Each person achieves a noticeable fat reduction in the upper arm area. While results may vary per person*, each patient achieves impressive results. It is important to note that the patients were treated by a reputable professional. CoolSculpting is a skill-sensitive treatment. Not every provider is capable of securing optimal fat reduction. Therefore, selecting a licensed CoolSculpting provider is important to achieve the best fat-freezing results.

Is CoolSculpting Arms Right For Me?

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. The ideal candidate is a healthy adult struggling with stubborn fat in problem areas like the upper arms. Additionally, the ideal CoolSculpting candidate will have at least an inch of “pinchable” subcutaneous fat on their arms, not just skin.

Schedule a FREE consultation with a Calista Laser to determine your treatment candidacy. We are a reputable provider of CoolSculpting arms in the Colleyville, Texas area. During your visit, one of our expert technicians evaluates your body to determine if this fat reduction method is suitable for your needs. If CoolSculpting arms is right for you, a treatment plan is curated to fit your needs and budget.

CoolSculpting Near Dallas, TX

CoolSculpting arm treatments are a great option to consider if you are wanting to sculpt your arms without going under the knife or dealing with lengthy recovery time. If you want to enhance your figure and contour your arms like the patients depicted in our CoolSculpting before and after pictures, contact Calista Laser today to learn more about CoolSculpting in Fort Worth, Texas and fat freezing without surgery or pain.

Residents in Fort Worth who struggle with diet and exercise-resistant arm fat seek CoolSculpting at our trusted facility to help tone up and achieve long-term results. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule a complimentary consultation or reach out to us online. We can’t wait to help you sculpt and define the arms of your dreams with the #1 non-invasive body contouring treatment available.

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Fat Freezing with CoolSculpting

Fat Freezing with CoolSculpting

Fat freezing stubborn bulges is a revolutionary new way to improve the physique without surgery. Cryolipolysis eliminates fat cells through a calibrated cooling technology. In addition to being the #1 non-invasive fat reduction method available, these treatments are the only FDA-cleared way to reduce fat using cooling technology. Learn more about fat freezing and how CoolSculpting contours a lean, sexy body.

Related Article: What is CoolSculpting?

Benefits of Fat Freezing

  • Eliminate stubborn fat cells
  • Convenient, painless treatments
  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Safe and effective
  • Natural, long-lasting results
  • Targets fat in problem areas like the inner thighs, upper arms, stomach, chin, and more

Fat Freezing | The Origin of Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis was created by two Harvard scientists who observed a rare cheek fat reduction in children who sucked on popsicles. The decrease in fat was due to the repeated exposure to the cold temperatures of the popsicle. The observation helped the scientists understand how exposing fat cells to cold temperatures would freeze them to the point of elimination. A critical element of this technology is that it has to be cold enough to freeze the fat cell but not enough to damage the skin in the treatment area.

Related Article: CoolSculpting Cost>>

How Freezing Fat Eliminated Resistant Bulges

Fat freezing is a safe way to reduce fat cells and contour an attractive body. CoolSculpting technicians use proprietary applicators to treat problem areas. The applicators suction the fat bulges up using a vacuum mechanism. The applicator remains on the fat bulge during the virtually painless treatment, exposing it to a calibrated cooling. The cooling temperatures freeze the fat cells causing their membrane to rupture. When this occurs, the fat cells are unable to store fat leading to cell elimination. Weeks after treatment, the body naturally gathers dead cells and processes them out of the body. CoolSculpting provides long-term solutions for excess fat deposits. Once the fat cells are removed as a form of waste, they can never return to the body.

Is Fat Freezing Right For Me?

Fat freezing is not a suitable treatment for every patient. The perfect candidate is a healthy, active adult struggling with resistant fat cells. The best way to determine your treatment candidacy is by scheduling a free consultation with a reputable provider like Calista Laser. A trained technician evaluates your body to determine if fat freezing is suitable for your body and needs during your consultation. If you are the ideal candidate, the technicians create a plan to fit your needs and budget while achieving optimal fat reduction.

Fat Freezing Near Me

To learn more about fat freezing, contact Calista Laser. We are a leading provider of safe, effective CoolSculpting treatments in the Colleyville, TX area. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your consultation to discover what fat freezing can do for your body. 

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DIY CoolSculpting | The Risks of Trying to CoolSculpt at Home

DIY CoolSculpting: The Risks of Trying to CoolSculpt at Home

Millions of men and women choose to freeze their fat cells daily using CoolSculpting. Unfortunately, as the popularity of fat freezing grows, there is a dangerous trend emerging. In an attempt to save money, DIY CoolSculpting or CoolSculpting at home is occurring. Unfortunately, this trend is hazardous to anyone who attempts it. Learn more about CoolSculpting and why DIY CoolSculpting should be avoided for your safety and wellbeing.

How Does CoolSculpting Reduce Fat Cells?

The science behind CoolSculpting, Cryolipolysis, is responsible for the impressive fat reduction possible with this treatment. The advanced cooling technology reduces fat cells because fat cells are more susceptible to cold temperature, unlike skin cells. Therefore, the skin and surrounding tissue remain unharmed during treatment while fat cells “freeze” to death.

During treatments, an area of the body like the lower stomach or inner thighs is treated with a proprietary applicator. The applicator gently draws the skin up into it using a gentle vacuum mechanism. The applicator’s suction is an essential part of the procedure’s success as it draws subcutaneous fat cells to the surface. Once the skin is drawn into the applicator, the machine delivers the cold air at a precise and consistent temperature, 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. The cooling does not actually freeze the fat cells but instead chills them until their cell membrane crystallizes and ruptures. Once the membrane is damaged, fat cells are unable to do their job of storing fat, causing them to die and process out of the body as waste.

Related Article: CoolSculpting Cost >>

Why DIY CoolSculpting is Dangerous and Ineffective

People think CoolSculpting at home with ice packs is the same as an official treatment. These individuals think the ice packs can mimic the results of a professional CoolSculpting machine. There are, however, reasons why this is false and dangerous.

DIY CoolSculpting Lacks Consistent Temperatures

You cannot chill fat using ice packs. This is because the ice packs do not maintain a precise, controlled cooling temperature like official treatments. In fact, when you place the ice pack on the skin, the body transfers its heat onto the ice. This process causes the temperature of the ice pack to get warmer.

DIY CoolSculpting Does NOT Provide Suction

As mentioned, suction is a vital part of the CoolSculpting process. During a professional CoolSculpting treatment, the applicator safely pulls the skin up into the applicator, drawing the fat cells towards the surface. This cannot be accomplished with DIY CoolSculpting hacks.

CoolSculpting at Home is Dangerous

Ice packs can freeze the skin, but never the actual fat cells below the skin’s surface. Due to this fact, CoolSculpting at home subjects people to frostbite. Authentic CoolSculpting treatments use a proprietary gel pad on the skin to insulate the tissues from the cold. Also, the professional machine comes with several safety mechanisms to protect patients at all times. Those mechanisms include a temperature gauge to monitor the skin. If the skin drops below the safety threshold, the machine turns off to avoid skin damage.

Using ice packs at home has no safety precautions, leaving people susceptible to dangerous frostbite and thermal injuries.

Safe CoolSculpting Treatments Near Dallas

Don’t fall for dangerous DIY CoolSculpting trends. Instead, entrust your fat freezing to the professionals. Calista Laser is a premier CoolSculpting provider in Dallas, Texas. We provide safe, effective fat-freezing sessions for each client. To learn more about our safe treatments, schedule a consultation by calling 817-488-3838 or reach out to us online. 

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CoolSculpting Near Me | Locating the Best CoolSculpting Colleyville Provider

CoolSculpting Near Me | Locating the Best CoolSculpting Colleyville Provider

Searching “CoolSculpting near me” on Google reveals an overwhelming amount of results for providers in your area. However, it is important to note that CoolSculpting is a skill-sensitive treatment. Not every provider is the same, meaning not every provider ensures safe, effective treatments. Choosing an officially licensed provider to perform CoolSculpting, with a reputable medical clinic or medispa delivers the safest, most optimal results. With so many options, it can be challenging to select the right one. Follow these insider tips when choosing your CoolSculpting provider.

Related Article: Learn more about CoolSculpting>>

Selecting CoolSculpting Providers in Colleyville

Searching “CoolSculpting near me” is a good place to begin when locating providers in Colleyville, Texas. However, you can see a more comprehensive list by going to the “find a provider” on the official CoolSculpting website. Entering your zip code on the web page results in sorted results starting with the best-selling providers first. The list indicates a provider’s experience and helps find the most reputable local providers.

Search the CoolSculpting Directory for Providers Near You >>

Shopping by Price When Searching “CoolSculpting Near Me”

CoolSculpting prices are an important concern for many people. However, CoolSculpting prices should not be the only consideration when selecting a provider. When you consider that the manufacturer of the machine sets prices, prices per fat freezing treatment plan are relatively the same everywhere.

For the Best Results, Select the Best Provider in Colleyville

Like most cosmetic procedures, the person performing the treatment affects the patient’s experience and overall results. When looking through the Google results after searching “CoolSculpting near me,” look for recent client reviews and Google reviews. It is also good to search for recent CoolSculpting before and after pictures from current patients to get a visual of the results possible with that particular provider.

Ultimately, the best way to determine if a provider is reputable and right for you is by scheduling a FREE, no-obligation consultation. During your visit, you interact with the provider and their staff. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions like how long the provider has been performing CoolSculpting, if they are licensed, and if they have the most recent CoolSculpting equipment.

Why You Should Select Calista Laser as Your Colleyville CoolSculpting Provider

Colleyville patients should select Calista Laser as their reputable CoolSculpting provider. We are the leading provider of this popular non-invasive fat reduction method in the area. Our clients receive safe, effective treatments that result in dramatic fat reduction and exceptional body contouring. Our expert technicians evaluate your body during your consultation to determine if the procedure is right for you. If CoolSculpting is best suited for your body and needs, we create a treatment plan that achieves optimal results at a low price.

CoolSculpting Near Me

Stop spending hours searching Google for the best CoolSculpting provider near you. Instead, call Calista Laser at 817-488-3838 today and schedule your free consultation with the most reputable Colleyville CoolSculpting provider. 

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CoolSculpting Before and After | Real Patient Results

Man's flanks showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 6 weeks.

CoolSculpting Before and After | Real Patient Results

CoolSculpting before and after pictures show how freezing fat reduces stubborn fat deposits in problem areas like the stomach. These images also explain why the revolutionary treatment is the #1 non-invasive method for conquering fat bulges. Read on to see patient results and learn if CoolSculpting is right for your body.

CoolSculpting Before and After Pictures*

Coolsculpting before and after pictures show real patient results. While all cosmetic treatment results may vary per person*, each patient receives impressive fat reduction in the selected treatment areas.

Woman's belly showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 6 weeks.
Man's flanks showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 6 weeks.
Woman's chin showing the results before and after Coolsculpting, over six weeks.
Woman's upper thighs showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 13 weeks.
Woman's under arm and side breast showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 8 weeks.

How to Secure Optimal CoolSculpting Before and After Results

There are two main things to consider before investing in your CoolSculpting treatment: your candidacy for the treatment and the experience of the professional provider you select to administer this fat freezing treatment.

CoolSculpting Is Skill Sensitive: Like many cosmetic treatments, CoolSculpting is skill sensitive. Hence, the person administering the treatment affects the experience and overall results. When selecting the right provider in your area, confirm the facility is a reputable medspa or clinic. In addition, ask about the provider’s experience, i.e., how many successful treatments they have under their belt. Choosing the most qualified provider ensures you enjoy your treatment and receive safe, impressive results.

CoolSculpting Candidacy: Determining if you are a good applicant for fat freezing is crucial. CoolSculpting is not a cosmetic treatment for everyone. CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment and should not be used to treat obesity. The ideal candidate is a healthy adult at their ideal weight struggling with isolated bulges of fat despite diet and exercise.

The most efficient way to determine if fat freezing is right for you is by scheduling a complimentary consultation with a reputable provider like Calista Laser.

Related Article: CoolSculpting Cost>>

Why Select Calista Laser as Your CoolSculpting Provider

Calista Laser is a primary provider of this popular non-invasive fat-freezing procedure, CoolSculpting, in Dallas, Texas. At Calista Laser, our knowledgeable, caring technicians prioritize the wellbeing and satisfaction of every patient above everything. Our treatments are provided in our state-of-the-art facility with the latest CoolSculpting equipment for optimal fat reduction for each patient.

If CoolSculpting is not right for you, our technicians will let you know during your visit. However, if CoolSculpting is suitable for you, they create a treatment plan tailored to fit your specific needs while remaining well within your financial budget.

If you are tired of struggling with insecurities surrounding stubborn belly fat, thigh fat, or submental fullness, CoolSculpting may be the solution for your problems. Secure dramatic and transformative CoolSculpting before and after results by choosing Calista Laser as your professional CoolSculpting provider. Call us today at 817-488-3838 to schedule your free consultation and learn more.

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What is CoolSculpting? | Learn About the #1 Non-Invasive Fat Reduction

What is CoolSculpting? | Learn About the #1 Non-Invasive Fat Reduction

Many people are asking, “What is CoolSculpting?” This non-invasive fat reduction is quickly gaining popularity as the best alternative to liposuction, leaving many people to wonder about the treatments. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting and how it eliminates fat cells without painful surgery or a long recovery period.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a fat reduction treatment that uses advanced cooling technology known as Cryolipolysis. This technology eliminated fat cells by freezing them to death. Freezing fat cells with this calibrated cooling works because fat cells are more susceptible to cold temperatures than surrounding tissue or skin cells. When exposed to precise cooling, the fat cell’s membrane crystallizes and ruptures. This triggers cell death, and the body naturally gathers the dead cells. Once collected, the dead cells are expelled from the body via the lymphatic system as a form of waste. The discovery of Cryolipolysis led to the invention of the cooling machine or CoolSculpting. Treatments safely expose stubborn fat bulges to extreme temperatures that freeze the subcutaneous fat cells without harming the overlying skin.

CoolSculpting is a treatment for healthy men and women struggling with problem areas of built-up fat cells. These stubborn bulges tend to resist all diet and exercise efforts, making them almost impossible to lose. CoolSculpting’s non-invasive technology is a safe, painless way to eliminate these fat cells without surgery and minimal to no downtime. The most popular treatment areas for fat freezing are the abdomen and love handles. However, CoolSculpting can conquer fat bulges from head to knees.

  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Upper arm fat
  • Submental region for double chins and neck fat
  • Back fat
  • Chest (popular for men struggling with man boobs)
  • Armpits or bra bulge
  • The hips and flanks (love handles)
  • Abdomen
  • Banana roll (underneath the buttocks)

CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment. Instead, it is a body contouring treatment meant to reduce isolated pockets of stubborn fat. Unlike weight loss treatments that simply shrink fat cells, CoolSculpting eliminates the fat cells. Over the span of weeks after treatment, frozen fat cells process out of the body as waste.

Weight loss treatments preserve the ability of the shrunken cells to re-expand with weight gain. Whereas CoolSculpting excretes the fat cells from the body. Once those dead cells are removed, they are gone for good. Thus, fat freezing provides people with lasting fat reduction.

Now you’ve got the answer to your question, “What is CoolSculpting.” It’s time to schedule your FREE consultation with Calista Laser and learn more about this fat freezing treatment. We are a premier CoolSculpting provider in the Colleyville, Texas area. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your consultation or reach out to us online to learn more.

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CoolSculpting Cost | Understanding the Price Breakdown of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting Cost | Understanding the Price Breakdown of CoolSculpting

How much does CoolSculpting cost? Treatment prices are a valid concern for potential clients. After learning how the #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment reduces stubborn fat cells without surgery, everyone wants to know more about the cost. Learn more about CoolSculpting and understand how prices work.

CoolSculpting Cost Texas

CoolSculpting treatments are entirely tailored to each client’s specific needs and aesthetic goals. Because of this, CoolSculpting cost varies between each person. The best way to determine how much CoolSculpting treatments would cost you is by scheduling a free consultation with a provider. Calista Laser is a premier CoolSculpting provider in Colleyville, Texas. During your consultation, our expert technicians evaluate your body and listen to your goals. If CoolSculpting treatments are right for you, our technicians create the perfect plan that fits your budget and achieves optimal fat reduction.

Related Article: What is CoolSculpting >>

Having a basic understanding of how the fat freezing procedure works helps you better understand CoolSculpting’s pricing structure. During a CoolSculpting treatment, a handheld device known as an applicator is positioned over the treatment area. Once the applicator is placed correctly, the CoolSculpting machine activates, and the tissue within the scope of the applicator is exposed to a calibrated cooling. Depending on the applicator, one session may take anywhere from 35 to 75 minutes. Only one applicator can be used at a time with one CoolSculpting machine.

One major factor in determining CoolSculpting cost is the number of cooling cycles needed for a complete treatment plan. One round of the CoolSculpting machine using a single applicator is considered a cooling cycle or session. Two applicators are used for body parts that require mirror treatments like the love handles or thighs, equaling two cycles. Some CoolSculpting providers only have one CoolSculpting machine. The client receives one cycle to one side (such as the left love handle.) Once that cycle is complete, the applicator is used on the other side (such as the right love handle), and the machine will be activated again to complete another cycle.

The amount of applicators used on a treatment area depends on your unique body composition, such as body shape and size. For example, CoolSculpting belly fat may require one large applicator for some patients or two small applicators for others.

There are small CoolSculpting applicators and large applicators. The applicator type and size is another metric used to determine CoolSculpting cost. The larger applicators are typically double the price of a small CoolSculpting applicator, but it also treats double the area. During your complimentary consultation with Calista Laser, you can discuss applicators with our expert specialists in great detail.

If you live in the Colleyville, Texas area and want to learn more about the most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment, contact Calista Laser. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your consultation or reach out to us online to learn more.

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CoolSculpting For Men?

CoolSculpting For Men?

Targeting Your Beer Belly, Love Handles & Man Boobs

Every man who has tried to lose weight and sculpt their bodies understands certain areas are harder to lose fat in than others. The most common trouble areas include the beer belly, love handles, and even man boobs. Unfortunately, these are some of the most unsightly and embarrassing areas to have fat deposits. Thankfully, these areas can be specifically targeted with this cutting-edge procedure. Men may see up to a 25% reduction of fat deposits in these trouble areas, which can go a long way toward making their bodies look younger and more sculpted.

In recent years, more and more men have been trying out cosmetic procedures to look healthier, younger and more attractive. Many men have tried liposuction in an attempt to give their bodies the muscular and masculine contours that everyone wants. However, liposuction is not necessarily the best option. It is an invasive procedure that can cause extensive bruising.

A Better Option…

CoolSculpting is a relatively new procedure that can enable up to 25% fat loss in targeted areas. It is non-invasive and has a faster recovery time than liposuction.

How CoolSculpting Works

You may wonder how it is even possible to get rid of fat in a non-invasive manner. Well, CoolSculpting accomplishes this by applying two pads cooled down to very low temperatures to the outside of your body. By carefully controlling the temperature of the pads, doctors can target fat cells but leave skin and muscle untouched. The cold temperatures damage the fat cells. They eventually are destroyed and your body becomes more sculpted.

A quick look at how liposuction works shows why it is so much more invasive and dangerous. First of all, it involves cutting open your skin over fat deposits. This creates an infection risk and ends up requiring stitches. Next, a tube is inserted into your body and some fat is sucked out. Then, the tube is removed and the process is repeated several times. This results in bruising, bleeding and swelling.

One of the biggest advantages of cryo lipolysis, as the procedure is officially known, is that there is little to no recovery period. In fact, many men who get this procedure get it during their lunch break and simply go back to work that same day. Compare this with similar procedures like liposuction, which often requires a recovery period of several days. This could cause men to miss work or family events. The fact that there is little to no recovery period for this procedure also means that men can get it repeated sooner than they could get another session of liposuction.

CoolSculpting is one of the safest body sculpting procedures available, if not the absolute safest. No incision is necessary. There won’t be any foreign objects sucking fat out of your body. There is little to no risk of infection because there is no incision. In fact, the only sort of anesthetic that may be necessary is a topical cream. Not only is general anesthetic not required, but even local anesthetic is not necessary.

Generally, it takes two to three months for the full effect of the procedure to take place. While this may seem like quite a long time at first, keep in mind that these gradual results mean that no one will know you had a cosmetic procedure done. If you came into the office one day with a dramatically fitter body than you had the day before, people may assume that you had some work done. The results from this procedure take place over a long enough timeline that the body transformation looks totally natural. After the three month period, the results should be permanent as long as you continue to eat right and exercise.

If you’re interested in learning more about getting your body sculpted to a fitter and more muscular look, speak to one of our consultants today. We’d be happy to give you more information and to answer any questions you may have.

Call 817-488-3838 or Contact Us Today.

Our consultants are experts on the procedure, and we can give you in-depth answers to any questions you may have. This will help you make an informed decision about whether the procedure is right for you. We understand that scheduling a cosmetic procedure is a big step for many men, and we are here to help.

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