

CoolSculpting Arms | Eliminate Upper Arm Fat With Ease

CoolSculpting Arms: Eliminate Upper Arm Fat With Ease

CoolSculpting arms is the best way to reduce pesky upper arm fat. Best of all, CoolSculpting treatments are non-surgical, virtually painless, and require little to no downtime. In 2017, the makers of CoolSculpting introduced the CoolPetite applicator. This new handheld device was created to treat small, hard-to-reach areas. In addition, this applicator opened the doors to new treatment areas for fat freezing, including the upper arm area. Read on to learn more about this treatment and how CoolSculpting arms is a great way to reduce jiggly upper arm fat.

What Causes Stubborn Upper Arm Fat?

The upper arm area is a well-known problem area. It is part of the fat deposit trifecta in women. Genetics, age, and even hormones cause the body to deposit more fat in three specific spots on a female body: the thighs, hips, and upper arms. Due to the biology of these fat deposits, the stubborn bulges in the upper arms are extremely hard to reduce with diet and exercise alone.

Women struggling with embarrassing “chicken wings” or “bingo wings” had little to no treatment options outside of invasive surgeries like liposuction. While liposuction does reduce upper arm fat, it is an invasive surgery with several drawbacks. Thanks to CoolSculpting arms, women can commit to a virtually painless and non-invasive solution for upper arm fat.


When deciding whether liposuction is better than CoolSculpting, you will need to consider your treatment goals, your budget, and your overall health. When comparing liposuction vs CoolSculpting you’ll discover that both options provide long lasting fat reduction. This is true if you can maintain your current weight. However, the process of both fat reduction procedures is very different.

When CoolSculpting arm fat, treatment is quick and convenient. Post-treatment, CoolSculpting arm results are gradual as your body processes out and eliminates the dead fat cells. However, this body sculpting treatment is non-invasive, so there are no sutures, scarring, or recovery time involved. With liposuction, some procedures may require local or general anesthesia. There is often pain and swelling immediately following the procedure. This swelling can take a few weeks to go down.

Additionally, liposuction requires a longer period of recovery time as your body begins to heal itself. You will need to recover for a few weeks before resuming everyday activities such as exercising. During liposuction recovery, you may also need to wear a compression garment to aid in healing. This can be uncomfortable or get in the way of wearing certain clothing.

Therefore, if you are afraid of needles, are allergic to anesthesia, do not wish to have scars, or simply cannot afford to take time off work, a non-invasive and discrete procedure like CoolSculpting would be your best option.

When comparing CoolSculpting and liposuction, you’ll also want to consider possible side effects. Because CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure, there are minimal risks involved. Common CoolSculpting side effects include slight bruising or tenderness in the arm area following a CoolSculpting session. Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so there are more risks associated with this type of invasive surgery. Some risks associated with liposuction include infection, fluid accumulation, numbness, and fat embolism.

In terms of budget, the cost of these fat reduction treatments is another big factor to consider. The cost of CoolSculpting can range and is based on your individualized treatment plan. Treatment goals and the number of treatments required will both influence the overall cost. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of liposuction was $3,637 in 2020. However, this is an average price range and does not include the cost of anesthesia or operating room facilities.


A specialized applicator device cools the target area and freezes the fat cells on your arm. You may experience pinching or pulling sensations during this part of treatment. Once your fat cells are frozen, they die. Your body then eliminates them over time via your lymphatic system. As a result, this fat freezing technology permanently destroys stubborn arm fat cells.

Following treatment, the arm area is massaged to break up frozen tissue and start the healing process. The massage may feel uncomfortable but is generally manageable. A series of three CoolSculpting arm treatments is recommended. Following each session, you may experience slight redness, numbness, or swelling in the upper arm area. These symptoms disappear on their own. There is no downtime following CoolSculpting arm sessions. You are free to resume your daily activities following your treatment. In general, CoolSculpting arm sessions take under 45 minutes to complete.

Additionally, CoolSculpting can also treat multiple areas of the body simultaneously in a single treatment session. “DualSculpting” is where two CoolSculpting machines are used at the same time. Dual applicators are placed on multiple targeted areas and deliver precise cooling to reduce fat cells at once, saving time. This is especially convenient when targeting arm fat, as you are able to target two different areas on each arm simultaneously. The number of applicators needed for the arm area varies from patient to patient. However, if you are a candidate, two applicators per arm may be recommended to maximize the efficacy of each CoolSculpting arm session.

CoolSculpting Arms with the CoolPetite Applicator

The CoolPetite is part of the latest addition of applicators, known as the CoolAdvantage collection. The new applicators feature significant updates to designs allowing them to treat more areas that cause problems, minimize treatment discomfort, and reduce treatment time to a convenient 35-minutes.

Jean Carruthers, one of the principal investigators for the CoolAdvantage Petite applicator further explains, “The upper arm, with its delicate structures, is one of the most challenging areas for fat reduction.” Involved in the research, Carruthers says he can personally “attest to the fact that the upper arms responded beautifully and my study patients are delighted by their results.”

CoolSculpting Arms Before and After*

The CoolSculpting arms before and after pictures show actual treatment results from real patients. Each person achieves a noticeable fat reduction in the upper arm area. While results may vary per person*, each patient achieves impressive results. It is important to note that the patients were treated by a reputable professional. CoolSculpting is a skill-sensitive treatment. Not every provider is capable of securing optimal fat reduction. Therefore, selecting a licensed CoolSculpting provider is important to achieve the best fat-freezing results.

Is CoolSculpting Arms Right For Me?

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. The ideal candidate is a healthy adult struggling with stubborn fat in problem areas like the upper arms. Additionally, the ideal CoolSculpting candidate will have at least an inch of “pinchable” subcutaneous fat on their arms, not just skin.

Schedule a FREE consultation with a Calista Laser to determine your treatment candidacy. We are a reputable provider of CoolSculpting arms in the Colleyville, Texas area. During your visit, one of our expert technicians evaluates your body to determine if this fat reduction method is suitable for your needs. If CoolSculpting arms is right for you, a treatment plan is curated to fit your needs and budget.

CoolSculpting Near Dallas, TX

CoolSculpting arm treatments are a great option to consider if you are wanting to sculpt your arms without going under the knife or dealing with lengthy recovery time. If you want to enhance your figure and contour your arms like the patients depicted in our CoolSculpting before and after pictures, contact Calista Laser today to learn more about CoolSculpting in Fort Worth, Texas and fat freezing without surgery or pain.

Residents in Fort Worth who struggle with diet and exercise-resistant arm fat seek CoolSculpting at our trusted facility to help tone up and achieve long-term results. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule a complimentary consultation or reach out to us online. We can’t wait to help you sculpt and define the arms of your dreams with the #1 non-invasive body contouring treatment available.

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