

Finding the Best CoolSculpting Fort Worth Provider

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Finding the Best CoolSculpting Fort Worth Provider

Millions worldwide turn to non-invasive body contouring to achieve their dream figures. It is no surprise that plenty of people search for the best CoolSculpting Fort Worth providers. Cost is one of the first concerns when looking but should not be the make-or-break factor. Shop by quality first to get the most out of your investment.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a convenient, non-invasive fat reduction solution that utilizes controlled cooling to destroy fat cells. It is FDA-cleared and suitable for people who struggle with diet and exercise-resistant fat.


There are many benefits to getting Coolsculpting to target and destroy stubborn fat and improve your physique. One of the main benefits of Coolsculpting is that it freezes and destroys fat cells permanently in targeted areas of the body. Additional benefits include:

  • Non-invasive
  •  No downtime or recovery time
  •  Quick and easy treatment, about 45 minutes
  •  Safe, FDA-cleared procedure
  •  Long-lasting fat reduction
  •  Improves self-esteem
  •  A more slimmed and defined appearance
  •  No surgery, incisions, or anesthesia


Coolsculpting is an FDA-cleared fat reduction procedure that uses fat-freezing technology called cryolipolysis to cool unwanted fatty tissue. This treatment is an excellent option if you fear needles or allergic to anesthesia. During the treatment, a device applies to the skin of the treatment area. The device cools the target area and freezes the fat cells. After the fat cells are frozen, they die, and your body naturally eliminates them over time.

Coolsculpting treatments take about 45 minutes. A series of three sessions is recommended, depending on your aesthetic goals. After each Coolsculpting session, you may experience redness, numbness, or swelling. However, these symptoms are mild and go away on their own. There is no downtime with Coolsculpting, and you can resume normal activities following your treatment.

Overall, Coolsculpting is a safe and effective way to reduce stubborn fat and improve your appearance.


Coolsculpting is a great non-surgical option for those looking to sculpt their physique and destroy stubborn fat. Coolsculpting can provide long-lasting results. However, it is important to have realistic goals about what a fat reduction treatment can achieve.

In general, Coolsculpting results and duration of results will vary based on the individual as well as factors such as aging, genetics, and weight gain. On average, clinical studies found that cryolipolysis was shown to reduce subcutaneous fat at the treatment site by up to 25%* after one treatment. Additionally, 86%* of patients noted “visible reductions” in fat from the flanks, back, and abdomen.


Coolsculpting is a popular and convenient treatment for eliminating stubborn fat on the body. Coolsculpting is non-invasive and generally safe. However, while rare, side effects are possible. The most common experienced side effects include redness and numbness. Additionally, this procedure does carry the risk of tissue damage or nerve injury if not performed correctly. Coolsculpting can also result in uneven fat reduction if not done correctly. Therefore, it is important to seek treatment from a qualified Coolsculpting provider such as Calista Skin & Laser Center before undergoing the treatment.


The procedure is skill sensitive. Take the time to find the most experienced CoolSculpting facility for outstanding results. Start your search with these insider tips:

Sort by experience.

A provider’s expertise level directly impacts patient results. Your outcome will be much better if you select one with years of experience in CoolSculpting. There are a couple of ways to gauge how seasoned a provider is:

  •  Read online reviews on Google, Yelp, and other credible websites
  •  Look for before and after pictures of their patients to see authentic results
  •  Find out how long they have been performing the treatment

Assess candidacy.

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. If you are not a good fit but get treated anyway, the results may be disappointing. With that said, determine whether you are a candidate for CoolSculpting before committing. Factors that determine candidacy include body size and shape, aesthetic goals, and desired treatment areas.

This body contouring treatment is ideal for health-conscious people who exercise and eat clean. It is not a weight loss solution. Overweight people will not reap the most favorable results. Assess candidacy by contacting different providers and get multiple opinions. From there, you can make an informed decision.

Consult top providers.

After narrowing down your list of potential providers, schedule a consultation with them. During each consultation, you get the chance to share your aesthetic goals and discuss pricing. If you are a viable candidate, CoolSculpting experts will share next steps.


Calista Skin & Laser Center is the leading CoolSculpting provider in Colleyville, TX. Clients trust us with aesthetic treatments because we provide unmatched service and attention. Our expert technicians use cutting-edge technology and a modern approach to ensure patient satisfaction.


Fort Worth residents choose Calista Skin & Laser Center as their CoolSculpting destination because:

  •  They get stunning results in a luxury establishment.
  •  They experience customized treatment plans tailored to their individual goals
  •  Treatment specialists are welcoming, skilled, and helpful.
  •  Staff experts use the latest equipment & technology.
  •  There are ongoing deals and specials for new and returning clients.


Our team at Calista Skin & Laser Center has the medical credentials and training to deliver impressive CoolSculpting results. Our technicians are carefully hand-picked for qualities that contribute to a nurturing environment for patient wellness. If you are in the Colleyville, TX area, and are looking to permanently eliminate stubborn fat and sculpt your appearance, contact Calista Laser to schedule a free consultation today. Call 817-488-3838 to begin your CoolSculpting journey.

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CoolSculpting Dallas

group of fit friends exercising together

CoolSculpting Dallas

CoolSculpting Dallas is the most sought-after treatment for stubborn fat removal today. While many procedures are available to reduce stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is the safest, easiest, and most comfortable. Instead of invasive surgery, CoolSculpting uses cooling technology and natural science. Personal physique goals can be frustrating or intense, but with CoolSculpting, the decision makes itself. Consider this treatment for natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Related Article: How Does Cool Sculpting Work?>>

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Fat cells fluctuate in the amount of fat they store as you lose and gain weight. However, when fat cells freeze to death, they die and process out of the body. The body contouring technology focuses the freezing temperatures onto unwanted fat cells. The temperature damages the cell’s membrane, so it can no longer store fat. Since the fat cell can no longer hold fat, the fat cell is eliminated as waste. This is what makes CoolSculpting long-lasting.

Cool Sculpting reduces double-chins, belly fat, love handles, arm fat, thigh fat, and more. Treatments are incredibly diverse. This is why treatments are customized to fit your individual needs and goals. During a consultation with a reputable provider, they evaluate your body to determine which applicators and how many cooling sessions you need to achieve optimal body contouring results. The CoolSculpting applicators kill cells in a targeted area for removal. A variety of applicators are used to target different types of fat and the different regions on the body.

CoolSculpting Cost?

CoolSculpting price depends on two main factors:  which applicators are used and how many cycles are performed. Some treatment areas, like the chin or neck, can demonstrate visible results after just two treatments. Decisions about applicators are based on the area being targeted. Smaller applicators cost less and target smaller areas of fat, like inner thigh fat. Larger applicators cost more and target more significant areas of fat, like belly fat or outer thigh fat.

Treatment areas may require a few cycles for optimal results. Each complete treatment plan may require a few visits, each spaced out over a few weeks. This treatment requires little to no recovery period, and no invasive surgery. Liposuction and other means of stubborn fat removal are also improving with time, but none are as effortless as CoolSculpting.

Is CoolSculpting Right for Me?

CoolSculpting is not a treatment for everyone. The ideal candidate is a healthy, active adult struggling with fat deposits in problematic areas like the belly or thighs. If you question your candidacy, contact a provider like Calista Laser to determine if CoolSculpting meets your needs.

CoolSculpting Dallas Near Me

CoolSculpting Dallas is your premier body contouring provider in the Colleyville Area. CoolSculpting is a technique-sensitive treatment that requires skilled professionals. Schedule a consultation with Calista Laser today by filling out the form below or call us at 817-488-3838 to learn more from our office about how to take your next step towards your aesthetic goals.

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