

CoolSculpting Stomach | How to Finally Reduce Belly Fat Without Surgery

CoolSculpting Stomach: How to Finally Reduce Belly Fat Without Surgery

Belly fat is a common issue for millions of people. This is because fat naturally gathers in the lower stomach region. Unfortunately, despite living a healthy lifestyle, clean eating, and exercising frequently, you can still fall victim to a potbelly. Why? Fat in the abdomen is heavily influenced by gender, age, genetics, hormones, and certain medical conditions, meaning it can be challenging to shed. Fortunately, there is a way to reduce belly fat without an invasive surgery like liposuction.

CoolSculpting stomach treatments offer the best non-invasive solution for stubborn belly fat. Read on to learn more about belly fat and how to reduce your stomach pouch with ease.

Causes of Belly Fat

The cause of belly fat differs for each person. The stomach tends to be a default area for storing extra fat for most men. This is often a result of overeating or excess drinking, or a lack of exercise. Stubborn belly fat is a challenging area for weight loss in men that is often diet and exercise resistant. However, poor lifestyle choices are not always the direct cause of stubborn belly bulge. Estrogen causes the body to deposit more fat in the thighs, buttocks, lower stomach, and hips for women. As women age, estrogen drops, causing fat to gather more frequently in the stomach.

Our metabolism begins to decline as the body gets older, causing it to use fewer calories in a day. A slower metabolism means the fat cells store more quickly in the belly and become even more challenging to lose. Thankfully, the belly is one of the most targeted areas for CoolSculpting. This treatment is a great option for both men and women looking for a little extra help in their mid-section.

Belly Fat Reduction Treatments

Eating clean and exercising regularly are great ways to control and maintain a healthy weight. They are, however, not always enough to avoid weight gain and reduce persistent belly fat. As a result, most people struggling with a jiggly tummy tend to seek professional help.

Liposuction is one of the most popular and common fat reduction options available. It is an effective treatment. However, it is an invasive surgery and comes with some drawbacks. People often want to avoid surgery, general anesthesia, and a complicated recovery process. CoolSculpting stomach treatments are the perfect solution for those people looking to lose their belly fat without major surgery and a long recovery time. CoolSculpting allows both men and women the opportunity to shape, tone, and slim their belly in ways that may not be possible with their efforts.

CoolSculpting Stomach - The Non-Surgical Solution for Belly Fat

CoolSculpting is the #1 non-invasive fat reduction method available through a process called cryolipolysis. It is FDA-cleared, safe, and effective for everyone meeting the correct requirements. CoolSculpting treatments eliminate stubborn fat deposits with ease using advanced cooling technology. During the treatment, a special cooling device is applied to the lower abdomen. The device gradually lowers the temperature of the fat cells in the belly area. This calibrated cooling effectively “freezes” the fat cells below the skin’s surface. Once this occurs, the cells die and naturally process out of the body as waste via the lymphatic system. The surrounding skin and tissue remain undamaged. As a result, CoolSculpting provides clients with a lasting reduction in belly fat, securing a lean and sexy waistline.

CoolSculpting provides a long-lasting belly fat reduction because once removed, the fat cells can never return. Therefore, this technique is an optimal way to help make the abdomen area look slimmer and more toned. A series of three treatments is recommended, depending on the individual’s aesthetic goals. After each session, individuals may experience redness, numbness, and swelling in the abdomen area. However, these symptoms go away on their own. There is no downtime with stomach CoolSculpting, and patients can resume normal activities following their treatment.


While it is true that women dominate the cosmetic industry, many men can benefit from cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting stomach treatments. Some men struggle with poor body image and low confidence due to having a bothersome “beer belly” or a soft “dad bod.”

This excess fat in the belly area is often a result of overeating, drinking too much alcohol, a lack of exercise, or all the above. It’s not uncommon for men to spend endless hours at the gym working on their mid-section or trying fad diets like Keto or Paleo to ditch their belly fat. Stubborn belly fat is a difficult area for weight loss in men that is often resistant to these diet and exercise efforts.

Thankfully, the abdomen is one of the most commonly targeted areas for men who opt for CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting stomach treatments are a great option for men looking for a little extra help in their mid-section. Men that choose Coolsculpting can successfully banish bothersome belly fat to tone up their beer bellies and improve their self-confidence.

Plus, CoolSculpting abdomen sessions are non-invasive so men can spot-reduce stubborn fat without friends or colleagues knowing that they underwent a body contouring procedure. Another perk is there is no recovery time or downtime, so men are free to get back to the gym or their normal routines immediately.


A woman’s body can change dramatically after having a baby, from stretch marks and scars to loose skin and unwanted fat. CoolSculpting stomach treatments are a great option for women looking to embrace their new body while fine tuning their post-partum pot belly or belly pooch.

CoolSculpting after having a baby is a popular option that women seek to address the stubborn belly fat pockets that aren’t responding to healthy lifestyle habits. Often, women postpartum have C-section scars on the lower belly, which create the common “C-section pooch”. Thankfully, CoolSculpting stomach treatments are customized and tailored to the body. This includes accommodating the post-pregnancy belly pooch or any abdomen scarring.

Having kids means getting adjusted to longer days and nights and a busier schedule. With CoolSculpting, treatments are fast and convenient. Moms can enjoy quick CoolSculpting stomach sessions without having to worry about the appointment taking a long time or impacting their schedule. Plus, there is no recovery or down time, so women can conveniently schedule their sessions and get right back to their daily activities.

Women wanting a belly touch up after having a baby should wait at least 3-6 months after they have stopped breastfeeding to consider CoolSculpting. It takes time for the body to fully recover and heal after childbirth, so it is important to allow your body to settle into its new shape before considering body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting.


Coolsculpting stomach treatments are a great non-invasive option to consider if you are looking to slim your body and eliminate stubborn fat. Coolsculpting can provide long-lasting results in the belly area that are noticeable within 1 to 3 months of your initial treatment session.

On average, clinical studies found that cryolipolysis reduces subcutaneous belly fat at the treatment area by up to 25 percent* after one treatment. Additionally, 86 percent* of patients noticed visible reductions in fat from their abdomen area. Therefore, men and women who opt for Coolsculpting the abdomen can effectively destroy stubborn belly fat and tone up their midsection.

CoolSculpting before and after >>

CoolSculpting Stomach in Dallas, TX

Reduce your belly fat for good without surgery! There are so many amazing benefits for men and women seeking CoolSculpting to destroy stubborn fat and improve their physiques. If you live in the Dallas, Texas area and want to learn more about CoolSculpting, contact Calista Laser. We are the leading provider of safe, effective CoolSculpting treatments in Dallas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your complimentary consultation and discover more about Coolsculpting. If you are a good candidate, we’ll customize a treatment plan for your needs and budget. We can’t wait for you to transform your body with this revolutionary body contouring treatment.

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