

CoolSculpting Thighs: Does Fat Freezing Work on Legs?

CoolSculpting Thighs: Does Fat Freezing Work on Legs?

CoolSculpting thighs treatments reduce fat from the inner and outer thighs with ease. This revolutionary procedure is entirely non-invasive and virtually painless. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting treatments in Colleyville, Texas and how you can contour the slim, sexy thighs you have always wanted.


Thigh fat is a common issue for both men and women. However, for women, thigh fat is extremely stubborn and difficult to lose. This is because the fat in this area is known as “sex-specific fat.” The estrogen in a woman’s body sends more fat cells to the thigh area and the buttocks. This is a reserve of fat and is believed to supply women with the energy they need during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Unfortunately, there is no way to “spot-reduce” fat. However, you can reduce fat all over your body by committing to a healthy diet and exercise plan. For example, reducing your caloric intake, limiting carbohydrates, avoiding sugar, and increasing water intake are all excellent ways to help shed stubborn fat in the body.

Cardio exercises like running, cycling, walking, or high-intensity training are also excellent for reducing stubborn fat on the body.

In addition, exercises like side lunges, curtsy lunges, goblet squats, glute bridges, single deadlifts, and other exercises that target the thighs are great for toning the legs.

If you’ve tried all these options and still are not seeing improvements to your thighs, you are not alone. Hormone-influenced fat, like the fat in the thighs, is some of the most stubborn fat to burn off on the body. Thankfully, non-surgical and non-invasive fat reduction treatments like CoolSculpting make it simple and easy to actually target thigh fat and spot-reduce fat buildup in the inner and outer thigh areas.


Like liposuction, CoolSculpting targets specific bulges of fat and eliminates them without surgery. During your cooling session, a proprietary applicator is placed on your thigh. The applicator emits the advanced cooling of CoolSculpting, known as Cryolipolysis, penetrating deep within the skin and targeting subcutaneous fat cells. The cooling essentially “freezes” the cell, causing its membrane to rupture and die. Weeks after your treatment, the body naturally gathers all of these dead cells and removes them from the body. This results in natural-looking fat reduction in your thighs.

Treating the Thighs with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting thighs is a popular area for this fat freezing method. With cooling sessions, women can contour their outer thighs and reduce “saddlebags.” The CoolSmooth applicator is an incredible addition to the CoolSculpting applicator line. This handheld device makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach external thigh fat thanks to its non-vacuum-based cooling. CoolSmooth applicators can easily chill hard, non-pinchable fat on the outer thigh. Research shows that the CoolSmooth results in “visible fat reduction after just one treatment.”
CoolSculpting’s CoolFit applicator is a handheld device to tackle inner thigh fat. Most everyone, even men, struggles with inner thigh fat. CoolSculpting thigh treatments using the CoolFit allow the technician to contour the inner thigh thanks to the vacuum cup and large cooling plate.

CoolSculpting Thighs Before and After*

CoolSculpting thighs before and after images show how this fat reduction treatment uses advanced cooling to “freeze” fat cells in the inner and outer thighs. While results will vary.* The people in the before and after images show the typical results possible with a CoolSculpting treatment in the thigh area. Since Coolsculpting is a technique-sensitive treatment, selecting a licensed professional to administer the cooling sessions is crucial to ensure safety and optimal results.

Woman's upper thighs showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 13 weeks.


CoolSculpting is one of the most effective and effortless ways to reduce thigh fat buildup. There are some excellent ways to maximize your results and make the absolute most of your CoolSculpting experience. Here is a good list of things you can incorporate into your Coolsculpting aftercare routine to protect your body contouring investment and enhance your results:

  •  Commit to a complete CoolSculpting thighs treatment plan
  •  Drink plenty of water to help encourage the lymphatic system
  •  Indulge in a full body massage with emphasis on your thighs
  •  Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including clean eating and daily exercise


CoolSculpting is a long-lasting fat reduction treatment. It destroys a percentage of fat cells in the thighs. However, if you overindulge and gain weight, you could obscure your cool sculpting results. While the treatment permanently disables and removes those stubborn fat cells in the inner and outer thighs, you still have fat cells in the surrounding areas that can expand and obscure your results. In order to enjoy permanent thigh fat reduction with CoolSculpting, you must commit to maintaining a healthy weight.

Is CoolSculpting Right For Me?

CoolSculpting treatments are not suitable for everyone. The ideal candidate is a healthy adult struggling with pesky fat bulges in the thighs or other problem areas. If you are unsure about your candidacy, schedule a free consultation with a reputable provider in your area. People living in the Colleyville, TX area choose Calista Laser as their premier CoolSculpting provider. When you schedule a consultation with us, a knowledgeable technician evaluates your body to determine if CoolSculpting is the right fat reduction method for you.

CoolSculpting Thighs in Colleyville, TX

Thigh fat doesn’t have to plague you any longer. Call Calista Laser today to schedule a complimentary consultation to discover how CoolSculpting can change your physique and life. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your appointment now or reach out to us online to learn more.

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