

Finding the Best CoolSculpting Fort Worth Provider

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Finding the Best CoolSculpting Fort Worth Provider

Millions worldwide turn to non-invasive body contouring to achieve their dream figures. It is no surprise that plenty of people search for the best CoolSculpting Fort Worth providers. Cost is one of the first concerns when looking but should not be the make-or-break factor. Shop by quality first to get the most out of your investment.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a convenient, non-invasive fat reduction solution that utilizes controlled cooling to destroy fat cells. It is FDA-cleared and suitable for people who struggle with diet and exercise-resistant fat.


There are many benefits to getting Coolsculpting to target and destroy stubborn fat and improve your physique. One of the main benefits of Coolsculpting is that it freezes and destroys fat cells permanently in targeted areas of the body. Additional benefits include:

  • Non-invasive
  •  No downtime or recovery time
  •  Quick and easy treatment, about 45 minutes
  •  Safe, FDA-cleared procedure
  •  Long-lasting fat reduction
  •  Improves self-esteem
  •  A more slimmed and defined appearance
  •  No surgery, incisions, or anesthesia


Coolsculpting is an FDA-cleared fat reduction procedure that uses fat-freezing technology called cryolipolysis to cool unwanted fatty tissue. This treatment is an excellent option if you fear needles or allergic to anesthesia. During the treatment, a device applies to the skin of the treatment area. The device cools the target area and freezes the fat cells. After the fat cells are frozen, they die, and your body naturally eliminates them over time.

Coolsculpting treatments take about 45 minutes. A series of three sessions is recommended, depending on your aesthetic goals. After each Coolsculpting session, you may experience redness, numbness, or swelling. However, these symptoms are mild and go away on their own. There is no downtime with Coolsculpting, and you can resume normal activities following your treatment.

Overall, Coolsculpting is a safe and effective way to reduce stubborn fat and improve your appearance.


Coolsculpting is a great non-surgical option for those looking to sculpt their physique and destroy stubborn fat. Coolsculpting can provide long-lasting results. However, it is important to have realistic goals about what a fat reduction treatment can achieve.

In general, Coolsculpting results and duration of results will vary based on the individual as well as factors such as aging, genetics, and weight gain. On average, clinical studies found that cryolipolysis was shown to reduce subcutaneous fat at the treatment site by up to 25%* after one treatment. Additionally, 86%* of patients noted “visible reductions” in fat from the flanks, back, and abdomen.


Coolsculpting is a popular and convenient treatment for eliminating stubborn fat on the body. Coolsculpting is non-invasive and generally safe. However, while rare, side effects are possible. The most common experienced side effects include redness and numbness. Additionally, this procedure does carry the risk of tissue damage or nerve injury if not performed correctly. Coolsculpting can also result in uneven fat reduction if not done correctly. Therefore, it is important to seek treatment from a qualified Coolsculpting provider such as Calista Skin & Laser Center before undergoing the treatment.


The procedure is skill sensitive. Take the time to find the most experienced CoolSculpting facility for outstanding results. Start your search with these insider tips:

Sort by experience.

A provider’s expertise level directly impacts patient results. Your outcome will be much better if you select one with years of experience in CoolSculpting. There are a couple of ways to gauge how seasoned a provider is:

  •  Read online reviews on Google, Yelp, and other credible websites
  •  Look for before and after pictures of their patients to see authentic results
  •  Find out how long they have been performing the treatment

Assess candidacy.

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. If you are not a good fit but get treated anyway, the results may be disappointing. With that said, determine whether you are a candidate for CoolSculpting before committing. Factors that determine candidacy include body size and shape, aesthetic goals, and desired treatment areas.

This body contouring treatment is ideal for health-conscious people who exercise and eat clean. It is not a weight loss solution. Overweight people will not reap the most favorable results. Assess candidacy by contacting different providers and get multiple opinions. From there, you can make an informed decision.

Consult top providers.

After narrowing down your list of potential providers, schedule a consultation with them. During each consultation, you get the chance to share your aesthetic goals and discuss pricing. If you are a viable candidate, CoolSculpting experts will share next steps.


Calista Skin & Laser Center is the leading CoolSculpting provider in Colleyville, TX. Clients trust us with aesthetic treatments because we provide unmatched service and attention. Our expert technicians use cutting-edge technology and a modern approach to ensure patient satisfaction.


Fort Worth residents choose Calista Skin & Laser Center as their CoolSculpting destination because:

  •  They get stunning results in a luxury establishment.
  •  They experience customized treatment plans tailored to their individual goals
  •  Treatment specialists are welcoming, skilled, and helpful.
  •  Staff experts use the latest equipment & technology.
  •  There are ongoing deals and specials for new and returning clients.


Our team at Calista Skin & Laser Center has the medical credentials and training to deliver impressive CoolSculpting results. Our technicians are carefully hand-picked for qualities that contribute to a nurturing environment for patient wellness. If you are in the Colleyville, TX area, and are looking to permanently eliminate stubborn fat and sculpt your appearance, contact Calista Laser to schedule a free consultation today. Call 817-488-3838 to begin your CoolSculpting journey.

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CoolSculpting Dallas

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CoolSculpting Dallas

CoolSculpting Dallas is the most sought-after treatment for stubborn fat removal today. While many procedures are available to reduce stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is the safest, easiest, and most comfortable. Instead of invasive surgery, CoolSculpting uses cooling technology and natural science. Personal physique goals can be frustrating or intense, but with CoolSculpting, the decision makes itself. Consider this treatment for natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Related Article: How Does Cool Sculpting Work?>>

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Fat cells fluctuate in the amount of fat they store as you lose and gain weight. However, when fat cells freeze to death, they die and process out of the body. The body contouring technology focuses the freezing temperatures onto unwanted fat cells. The temperature damages the cell’s membrane, so it can no longer store fat. Since the fat cell can no longer hold fat, the fat cell is eliminated as waste. This is what makes CoolSculpting long-lasting.

Cool Sculpting reduces double-chins, belly fat, love handles, arm fat, thigh fat, and more. Treatments are incredibly diverse. This is why treatments are customized to fit your individual needs and goals. During a consultation with a reputable provider, they evaluate your body to determine which applicators and how many cooling sessions you need to achieve optimal body contouring results. The CoolSculpting applicators kill cells in a targeted area for removal. A variety of applicators are used to target different types of fat and the different regions on the body.

CoolSculpting Cost?

CoolSculpting price depends on two main factors:  which applicators are used and how many cycles are performed. Some treatment areas, like the chin or neck, can demonstrate visible results after just two treatments. Decisions about applicators are based on the area being targeted. Smaller applicators cost less and target smaller areas of fat, like inner thigh fat. Larger applicators cost more and target more significant areas of fat, like belly fat or outer thigh fat.

Treatment areas may require a few cycles for optimal results. Each complete treatment plan may require a few visits, each spaced out over a few weeks. This treatment requires little to no recovery period, and no invasive surgery. Liposuction and other means of stubborn fat removal are also improving with time, but none are as effortless as CoolSculpting.

Is CoolSculpting Right for Me?

CoolSculpting is not a treatment for everyone. The ideal candidate is a healthy, active adult struggling with fat deposits in problematic areas like the belly or thighs. If you question your candidacy, contact a provider like Calista Laser to determine if CoolSculpting meets your needs.

CoolSculpting Dallas Near Me

CoolSculpting Dallas is your premier body contouring provider in the Colleyville Area. CoolSculpting is a technique-sensitive treatment that requires skilled professionals. Schedule a consultation with Calista Laser today by filling out the form below or call us at 817-488-3838 to learn more from our office about how to take your next step towards your aesthetic goals.

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CoolSculpting FAQ | CoolSculpting in Colleyville

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What is CoolSculpting?

Coolsculpting, or fat freezing, is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure. It reduces stubborn fat cells that tend to resist diet and exercise. Treatments use Cryolipolysis, an advanced cooling technology to “freeze” and disable subcutaneous fat cells in problem areas on the body.

How much does CoolSculpting cost?

CoolSculpting cost is different for everyone. The cooling cycles start at $750. However, many factors affect your overall price. To understand CoolSculpting prices, contact a specialist in your area to undergo a medical evaluation.

Is CoolSculpting permanent?

CoolSculpting is proven to provide long-lasting results. Once fat cells process out of the body, they cannot grow back. As a result, patients achieve long-term fat reduction. It is important to add that patients should maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid weight gain. Weight gain obscures CoolSculpting results.

Does CoolSculpting work?

Yes, CoolSculpting works. It is FDA cleared and proven safe and effective for reducing stubborn fat deposits. One study shows that a single cooling cycle reduces fat by 25% at the treatment site.

Does CoolSculpting Hurt?

CoolSculpting is a tolerable treatment with good comfortability. During the first few minutes of the treatment, patients may experience a tugging sensation. In addition, patients may feel intense cold at the treatment site. The area becomes numb so patients can relax for the remainder of the cycle. Afterward, the technician massages the area for two minutes. Some patients find this uncomfortable.

Can you DIY CoolSculpting?

No, you cannot DIY Coolsculpting or cool sculpt fat at home. Trying to do so is dangerous—people who try to do this at home harm themselves due to thermal injury.

Who is a good CoolSculpting candidate?

CoolSculpting is not a suitable treatment for everyone. It is meant for healthy adults struggling with stubborn fat buildups. CoolSculpting is not a weight loss treatment or a cure for obesity. The only way to determine your treatment candidacy is to schedule a free consultation with a professional provider. Patients living in Colleyville, Texas, select Calista Laser for their evaluations and safe CoolSculpting treatments.

When will I see CoolSculpting results?

People begin seeing CoolSculpting results within 8 to 12 weeks after their cooling cycle. Some people see results sooner. Reductions in fat may continue for up to 6 months after.

Do you lose weight with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss treatment. Instead, it is a fat reduction method. Unlike regular weight loss treatments that shrink fat cells, CoolSculpting eliminates them. This results in visible reductions in fat.

Is CoolSculpting dangerous?

CoolSculpting has FDA clearance. Countless clinical studies and successful treatments also back it. Adverse side effects are rare. The best way to ensure you remain safe during CoolSculpting is to select a provider like Calista Laser.

CoolSculpting Near Me

If you live in the Colleyville, Texas area and want to learn more about CoolSculpting, contact Calista Laser. Have your personal CoolSculpting FAQs answered by the best professionals in the area. Call us at 817-483-3838 to schedule your consultation to discover how CoolSculpting can alter your physique in unimaginable ways.

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Fat Freezing | Popular CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

Popular CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

CoolSculpting treatment areas might be the first thing you know about freezing your fat or liposuction. CoolSculpting is the preferred method of removing stubborn fat from the body in modern society today. However, this treatment has evolved in technology and practice. Today, CoolSculpting uses a variety of applicators to tailor treatment to your needs.

From top to bottom, CoolSculpting uses FDA-cleared applicators to treat the chin, neck, upper arms, armpits, back, belly, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and more. Read on to learn more about specific CoolSculpting treatment areas and the used applicators.

CoolSculpting treatment areas might be the first thing you know about freezing your fat or liposuction. CoolSculpting is the Sculpting the chin area is one of the most accessible treatments to undergo. Plus, results become visible after two treatments. Calista Laser uses a smaller specialized applicator to reduce fat in the submental region. This applicator is known as the “Cool mini.” While not all providers carry this special applicator, Calista Laser uses it to focus on smaller fat areas. In addition to double chins, the CoolMini treats areas like armpit fat (also known as bra bulge).

The most recent CoolSculpting applicator, the CoolPetite, treats the upper arm fat effectively. This treatment area is very popular among women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. The CoolPetite is a medium-sized applicator made specifically for the arms.

Belly fat is the number one area of concern for most individuals considering the CoolSculpting treatment. To treat this area, one larger applicator or two small applicators are usually used. A larger applicator might be used to target one specific area, or two smaller applicators might be used for more dynamic sculpting. The cost of the large applicator is the same as two smaller ones. In this way, the finer details of your journey are catered to during consultation and treatment. Several treatments or cycles might be required overtime to achieve optimal contouring, so treatment changes as you do.

Including belly fat, the entire midsection of the body is most often where transformation is desired. Love handles require specially selected applicators and several treatments to meet your contouring goals like belly fat. Calista Laser uses dual sculpting to attain results in half the time to treat the belly and flank area.

Stubborn thigh fat is challenging to get rid of with diet and exercise alone. Calista Laser utilizes two new applicators designed specifically for thigh fat: the CoolFit and the CoolSmooth. The inner thighs are often made up of long lines of vertical fat deposits. In comparison, outer thigh fat tends to be flat and hard. The CoolFit is made with long cooling plates to fit the softer fat of the inner thigh, all done without using suction.

Calista Laser meets your every need with this modern tech and caring professionals. There’s a reason CoolSculpting is sought out over liposuction and lasering. Fat freezing is easy, natural, and enduring.

CoolSculpting Provider Near Me

Learn more about Calista Laser, the premier provider of CoolSculpting in Colleyville, Texas. Contact us online or at our office (817) 488-3838 to schedule your free consultation.

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Finding the Best CoolSculpting Colleyville Provider

Finding the Best CoolSculpting Colleyville Provider

CoolSculpting is a skill-sensitive body contouring treatment. Unfortunately, not every provider sculpts flawless, attractive body curves. Selecting the right professional for the fat-freezing job is crucial to securing the safest, most effective CoolSculpting results. With the popularity of Cryolipolysis rising, it is becoming overwhelming trying to find the right provider.

Read on to learn more about the CoolSculpting treatment and what you should do to select the best CoolSculpting Colleyville provider.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is the #1 non-invasive fat reduction method using cooling technology. The treatment uses Cryolipolysis to “freeze” stubborn fat deposits in problem areas like the lower belly or inner thighs. During the cooling session, a proprietary applicator attaches to the skin of the treatment area. The applicator then emits controlled cooling through the skin, targeting underlying fat cells. When the cells essentially “freeze to death” when exposed to the CoolSculpting temperature. The cooling causes the cell’s membrane to rupture and induces cell death. Weeks later, the body initiates a natural immune response responsible for collecting the dead cells. Eventually, they process out of the body through the lymphatic system.

Finding Providers in Colleyville

Searching for a provider on the internet seems like the best thing. However, sometimes internet searches are unorganized and lack sufficient information. For the most precise search online, visit the official CoolSculpting website and search your Colleyville area. The results of licensed providers come sorted according to the best price point.

Visit the official CoolSculpting website>>

For the Best Fat Freezing Results, Find the Best Provider

As with any body contouring treatment, the person performing the procedure affects the treatment experience and fat reduction results possible. It is good to look for recent client testimonials and reviews when searching your list of providers. CoolSculpting before and after transformations from prior patients is another excellent resource. Through these resources, you can get a fantastic visual of the fat freezing results possible at that provider’s facility.

Related Article: CoolSculpting Before and After>>

Ultimately, scheduling a free consultation with the providers is the best way to select the right CoolSculpting Colleyville professional. While an internet search only provides so much information, a consultation is an opportunity to speak in person with the provider. During your visit to Calista Laser, you interact with our exceptional staff. Each member of our team helps you understand CoolSculpting. We also determine if fat freezing is the proper body contouring treatment for your needs. Then, if you are the right candidate, we tailor a plan to achieve optimal fat reduction at an affordable rate.

CoolSculpting Near Me

If you live in the Colleyville area and want to select the right professional for delivering safe, dramatic body contouring results, look no further than Calista Laser. We are the leading provider of CoolSculpting in Colleyville, Texas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your consultation and discover more.

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CoolSculpting Love Handles | Contour a Lean Physique

CoolSculpting Love Handles: Contour a Lean Physique

CoolSculpting love handles provides the perfect solution for anyone struggling with stubborn flank fat. More commonly known as the love handles, the flanks are one of the most problematic areas to reduce fat cells. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting and how it reduces fat cells non-invasively with cooling technology.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment for reducing flank fat. This fat reduction method requires no painful surgery, scalpels, anesthesia, incisions, or a lengthy recovery. Referred to as the “lunch lipo,” CoolSculpting is known for its quick, convenient cooling sessions that require minimal to no downtime. Clients enjoy cooling sessions during their lunch break and then return to work normally.

During treatments, an applicator emits the cooling technology to the target treatment area. The extremely cold temperature targets the subcutaneous fat cells underneath the skin tissue and “freezes” it to death. Weeks afterward, the body naturally gathers the dead cells and processes them out of the body. CoolSculpting provides lasting fat reduction. Once the fat cells are gone, they never return or regrow.

CoolSculpting Love Handles Before and After*

CoolSculpting before and after images show real results from real people. Of course, results will vary per person.* However, each person shown has achieved a noticeable reduction in love handle fat and impressively contoured curves. Since CoolSculpting is technique-sensitive, the more experience the provider has, the better the fat reduction.

Treating Your Love Handles

The love handles, or flanks, are the second most common problem area. When considering a CoolSculpting love handles treatment, people like to combine treatment areas by including the abdomen area for a total midsection transformation.

Treating the love handles requires one small applicator, one on each side. Some fat-freezing providers may only have one machine, meaning they can only treat one flank at a time. Whereas some spas have more than one machine meaning they can dual-sculpt and reduce fat on both sides simultaneously. If you want to know if your spa has this capability, contact them to schedule a free consultation.

Related Article: How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?>>

Is CoolSculpting Suitable For Me?

The truth is that CoolSculpting is not suitable for all people. The correct candidate is an adult at a healthy weight but still struggling with fat deposits. If you question your candidacy, a consultation is the best way to determine if CoolSculpting is a treatment for you. During your visit, your body is evaluated by a knowledgeable technician. If they believe CoolSculpting is right for you, they create a treatment plan that achieves optimal flank fat reduction.

CoolSculpting Love Handle Treatment Near Dallas, TX

If you want to reduce pesky love handles fat and sculpt sexy curves, contact Calista Laser. We are the leading provider of CoolSculpting treatments in the Dallas, Texas area. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your treatment and discover how fat freezing can enhance your body.

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CoolSculpting Stomach | How to Finally Reduce Belly Fat Without Surgery

CoolSculpting Stomach: How to Finally Reduce Belly Fat Without Surgery

Belly fat is a common issue for millions of people. This is because fat naturally gathers in the lower stomach region. Unfortunately, despite living a healthy lifestyle, clean eating, and exercising frequently, you can still fall victim to a potbelly. Why? Fat in the abdomen is heavily influenced by gender, age, genetics, hormones, and certain medical conditions, meaning it can be challenging to shed. Fortunately, there is a way to reduce belly fat without an invasive surgery like liposuction.

CoolSculpting stomach treatments offer the best non-invasive solution for stubborn belly fat. Read on to learn more about belly fat and how to reduce your stomach pouch with ease.

Causes of Belly Fat

The cause of belly fat differs for each person. The stomach tends to be a default area for storing extra fat for most men. This is often a result of overeating or excess drinking, or a lack of exercise. Stubborn belly fat is a challenging area for weight loss in men that is often diet and exercise resistant. However, poor lifestyle choices are not always the direct cause of stubborn belly bulge. Estrogen causes the body to deposit more fat in the thighs, buttocks, lower stomach, and hips for women. As women age, estrogen drops, causing fat to gather more frequently in the stomach.

Our metabolism begins to decline as the body gets older, causing it to use fewer calories in a day. A slower metabolism means the fat cells store more quickly in the belly and become even more challenging to lose. Thankfully, the belly is one of the most targeted areas for CoolSculpting. This treatment is a great option for both men and women looking for a little extra help in their mid-section.

Belly Fat Reduction Treatments

Eating clean and exercising regularly are great ways to control and maintain a healthy weight. They are, however, not always enough to avoid weight gain and reduce persistent belly fat. As a result, most people struggling with a jiggly tummy tend to seek professional help.

Liposuction is one of the most popular and common fat reduction options available. It is an effective treatment. However, it is an invasive surgery and comes with some drawbacks. People often want to avoid surgery, general anesthesia, and a complicated recovery process. CoolSculpting stomach treatments are the perfect solution for those people looking to lose their belly fat without major surgery and a long recovery time. CoolSculpting allows both men and women the opportunity to shape, tone, and slim their belly in ways that may not be possible with their efforts.

CoolSculpting Stomach - The Non-Surgical Solution for Belly Fat

CoolSculpting is the #1 non-invasive fat reduction method available through a process called cryolipolysis. It is FDA-cleared, safe, and effective for everyone meeting the correct requirements. CoolSculpting treatments eliminate stubborn fat deposits with ease using advanced cooling technology. During the treatment, a special cooling device is applied to the lower abdomen. The device gradually lowers the temperature of the fat cells in the belly area. This calibrated cooling effectively “freezes” the fat cells below the skin’s surface. Once this occurs, the cells die and naturally process out of the body as waste via the lymphatic system. The surrounding skin and tissue remain undamaged. As a result, CoolSculpting provides clients with a lasting reduction in belly fat, securing a lean and sexy waistline.

CoolSculpting provides a long-lasting belly fat reduction because once removed, the fat cells can never return. Therefore, this technique is an optimal way to help make the abdomen area look slimmer and more toned. A series of three treatments is recommended, depending on the individual’s aesthetic goals. After each session, individuals may experience redness, numbness, and swelling in the abdomen area. However, these symptoms go away on their own. There is no downtime with stomach CoolSculpting, and patients can resume normal activities following their treatment.


While it is true that women dominate the cosmetic industry, many men can benefit from cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting stomach treatments. Some men struggle with poor body image and low confidence due to having a bothersome “beer belly” or a soft “dad bod.”

This excess fat in the belly area is often a result of overeating, drinking too much alcohol, a lack of exercise, or all the above. It’s not uncommon for men to spend endless hours at the gym working on their mid-section or trying fad diets like Keto or Paleo to ditch their belly fat. Stubborn belly fat is a difficult area for weight loss in men that is often resistant to these diet and exercise efforts.

Thankfully, the abdomen is one of the most commonly targeted areas for men who opt for CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting stomach treatments are a great option for men looking for a little extra help in their mid-section. Men that choose Coolsculpting can successfully banish bothersome belly fat to tone up their beer bellies and improve their self-confidence.

Plus, CoolSculpting abdomen sessions are non-invasive so men can spot-reduce stubborn fat without friends or colleagues knowing that they underwent a body contouring procedure. Another perk is there is no recovery time or downtime, so men are free to get back to the gym or their normal routines immediately.


A woman’s body can change dramatically after having a baby, from stretch marks and scars to loose skin and unwanted fat. CoolSculpting stomach treatments are a great option for women looking to embrace their new body while fine tuning their post-partum pot belly or belly pooch.

CoolSculpting after having a baby is a popular option that women seek to address the stubborn belly fat pockets that aren’t responding to healthy lifestyle habits. Often, women postpartum have C-section scars on the lower belly, which create the common “C-section pooch”. Thankfully, CoolSculpting stomach treatments are customized and tailored to the body. This includes accommodating the post-pregnancy belly pooch or any abdomen scarring.

Having kids means getting adjusted to longer days and nights and a busier schedule. With CoolSculpting, treatments are fast and convenient. Moms can enjoy quick CoolSculpting stomach sessions without having to worry about the appointment taking a long time or impacting their schedule. Plus, there is no recovery or down time, so women can conveniently schedule their sessions and get right back to their daily activities.

Women wanting a belly touch up after having a baby should wait at least 3-6 months after they have stopped breastfeeding to consider CoolSculpting. It takes time for the body to fully recover and heal after childbirth, so it is important to allow your body to settle into its new shape before considering body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting.


Coolsculpting stomach treatments are a great non-invasive option to consider if you are looking to slim your body and eliminate stubborn fat. Coolsculpting can provide long-lasting results in the belly area that are noticeable within 1 to 3 months of your initial treatment session.

On average, clinical studies found that cryolipolysis reduces subcutaneous belly fat at the treatment area by up to 25 percent* after one treatment. Additionally, 86 percent* of patients noticed visible reductions in fat from their abdomen area. Therefore, men and women who opt for Coolsculpting the abdomen can effectively destroy stubborn belly fat and tone up their midsection.

CoolSculpting before and after >>

CoolSculpting Stomach in Dallas, TX

Reduce your belly fat for good without surgery! There are so many amazing benefits for men and women seeking CoolSculpting to destroy stubborn fat and improve their physiques. If you live in the Dallas, Texas area and want to learn more about CoolSculpting, contact Calista Laser. We are the leading provider of safe, effective CoolSculpting treatments in Dallas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your complimentary consultation and discover more about Coolsculpting. If you are a good candidate, we’ll customize a treatment plan for your needs and budget. We can’t wait for you to transform your body with this revolutionary body contouring treatment.

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CoolSculpting Thighs: Does Fat Freezing Work on Legs?

CoolSculpting Thighs: Does Fat Freezing Work on Legs?

CoolSculpting thighs treatments reduce fat from the inner and outer thighs with ease. This revolutionary procedure is entirely non-invasive and virtually painless. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting treatments in Colleyville, Texas and how you can contour the slim, sexy thighs you have always wanted.


Thigh fat is a common issue for both men and women. However, for women, thigh fat is extremely stubborn and difficult to lose. This is because the fat in this area is known as “sex-specific fat.” The estrogen in a woman’s body sends more fat cells to the thigh area and the buttocks. This is a reserve of fat and is believed to supply women with the energy they need during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Unfortunately, there is no way to “spot-reduce” fat. However, you can reduce fat all over your body by committing to a healthy diet and exercise plan. For example, reducing your caloric intake, limiting carbohydrates, avoiding sugar, and increasing water intake are all excellent ways to help shed stubborn fat in the body.

Cardio exercises like running, cycling, walking, or high-intensity training are also excellent for reducing stubborn fat on the body.

In addition, exercises like side lunges, curtsy lunges, goblet squats, glute bridges, single deadlifts, and other exercises that target the thighs are great for toning the legs.

If you’ve tried all these options and still are not seeing improvements to your thighs, you are not alone. Hormone-influenced fat, like the fat in the thighs, is some of the most stubborn fat to burn off on the body. Thankfully, non-surgical and non-invasive fat reduction treatments like CoolSculpting make it simple and easy to actually target thigh fat and spot-reduce fat buildup in the inner and outer thigh areas.


Like liposuction, CoolSculpting targets specific bulges of fat and eliminates them without surgery. During your cooling session, a proprietary applicator is placed on your thigh. The applicator emits the advanced cooling of CoolSculpting, known as Cryolipolysis, penetrating deep within the skin and targeting subcutaneous fat cells. The cooling essentially “freezes” the cell, causing its membrane to rupture and die. Weeks after your treatment, the body naturally gathers all of these dead cells and removes them from the body. This results in natural-looking fat reduction in your thighs.

Treating the Thighs with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting thighs is a popular area for this fat freezing method. With cooling sessions, women can contour their outer thighs and reduce “saddlebags.” The CoolSmooth applicator is an incredible addition to the CoolSculpting applicator line. This handheld device makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach external thigh fat thanks to its non-vacuum-based cooling. CoolSmooth applicators can easily chill hard, non-pinchable fat on the outer thigh. Research shows that the CoolSmooth results in “visible fat reduction after just one treatment.”
CoolSculpting’s CoolFit applicator is a handheld device to tackle inner thigh fat. Most everyone, even men, struggles with inner thigh fat. CoolSculpting thigh treatments using the CoolFit allow the technician to contour the inner thigh thanks to the vacuum cup and large cooling plate.

CoolSculpting Thighs Before and After*

CoolSculpting thighs before and after images show how this fat reduction treatment uses advanced cooling to “freeze” fat cells in the inner and outer thighs. While results will vary.* The people in the before and after images show the typical results possible with a CoolSculpting treatment in the thigh area. Since Coolsculpting is a technique-sensitive treatment, selecting a licensed professional to administer the cooling sessions is crucial to ensure safety and optimal results.

Woman's upper thighs showing the results before and after of Coolsculpting, over 13 weeks.


CoolSculpting is one of the most effective and effortless ways to reduce thigh fat buildup. There are some excellent ways to maximize your results and make the absolute most of your CoolSculpting experience. Here is a good list of things you can incorporate into your Coolsculpting aftercare routine to protect your body contouring investment and enhance your results:

  •  Commit to a complete CoolSculpting thighs treatment plan
  •  Drink plenty of water to help encourage the lymphatic system
  •  Indulge in a full body massage with emphasis on your thighs
  •  Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including clean eating and daily exercise


CoolSculpting is a long-lasting fat reduction treatment. It destroys a percentage of fat cells in the thighs. However, if you overindulge and gain weight, you could obscure your cool sculpting results. While the treatment permanently disables and removes those stubborn fat cells in the inner and outer thighs, you still have fat cells in the surrounding areas that can expand and obscure your results. In order to enjoy permanent thigh fat reduction with CoolSculpting, you must commit to maintaining a healthy weight.

Is CoolSculpting Right For Me?

CoolSculpting treatments are not suitable for everyone. The ideal candidate is a healthy adult struggling with pesky fat bulges in the thighs or other problem areas. If you are unsure about your candidacy, schedule a free consultation with a reputable provider in your area. People living in the Colleyville, TX area choose Calista Laser as their premier CoolSculpting provider. When you schedule a consultation with us, a knowledgeable technician evaluates your body to determine if CoolSculpting is the right fat reduction method for you.

CoolSculpting Thighs in Colleyville, TX

Thigh fat doesn’t have to plague you any longer. Call Calista Laser today to schedule a complimentary consultation to discover how CoolSculpting can change your physique and life. Call us at 817-488-3838 to schedule your appointment now or reach out to us online to learn more.

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Coolsculpting Dallas Forth Worth Specials

Coolsculpting Specials in Dallas-Forth Worth

Lately, there are many people in Texas or in nearby towns searching for Coolsculpting Dallas specials. The reasons behind these searches are not that difficult to understand once you know why.

For one, the fat freezing treatment has become very popular in the past decade. Second, individuals know that Coolsculpting cost can run a bit high. This is why they search for the best deals near their location. There’s also the celebrity element behind the surge. A ton of famous people have been posting online their recent visits to spas where they have had the procedure done. Many of them share their amazing transformational results. This has helped to generate an even greater amount of engagement in Coolsculpting.

Everyone knows that before and after results speak for themselves. Coolsculpting is no different. People look for these before and after images or videos to see for themselves how well the procedure works. Lastly, Coolsculpting Dallas cost interest is high because getting rid of stubborn fat is almost impossible. In fact, working out every day, dieting and other methods simply do not work on stubborn fat bulges. However, the hard to get rid of fat is no match for the cryolipolysis methodology behind Coolsculpting.

How Coolsculpting Targets Hard To Get Rid of Fat

The way Coolsculpting works on stubborn fat is by freezing the cells to death. The process is called cryolipolysis. An applicator is used to target fat cells near the surface of the skin. Through this applicator, cold temperatures are sent to cool the cells to a point of freezing. Once these fat cells are frozen, they die and are pushed out of your body naturally as waste. The advanced technology behind the procedure ensures that only the visible fat bulges around the belly, arms, thigh, back or other areas of the body are targeted. That means all other cells are not damaged and the surrounding skin tissue is not affected.

Another good thing about Coolsculpting and how it works is that it is non-invasive. Unlike invasive and risky traditional liposuction, there is no need for anesthesia. In fact, there is minimal to little downtime with Coolsculpting. Since it is FDA-cleared, the technology has been certified as being safe & effective.

Coolsculpting Cost

Today, there are many residents who live in Texas looking to get rid of stubborn fat. These individuals are interested in Coolsculpting Dallas-Forth Worth cost. Truth is that one of the most frequently asked questions about the procedure is what is the Coolsculpting cost in my area? Still, when looking for Coolsculpting specials near you though, there are several things to keep in mind. First of all, while pricing is crucial, it should not be the main reason for selecting a certain Spa or facility. It is more important to choose a reputable facility.

One of the best ways to determine if the Spa you select is worth visiting is through testimonials. Start by checking their Coolsculpting reviews. These will let you find out what others who have had the procedure already done think about the spa. Most importantly, you can get some ideas from these people about what to expect, the cost and other important information. It is also recommended that you check out the facility’s Coolsculpting before and after photos.

Coolsculpting in Dallas-Fort Worth

For those who live in the Dallas-Forth Worth area and want to find the best discounts and Coolsculpting Dallas specials, keep this in mind. Take advantage of promotions and sales presently going on. For instance, Calista Skin & Laser Center is currently running a 50% off Coolsculpting special. They are located in Colleyville, Texas and have years of experience. Their Coolsculpting specialists are certified. In addition, they have dozens of 5-star Coolsculpting reviews from satisfied customers. It’s important to note that results will vary per person. To find the best Coolsculpting Forth Worth specials available from Calista Laser, contact them today. You can call 817-488-3838 to schedule your consultation. Or you can visit or send a message on their site for the best Coolsculpting in Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas.

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CoolSculpting for Men | Reduce Fat without Surgery or Recovery

CoolSculpting for Men: Reduce Fat without Surgery or Recovery

CoolSculpting for men is the best non-invasive treatment for reducing fat and contouring lean, sexy male physiques. This treatment is the perfect alternative to surgical liposuction, making it preferred for many people, including men. With over 5 million CoolSculpting treatments done daily wound the world, the popularity continues to rise along with the number of male patients. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting and why more men are turning to it to sculpt sexy chests and washboard abs.

What is CoolSculpting for Men?

CoolSculpting for men is the ultimate fat reduction method capable of eliminating stubborn deposits of fat. A technician applies a CoolSculpting applicator to the treatment area during a cooling cycle. The applicator exposes the skin to a calibrated cooling responsible for “freezing” fat cells. This extreme cooling temperature causes the fat cell’s membrane to crystallize. Eventually, the membrane ruptures, and the cells die. After your treatment, the body naturally begins gathering the dead cells and expels them from the body as waste. Best of all, CoolSculpting for men results in long-lasting results. Once the dead cells leave the body, they never return or grow back.

Why Are More Men Using CoolSculpting?

While women tend to dominate the cosmetic industry, more men are starting to flood the market. The truth is that men also struggle with their self-esteem and body image the same as women. As a result, more men utilize treatments like Botox, laser hair removal, and now CoolSculpting, to improve their appearance and physiques. CoolSculpting for men is the best way to achieve strong, sexy muscles and reduce stubborn fat with ease.

Top 3 Treatment Areas for Men

CoolSculpting tackles common problem areas for patients. For women, popular treatment areas are the lower stomach, love handles, and inner thighs. For most men, this body contouring treatment is perfect for conquering fat in the stomach, chest, and love handles. The chest is by far the most popular CoolSculpting for men treatment area as moobs (or man boobs) are a problem for several men.

CoolSculpting for Men Eliminates Embarrassing Man Boobs

While most men desire a lean, sexy six-pack and muscle thighs, many tend to struggle with man boobs or moobs. The chest is a common problem zone for men because fat accumulates in this area the most. Moreover, the fat that gathers in the chest tends to significantly resist diet and exercise making it challenging to lose. CoolSculpting is an excellent way to eliminate this issue for men without painful surgery or a lengthy recovery period. Men can enjoy a CoolSculpting chest treatment and then return to their daily activities. CoolSculpting requires minimal to no downtime, and with treatments lasting as short as 30-minutes, most men can enjoy treatments on their lunch breaks.

CoolSculpting for Men in Dallas, Texas

If you want to learn more about how CoolSculpting for men contours lean, sexy physiques without surgery or recovery, contact Calista Laser. We are a leading CoolSculpting for men provider in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding areas. Call us at 817-488-3838 to discover how Coolsculpting can change your physique and increase your self-esteem.

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